#!/usr/bin/python from os import system from sys import stdin, stdout from tempfile import mkstemp template = ''' |0100 ( start ) %s ( end ) #05 DEI ,emit-wst/n STR ;wst print @dump-wst #04 DEI #01 GTH ?&next !emit-wst &next STH !dump-wst @emit-wst #05 DEI LIT [ &n $1 ] GTH ?&next #0a18 DEO !start-rst &next STHr emit #2018 DEO !emit-wst @start-rst ;rst print @dump-rst #05 DEI #00 GTH ?&next !emit-rst &next STHr !dump-rst @emit-rst #04 DEI #01 GTH ?&next #0a18 DEO #800f DEO BRK &next emit #2018 DEO !emit-rst @print ( addr* -> ) LDAk DUP ?{ POP POP2 JMP2r } #18 DEO INC2 !print @emit DUP #04 SFT ,&ch JSR &ch #0f AND DUP #09 GTH #27 MUL ADD #30 ADD #18 DEO JMP2r @rst "rst 20 00 @wst "wst 20 00 ''' _, tmp_tal = mkstemp(suffix='.tal', prefix='uxnrepl') _, tmp_rom = mkstemp(suffix='.rom', prefix='uxnrepl') def write_rom(s): f = open(tmp_tal, 'w') prog = template % s f.write(prog) f.close() def run(s): write_rom(s) res = system('uxnasm %s %s 2>/dev/null' % (tmp_tal, tmp_rom)) if res != 0: system('uxnasm %s %s' % (tmp_tal, tmp_rom)) return system('uxncli %s' % tmp_rom) def main(): print('uxnrepl (ctrl-d to exit)') while True: stdout.write('> ') stdout.flush() s = stdin.readline() if not s: print('bye!') break run(s) if __name__ == "__main__": main()