( C0 control codes ) ( 00 nul ignored - null ) ( 01 soh ignored - start of heading) ( 02 stx ignored - start of text ) ( 03 etx ignored - end of text ) ( 04 eot ignored - end of transmission ) ( 05 enq ignored - enquiry ) ( 06 ack ignored - acknowledge ) ( 07 bel bell - flash visual bell ) ( 08 bs backspace - move cursor left if possible (see reverse wrap) ) ( 09 ht horizontal tab - move right to next tab stop ) ( 0a lf line feed - move cursor down if possible, else scroll ) ( 0b vt ignored - vertical tab - should treat as lf ) ( 0c ff ignored - form feed - should treat as lf ) ( 0d cr carriage return - move to left margin or row-0 ) ( 0e so ignored - shift out - should switch to G1 character set ) ( 0f si ignored - shift in - should switch to G0 character set ) ( 10 dle ignored - device link escape ) ( 11 dc1 ignored - device control 1 ) ( 12 dc2 ignored - device control 2 ) ( 13 dc3 ignored - device control 3 ) ( 14 dc4 ignored - device control 4 ) ( 15 nak ignored - negative ack ) ( 16 syn ignored - synchronous idle ) ( 17 etb ignored - end of transmission block ) ( 18 can ignored - cancel ) ( 19 em ignored - end of medium ) ( 1a sub ignored - substitute ) ( 1b esc escape - starts escape sequences ) ( 1c fs ignored - file separator ) ( 1d gs ignored - group separator ) ( 1e rs ignored - record separator ) ( 1f us ignored - unit separator ) ( 20 space literal - ' ' ) ( 21-7e ... literal - '!' to '~' ) ( 7f del delete ) ( ) ( C1 control codes, ESC is 1b ) ( ESC D 84 ind index - move cursor down one line, or scroll ) ( ESC E 85 nel next line - move to left margin and down, or scroll ) ( ESC H 88 hts horizontal tab set - set tab stop at cursor ) ( ESC M 8d ri reverse index - move cursor up one line, or scroll ) ( ESC P 90 dcs device control string ) ( ESC [ 9b csi control sequence introducer ) ( ESC \ 9c st string terminator ) ( --- ) ( ESC c ris reset to initial state - reset, erase, move to home ) ( ESC 7 decsc save cursor position ) ( ESC 8 decrc restore cursor position ) ( ESC = decpam enable application keypad ) ( ESC > decpnm enable normal keypad ) ( ESC '(' $c select G0 character set ) ( 0 - line drawing character set ) ( B - US ASCII character set ) ( ESC ')' $c select G1 character set ) ( ESC * $c select G2 character set ) ( ESC + $c select G3 character set ) ( ESC # 8 decaln screen alignment display - fill with Es ) ( ESC ' ' F s7c1t send C1 as 7-bit sequences ) ( ESC ' ' G s8c1t send C1 as 8-bit sequences ) ( ESC ' ' L set ANSI conformance level 1 ) ( ESC ' ' M set ANSI conformance level 2 ) ( ESC ' ' N set ANSI conformance level 3 ) ( CSI control codes, CSI is ESC [ ) ( CSI $x @ ich insert $x spaces ) ( CSI $x sp @ sl shift left $x cols ) ( CSI $x A cuu cursor up $x times ) ( CSI $x B cud cursor down $x times ) ( CSI $x C cuf cursor forward $x times ) ( CSI $x D cub cursor back $x times ) ( CSI $x E cnl cursor next line $x times ) ( CSI $x F cpl cursor previous line $x times ) ( CSI $x G cha move to col $x ) ( CSI $y ; $x H cup move to col $x, row $y ) ( CSI $x I cht cursor forward $x tab stops ) ( CSI $x J ed erase in display ) ( 0 J - erase below cursor ) ( 1 J - erase above cursor ) ( 2 J - erase all ) ( CSI $x K el erase in line ) ( 0 K - erase to right of cursor ) ( 1 K - erase to left of cursor ) ( 2 K - erase entire line ) ( CSI $x L il insert $x lines ) ( CSI $x M dl delete $x lines ) ( CSI $x P dch delete $x characters ) ( CSI $x S su scroll up $x lines ) ( CSI $x T sd scroll down $x lines ) ( CSI $x X ech erase $x characters ) ( CSI $x Z cbt move back $x tab stops ) ( CSI $x ` hpa character position absolute, col=$x ) ( CSI $x a hpr character position relative, col=col+$x ) ( CSI $x d vpa line position absolute, row=$x ) ( CSI $x e vpr line position relative row=row+$x ) ( CSI $x g tbc tab clear; 0=current-col, 3=all ) ( 0 g - clear current column ) ( 3 g - clear all tabs ) ( CSI $x h sm set mode ) ( 4 h - set insert ) ( CSI ? $x h decset dec private mode set ) ( 7 h - enable line wrap ) ( 25 h - show cursor ) ( 1000 h - enable xterm mouse protocol -> send x&y on press/release ) ( 1002 h - enable cell motion mouse tracking, xterm ) ( 1005 h - enable UTF-8 mouse mode, xterm ) ( 1006 h - enable SGR mouse mode, xterm ) ( 1015 h - enable urxvt Mouse mode ) ( 1051 h - set sun function key mode ) ( 1052 h - set hp function key mode ) ( 1060 h - set legacy keyboard emulation ) ( 1061 h - set VT220 keyboard emulation ) ( 2004 h - set bracketed paste mode ) ( CSI $x l rm reset mode ) ( 4 l - set replace ) ( CSI ? $x l decrst dec private mode reset ) ( 7 l - disable line wrap ) ( 25 l - hide cursor ) ( 1000 l - disable xterm mouse protocol ) ( 1002 l - disable cell motion mouse tracking, xterm ) ( 1005 l - disable UTF-8 mouse mode, xterm ) ( 1006 l - disable SGR mouse mode, xterm ) ( 1015 l - disable urxvt Mouse mode ) ( 1051 l - unset sun function key mode ) ( 1052 l - unset hp function key mode ) ( 1060 l - unset legacy keyboard emulation ) ( 1061 l - unset VT220 keyboard emulation ) ( 2004 l - unset bracketed paste mode ) ( CSI $x ; ... m sgr character attributes ) ( 0 m - reset all attributes ) ( 1 m - bright attribute ) ( 2 m - dim attribute ) ( 3 m - italicized (TODO?) ) ( 4 m - underlined (TODO?) ) ( 5 m - blink (TODO?) ) ( 7 m - inverse ) ( 8 m - invisible (TODO?) ) ( 9 m - crossed out (TODO?) ) ( 22 m - not bold or dim ) ( 23 m - not bold italicized ) ( 24 m - not bold underlined ) ( 25 m - not blinking ) ( 27 m - not inverse ) ( 28 m - not invisible ) ( 29 m - not crossed out ) ( CSI $x n dsr device status report (6 is cursor position) ) ( 6 n - report cursor position with ESC [ $row ; $col R ) ( CSI $x ; $y r set scrolling region [$top;$bot] ( CSI u scorc restore cursor )