( test-math32.tal ) ( ) ( methods for testing math32 and emitting output ) %EMIT { #18 DEO } %SPACE { #20 EMIT } %NEWLINE { #0a EMIT } %RESET-POS { #0000 ;pos STA2 #00 ;buf STA } ( devices ) |10 @Console [ &vector $2 &read $1 &pad $5 &write $1 ] ( program ) |0100 ;test-interact .Console/vector DEO2 BRK ( include math32 library ) ~math32.tal ( testing ) ( parses hex representation e.g. #31 #33 -> #13 ) @parse-byte ( c0 c1 -> x^ ) ( lower char ) DUP #3a LTH ,&lo-digit JCN #57 ,&lo JMP &lo-digit #30 &lo SUB SWP ( higher char ) DUP #3a LTH ,&hi-digit JCN #57 ,&hi JMP &hi-digit #30 &hi SUB #40 SFT ORA JMP2r @buf $24 ( buffer used by test-interact ) @pos $2 ( position in buffer used by test-interact ) ( save character input and execute tests on \n ) ( tests always start with a single character and a space ) ( then additional arguments are passed. ) @test-interact .Console/read DEI ( char^ ) DUP #0a EQU ( char^ char=\n? ) ,&exec JCN ( char^ ) ;pos LDA2 ;buf ADD2 STA ;pos LDA2k INC2 SWP2 STA2 BRK &exec POP ( ) ;buf LDA LIT "+ EQU ;test-add32 JCN2 ;buf LDA LIT "* EQU ;test-mul32 JCN2 ;buf LDA LIT "- EQU ;test-sub32 JCN2 ;buf LDA LIT "/ EQU ;test-div32 JCN2 ;buf LDA LIT "% EQU ;test-mod32 JCN2 ;buf LDA LIT "G EQU ;test-gcd32 JCN2 ;buf LDA LIT "L EQU ;test-lshift32 JCN2 ;buf LDA LIT "R EQU ;test-rshift32 JCN2 ;buf LDA LIT "B EQU ;test-bitcount32 JCN2 ;buf LDA LIT "& EQU ;test-and32 JCN2 ;buf LDA LIT "| EQU ;test-or32 JCN2 ;buf LDA LIT "^ EQU ;test-xor32 JCN2 ;buf LDA LIT "~ EQU ;test-complement32 JCN2 ;buf LDA LIT "N EQU ;test-negate32 JCN2 ;buf LDA LIT "= EQU ;test-eq32 JCN2 ;buf LDA LIT "! EQU ;test-ne32 JCN2 ;buf LDA LIT "0 EQU ;test-is-zero32 JCN2 ;buf LDA LIT "Z EQU ;test-non-zero32 JCN2 ;buf LDA LIT "< EQU ;test-lt32 JCN2 ;buf LDA LIT "> EQU ;test-gt32 JCN2 ;buf LDA LIT "{ EQU ;test-lteq32 JCN2 ;buf LDA LIT "} EQU ;test-gteq32 JCN2 LIT "? EMIT NEWLINE RESET-POS BRK @read-byte ( addr* -> x^ ) LDA2 ;parse-byte JSR2 JMP2r @read-long ( addr* -> x** ) DUP2 ,&loc STR2 LDA2 ;parse-byte JSR2 ,&loc LDR2 #0002 ADD2 LDA2 ;parse-byte JSR2 ,&loc LDR2 #0004 ADD2 LDA2 ;parse-byte JSR2 ,&loc LDR2 #0006 ADD2 LDA2 ;parse-byte JSR2 JMP2r [ &loc $2 ] ( format: ". xxxxxxxx" -> "zzzzzzzz" ) @unary-32-test ;buf #0002 ADD2 ;read-long JSR2 ROT2 JSR2 ;emit/long JSR2 NEWLINE RESET-POS BRK ( format: ". xxxxxxxx" -> "zz" ) @unary-32-8-test ;buf #0002 ADD2 ;read-long JSR2 ROT2 JSR2 ;emit/byte JSR2 NEWLINE RESET-POS BRK ( format: ". xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy" -> "zzzzzzzz" ) @binary-32-test ;buf #0002 ADD2 ;read-long JSR2 ROT2 ;buf #000b ADD2 ;read-long JSR2 ROT2 JSR2 ;emit/long JSR2 NEWLINE RESET-POS BRK ( format: ". xxxxxxxx yy" -> "zzzzzzzz" ) @binary-32-8-32-test ;buf #0002 ADD2 ;read-long JSR2 ROT2 ;buf #000b ADD2 ;read-byte JSR2 ROT ROT JSR2 ;emit/long JSR2 NEWLINE RESET-POS BRK ( format: ". xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy" -> "zz" ) @binary-32-32-8-test ;buf #0002 ADD2 ;read-long JSR2 ROT2 ;buf #000b ADD2 ;read-long JSR2 ROT2 JSR2 ;emit/byte JSR2 NEWLINE RESET-POS BRK ( different test executors ) @test-add32 ;add32 ;binary-32-test JMP2 @test-mul32 ;mul32 ;binary-32-test JMP2 @test-sub32 ;sub32 ;binary-32-test JMP2 @test-div32 ;div32 ;binary-32-test JMP2 @test-mod32 ;mod32 ;binary-32-test JMP2 @test-gcd32 ;gcd32 ;binary-32-test JMP2 @test-lshift32 ;lshift32 ;binary-32-8-32-test JMP2 @test-rshift32 ;rshift32 ;binary-32-8-32-test JMP2 @test-bitcount32 ;bitcount32 ;unary-32-8-test JMP2 @test-and32 ;and32 ;binary-32-test JMP2 @test-or32 ;or32 ;binary-32-test JMP2 @test-xor32 ;xor32 ;binary-32-test JMP2 @test-complement32 ;complement32 ;unary-32-test JMP2 @test-negate32 ;negate32 ;unary-32-test JMP2 @test-eq32 ;eq32 ;binary-32-32-8-test JMP2 @test-ne32 ;ne32 ;binary-32-32-8-test JMP2 @test-is-zero32 ;is-zero32 ;unary-32-8-test JMP2 @test-non-zero32 ;non-zero32 ;unary-32-8-test JMP2 @test-lt32 ;lt32 ;binary-32-32-8-test JMP2 @test-lteq32 ;lteq32 ;binary-32-32-8-test JMP2 @test-gt32 ;gt32 ;binary-32-32-8-test JMP2 @test-gteq32 ;gteq32 ;binary-32-32-8-test JMP2 @emit &long SWP2 ,&short JSR &short SWP ,&byte JSR &byte DUP #04 SFT ,&char JSR &char #0f AND DUP #09 GTH #27 MUL ADD #30 ADD #18 DEO JMP2r