This commit is contained in:
@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
( deck.tal )
|00 @System [ &vect $2 &expansion $2 &title $2 &metadata $2 &r $2 &g $2 &b $2 ]
|10 @Console [ &vect $2 &r $1 &exec $2 &mode $1 &dead $1 &exit $1 &w $1 ]
|20 @Screen [ &vect $2 &w $2 &h $2 &auto $1 &pad $1 &x $2 &y $2 &addr $2 &px $1 &sprite $1 ]
|80 @Controller [ &vect $2 &button $1 &key $1 &fn $1 ]
|90 @Mouse [ &vect $2 &x $2 &y $2 &state $1 &pad $3 &scrollx $2 &scrolly $2 ]
|a0 @File1 [ &vect $2 &ok $2 &stat $2 &del $1 &append $1 &name $2 &len $2 &r $2 &w $2 ]
|b0 @File2 [ &vect $2 &ok $2 &stat $2 &del $1 &append $1 &name $2 &len $2 &r $2 &w $2 ]
|c0 @DateTime [ &y $2 &m $1 &d $1 &hr $1 &min $1 &sec $1 &dow $1 &doy $2 &isdst $1 ]
( 1 byte per card )
( #01 ace ... #0d king )
( #00 club #10 diamond #20 spade #30 heart )
( #00 face up, #40 face down )
( #00 normal #80 held )
( examples: )
( - #00 no card )
( - #01 ace of clubs )
( - #1a ten of diamonds )
( - #24 four of hearts )
( - #3d king of spades )
( - #6c queen of hearts, face down )
( - #93 three of diamonds, held )
@stock $34 ( draw pile - 52 bytes )
@waste $18 ( face up pile - 24 bytes )
@foundation $4 ( one per suit - 4 bytes, 4x1 )
@tableau $85 ( the main board - 133 bytes, 7x19 )
@prev-button $1
@prev-mouse-state $1
@prev-mouse-x $2
@prev-mouse-y $2
@card-is-held $1
#2d8b .System/r DEO2
#2d18 .System/g DEO2
#2d14 .System/b DEO2
#0100 .Screen/w DEO2
#00c0 .Screen/h DEO2
init-stock init-waste init-foundation
shuffle-stock deal-tableau
draw-stock draw-waste draw-foundation draw-tableau
;on-mouse .Mouse/vect DEO2
( ;on-key .Controller/vect DEO2 )
@init-stock ( -> )
LITr -stock #8000 #4e41
&outer DUP2
&inner DUP STHkr STZ INC INCr GTHk ?&inner
POP2 #1010 ADD2 GTH2k ?&outer
@init-waste ( -> )
#00 LITr -waste LITr 18 OVRr ADDr SWPr
&loop DUP STHkr STZ INCr GTHkr STHr ?&loop
#01 .foundation #00 ADD STZ
#11 .foundation #01 ADD STZ
#21 .foundation #02 ADD STZ
#00 .foundation #03 ADD STZ
@shuffle-stock ( -> )
.stock #33 OVR ADD SWP ( last^ start^ )
&loop ( last^ pos^ )
SUBk INC #00 SWP ( last^ pos^ n=last-pos+1* )
random SWP2 ( last^ pos^ r* n* )
DIV2k MUL2 SUB2 NIP ( last^ pos^ i=r%n^ )
OVR ADD LDZk ,&c STR ( last^ pos^ alt=pos+i^ ; c<-alt )
STH LDZk STHr STZ STH ( last^ [pos^] ; alt<-pos )
LIT [ &c $1 ] STHkr STZ ( last^ [pos^] ; pos<-c )
STHr INC GTHk ?&loop ( last^ pos+1^ )
POP2 JMP2r ( )
@deal-tableau ( -> )
#33 LIT2r -tableau 00
&loop STH2kr deal-column
LIT2r 1301 ADD2r
STHkr #07 LTH ?&loop
@deal-column ( src^ dst^ count^ -> src2^ )
#00 SWP SUB STH SWP ( dst^ src^ [-count^] )
&loop STHkr ?&ok !&done ( d^ s^ [-c^] )
&ok DUP2 LDZ SWP STZ ( d^ s^ [-c^] ; d<-s|64 )
#01 SUB SWP INC SWP ( d+1^ s-1^ [-c^] )
INCr !&loop ( d+1^ s-1^ [-c+1^] )
&done POPr SWP ( s^ d^)
OVR LDZ #bf AND SWP STZ ( s^ ; d<-s )
#01 SUB JMP2r ( s-1^ )
@swap-c ( src^ dst^ -> )
LDZk STH ( src^ dst^ [d^] )
OVR LDZ ( src^ dst^ s^ [d^] )
SWP STZ ( src^ [d^] ; dst<-s )
STHr SWP ( d^ src^ )
STZ JMP2r ( ; src<-d )
@draw-stock ( -> )
#0008 ,&y STR2 ( ; y0<-8 )
.stock #34 OVR ADD SWP LITr 01 ( stock+52 stock^ [n^] )
&loop LDZk DUP ?&ok !&done ( lim^ zp^ c^ [n^] )
&ok ( lim^ zp^ c^ [n^] )
#0008 .Screen/x DEO2 ( lim^ zp^ c^ [n^] ; x<-8 )
LIT2 [ &y $2 ] .Screen/y DEO2 ( lim^ zp^ c^ [n^] ; y<- )
draw-c STHkr ?&skip ( lim^ zp^ [n^] ; draw c )
,&y LDR2 #0001 SUB2 ,&y STR2 ( lim^ zp^ [n^] ; y<-y-1 )
&skip INC INCr LITr 07 ANDr GTHk ?&loop ( lim^ zp+1^ [(n+1)%8] )
&done POP2 POPr JMP2r ( )
@draw-waste ( -> )
#001c ,&x STR2 ( ; x0<-28 )
.waste #18 OVR ADD SWP ( waste+24^ waste^ )
&loop LDZk DUP ?&ok !&done ( lim^ zp^ c^ )
&ok ( lim^ zp^ c^ )
#0008 .Screen/y DEO2 ( lim^ zp^ c^ ; y<-8 )
LIT2 [ &x $2 ] .Screen/x DEO2 ( lim^ zp^ c^ ; x<- )
draw-c ( lim^ zp^ ; draw c )
,&x LDR2 #0008 ADD2 ,&x STR2 ( lim^ zp^ ; x<-x+8 )
INC GTHk ?&loop ( lim^ zp+1^ )
&done POP2 JMP2r ( )
@draw-foundation ( -> )
#0030 ,&y STR2 ( ; y0<-48 )
.foundation #04 OVR ADD SWP ( lim^ zp^ )
&loop ( lim^ zp^ )
#0008 .Screen/x DEO2 ( lim^ zp^ ; x<-8 )
LIT2 [ &y $2 ] .Screen/y DEO2 ( lim^ zp^ ; y<- )
LDZk maybe-draw-c ( lim^ zp^ ; draw )
,&y LDR2 #0020 ADD2 ,&y STR2 ( lim^ zp^ ; y<-y+32 )
INC GTHk ?&loop ( lim^ zp+1^ )
&done POP2 JMP2r ( )
#0700 &loop DUP draw-column INC GTHk ?&loop JMP2r
@draw-column ( idx^ -> )
#00 OVR #0018 MUL2 #0030 ADD2 ,&x STR2 ( idx^ ; x<-32+24*idx )
#0024 ,&y STR2 ( idx^ ; y<-32 )
#13 MUL .tableau ADD ( pos=t+idx*19^ )
DUP #13 ADD SWP ( lim=pos+19^ pos^ )
&loop ( lim^ pos^ )
LDZk DUP ?&ok !&done ( lim^ pos^ c^ )
&ok LIT2 [ &x $2 ] .Screen/x DEO2 ( lim^ pos^ ; s/x<-x )
LIT2 [ &y $2 ] .Screen/y DEO2 ( lim^ pos^ ; s/y<-y )
draw-c INC ( lim^ pos+1^ )
,&y LDR2 #0008 ADD2 ,&y STR2 ( lim^ pos+1^ )
GTHk ?&loop ( lim^ pos+1^ )
&done POP POP2 JMP2r ( )
DUP ?{ POP !draw-mask-down } !draw-c
( assumes x/y already set )
@draw-c ( card^ -> )
DUP #40 LTH ?&norm
DUP #80 LTH ?&down
DUP #c0 LTH ?&held
POP !draw-mask-down
&norm adjust-c !draw-face-up
&down POP !draw-face-down
&held adjust-c !draw-mask-up
( we map from our sparse, logical card format )
( to the dense, tile position card location )
( clubs: #01 -> #27 ... #0d -> #33 )
( diamonds: #11 -> #1a ... #1d -> #26 )
( spades: #21 -> #00 ... #2d -> #0c )
( hearts: #31 -> #0d ... #3d -> #19 )
@adjust-c ( card^ -> idx* )
#00 SWP
DUP #21 LTH ?<
DUP #31 LTH #03 MUL ADD #24 SUB JMP2r
< DUP #11 LTH #1d MUL ADD #09 ADD JMP2r
@on-mouse ( -> brk )
( on-click-down )
( on-click-up )
.Mouse/state DEI .prev-mouse-state STZ
@mouse-dx ( -> dx* ) .Mouse/x DEI2 .prev-mouse-x LDZ2 SUB2 JMP2r
@mouse-dy ( -> dy* ) .Mouse/y DEI2 .prev-mouse-y LDZ2 SUB2 JMP2r
@mouse-dx8 ( -> dx^ ) .Mouse/x DEI2 .prev-mouse-x LDZ2 SUB2 NIP JMP2r
@mouse-dy8 ( -> dy^ ) .Mouse/y DEI2 .prev-mouse-y LDZ2 SUB2 NIP JMP2r
@on-move ( -> )
.Mouse/x DEI2 .prev-mouse-x LDZ2 NEQ2 ?&redraw
.Mouse/y DEI2 .prev-mouse-y LDZ2 NEQ2 ?&redraw
&redraw #00 .Screen/auto DEO
clear-prev-mouse draw-curr-mouse JMP2r
@clear-prev-mouse ( -> )
.prev-mouse-x LDZ2 .Screen/x DEO2
.prev-mouse-y LDZ2 .Screen/y DEO2
;blank .Screen/addr DEO2
#41 .Screen/sprite DEO JMP2r
@draw-curr-mouse ( -> )
.Mouse/x DEI2 DUP2 .prev-mouse-x STZ2 .Screen/x DEO2
.Mouse/y DEI2 DUP2 .prev-mouse-y STZ2 .Screen/y DEO2
;cursor .Screen/addr DEO2
#43 .Screen/sprite DEO JMP2r
@on-click-down ( -> )
.Mouse/state DEI ( state^ )
.prev-mouse-state LDZ #ff EOR AND ( down^ )
#01 AND ( TODO: support more than one button )
?&click JMP2r ( TODO: check particular button )
ORAk ?&found POP2 JMP2r
raise-cards .card-is-held STZ
@on-click-up ( -> )
.Mouse/state DEI #ff EOR ( not-state^ )
.prev-mouse-state LDZ AND ( up^ )
#01 AND ( TODO: support more than one button )
?&unclick JMP2r ( TODO: check particular button )
#00 .card-is-held STZ
draw-background draw-cards
@on-key ( -> brk )
on-press on-release
.Controller/button DEI .prev-button STZ
@on-release ( -> )
.Controller/button DEI #ff EOR ( not-button^ )
.prev-button LDZ AND ( release^ )
DUP #00 EQU ?&skip
DUP #08 AND ?&start
&skip POP JMP2r
&start POP !draw-cards
@on-press ( -> )
.Controller/button DEI ( button^ )
.prev-button LDZ #ff EOR AND ( press^ )
DUP #00 EQU ?&skip
DUP #01 AND ?&ctrl
DUP #02 AND ?&alt
DUP #04 AND ?&select
DUP #08 AND ?&start
&skip POP JMP2r
&ctrl POP !try-to-flip
&alt POP !flip-all-cards
&select POP !randomize
&start POP !reset
Reference in New Issue