---- femto text editor ---- based on nano. draws graphics using ANSI control sequences. this means the terminal must be in raw mode with echo turned off. the `femto` wrapper script achieves this using `sttry raw -echo` (it also restores the previous terminal settings on exit). you must provide a path to a file when starting femto: ./femto femto.tal the femto launcher script makes many assumptions: - uxnasm and uxncli are both in the PATH - femto.tal is in the same directory as femto - femto.rom should be (re)assembled every time - femot.rom should be written in the same directory once femto is not in active development a more robust packaging process can be explored. ----- current status ----- - can't create new directories while saving - doesn't support horizontal scrolling for long lines - no search (or search&replace) - few help messages ----- status line ----- the femto status line contains a lot of information: 1. if the file has unsaved changes (**) or not (--) 2. the file name (e.g. "scratch.tal") 3. the number of bytes/lines (e.g. "[49 bytes, 8 lines]" 4. the x/y cursor position (e.g. "(1,8)" for col 1, row 8) ----- special key bindings ----- C-g cancel C-o save C-x quit C-a go to beginning of line C-e go to end of line C-b move back one character C-f move forward one character C-n move down one line C-p move up one line M-v page up C-v page down M-< go to start of file M-> go to end of file M-g go to line (TODO) C-l refresh screen C-d delete (C stands for Control) (M stands for Meta, often Alt or Option)