( maze.tal ) ( ) ( mazes generated by randomized depth-first search ) ( press any key to generate a new maze ) ( ) ( generator uses a simple 16-bit xorshift RNG ) ( based on http://b2d-f9r.blogspot.com/2010/08/16-bit-xorshift-rng-now-with-more.html ) %DEBUG { #ff #0e DEO } %<<5 { #50 SFT2 } %>>1 { #01 SFT2 } %>>3 { #03 SFT2 } %RTN { JMP2r } %EMIT { #18 DEO } %SPACE { #20 EMIT } %NEWLINE { #0a EMIT } %ITERATIONS { #0100 } %MOD { DIVk MUL SUB } %MOD2 { DIV2k MUL2 SUB2 } %DEC { #01 SUB } %DEC2 { #0001 SUB2 } %NEGATE2 { #ffff MUL2 } ( todo: use variables? ) ( %ROWS { #0023 } ( rows of cells ) ( %COLS { #0033 } ( columns of cells ) %ROWS { #0027 } ( rows of cells ) %COLS { #003f } ( columns of cells ) %MAZEROWS { ROWS #0003 SUB2 #0002 DIV2 } %MAZECOLS { COLS #0003 SUB2 #0002 DIV2 } %NORTH { COLS NEGATE2 } %EAST { #0001 } %SOUTH { COLS } %WEST { #ffff } %CELL { SWP2 COLS MUL2 ADD2 } ( col* row* -> row*cols+col ) %LOAD { ;maze ADD2 LDA } ( cell* -> val^ ) %STORE { ;maze ADD2 STA } ( val cell* -> ) %XSTORE { ROT ROT STORE } ( cell* val -> ) %IS-START { LOAD #04 AND #02 SFT } ( cell* -> bool^ ) %UNSEEN { LOAD #02 AND #00 EQU } ( cell* -> bool^ ) %PATH { ADD2 #0002 DIV2 } ( cell1* cell2* -> cell3* ) ( devices ) |00 @System [ &vector $2 &pad $6 &r $2 &g $2 &b $2 ] |10 @Console [ &vector $2 &read $1 &pad $5 &write $1 ] |20 @Screen [ &vector $2 &width $2 &height $2 &pad $2 &x $2 &y $2 &addr $2 &pixel $1 &sprite $1 ] |30 @Audio0 [ &vector $2 &position $2 &output $1 &pad $3 &adsr $2 &length $2 &addr $2 &volume $1 &pitch $1 ] |70 @Midi [ &vector $2 &channel $1 ¬e $1 &velocity $1 ] |80 @Controller [ &vector $2 &button $1 &key $1 ] |90 @Mouse [ &vector $2 &x $2 &y $2 &state $1 &wheel $1 ] |a0 @File [ &vector $2 &success $2 &stat $2 &delete $1 &append $1 &name $2 &length $2 &read $2 &write $2 ] |b0 @DateTime [ &year $2 &month $1 &day $1 &hour $1 &minute $1 &second $1 &dotw $1 &doty $2 &isdst $1 ] ( variables ) |0000 ( TODO ) ( i feel like i should be able to intialize constant values here ) ( instead of initializing them in the program. ) ( but it doesnt seem to work. ) ( not sure why. ) ( pseudo-random number generator ) @rng [ &x $2 &y $2 ] ( timer to use for flashing effect ) @timer $1 ( color to draw walls ) @tint $1 ( cell to focus on during maze generatio ) @focus $2 ( directions: n e s w ) @directions $4 ( 00 01 02 03 ) ( step one cell over in respective direction ) @cell-offsets $8 ( boolean used to generate a new maze ) @regenerate $1 |0100 ( intialize rng ) ;init-rng JSR2 ( #03 .tint STZ ) #03 .tint STZ #00 .regenerate STZ ( initialize dierctions ) #00 .directions #00 ADD STZ #01 .directions #01 ADD STZ #02 .directions #02 ADD STZ #03 .directions #03 ADD STZ ( initialize cell offsets - calculated based on #columns ) NORTH .cell-offsets #00 ADD STZ2 EAST .cell-offsets #02 ADD STZ2 SOUTH .cell-offsets #04 ADD STZ2 WEST .cell-offsets #06 ADD STZ2 ( theme: #102 #def #ec2 #775 ) #1de7 .System/r DEO2 #0ec7 .System/g DEO2 #2f25 .System/b DEO2 ( testing ) ;clear-maze JSR2 ( we mark the border as having been seen to simplify bounds checking ) ;mark-border JSR2 ( generate the maze ) ;create-maze JSR2 ( cut exits ) ;create-exits JSR2 ( first draw of the maze ) ;draw-maze JSR2 ( set up redraw hook ) ;draw .Screen/vector DEO2 ;on-key .Controller/vector DEO2 BRK @draw ( -> ) .timer LDZ INC #06 MOD DUP .timer STZ #00 NEQ ,&done JCN ( .tint LDZ #09 EOR .tint STZ ( enables flashing ) .regenerate LDZ #00 EQU ,&paint JCN ( if regenerate was true, then create a new maze ) #00 .regenerate STZ ;clear-maze JSR2 ;mark-border JSR2 ;create-maze JSR2 ;create-exits JSR2 ;draw-maze JSR2 ( draw the maze ) &paint ;draw-maze JSR2 &done BRK @on-key ( -> ) #01 .regenerate STZ BRK @wall-sprite ffff ffff ffff ffff @open-sprite 0000 0000 0000 0000 @draw-maze ( -> ) #0000 ( row ) &loop DUP2 ( row row ) ;draw-row JSR2 ( row ) INC2 ( row+1 ) DUP2 ROWS LTH2 ,&loop JCN POP2 RTN @draw-row ( row* -> ) #0000 ( row col ) &loop OVR2 OVR2 ( row col row col ) ;draw-cell JSR2 ( row col ) INC2 ( row col+1 ) DUP2 COLS LTH2 ,&loop JCN POP2 POP2 RTN @draw-cell ( row* col* -> ) SWP2 DUP2 #0008 MUL2 .Screen/y DEO2 ( draw at y=row*8 ) SWP2 DUP2 #0008 MUL2 .Screen/x DEO2 ( draw at x=col*8 ) CELL LOAD ( load cell byte at maze+index ) #01 AND ( get bit 1, wall bit ) ;open-sprite .Screen/addr DEO2 ( set to wall sprite initially ) ,&end JCN ( if cell byte is non-zero, space is open ) ;wall-sprite .Screen/addr DEO2 ( if we got here not a wall ) &end .tint LDZ .Screen/sprite DEO ( draw the cell ) RTN @init-rng ( -> ) ( seed .rng/x in seconds ) #00 .DateTime/minute DEI #003c MUL2 #00 .DateTime/second DEI ADD2 #0001 ORA2 .rng/x STZ2 ( x <- min*60+sec|1 ) ( seed .rng/y in hours ) #00 .DateTime/day DEI #0018 MUL2 #00 .DateTime/hour DEI ADD2 #0001 ORA2 .rng/y STZ2 ( y <- day*24+hour|1 ) RTN @mark-border ( -> ) #0000 &yloop DUP2 #0000 CELL #02 XSTORE ( set row 0 ) DUP2 COLS DEC2 CELL #02 XSTORE ( set row cols-1 ) INC2 DUP2 ROWS LTH2 ,&yloop JCN ) POP2 #0000 &xloop #0000 OVR2 CELL #02 XSTORE ( set 0 col ) ROWS DEC2 OVR2 CELL #02 XSTORE ( set rows-1 col ) INC2 DUP2 COLS LTH2 ,&xloop JCN POP2 RTN @create-exits ( -> ) #0000 #0002 CELL DUP2 #01 XSTORE SOUTH ADD2 #01 XSTORE ROWS #0002 SUB2 COLS #0003 SUB2 CELL DUP2 #01 XSTORE SOUTH ADD2 #01 XSTORE RTN @clear-maze ( -> ) ROWS COLS MUL2 ( limit* ) #0000 #0000 CELL ( limit* cell* ) &loop DUP2 #00 XSTORE INC2 GTH2k ,&loop JCN POP2 POP2 RTN @create-maze ( -> ) ( create starting pt, must have even coords ) ;random-short JSR2 MAZEROWS MOD2 INC2 #0002 MUL2 ( row* ) ;random-short JSR2 MAZECOLS MOD2 INC2 #0002 MUL2 ( row* col* ) CELL DUP2 ;focus STA2 ( cell* ) #07 XSTORE ( ) &queue ( ) ;shuffle-directions JSR2 ( ) #00 ( i^ ) &search ( i^ ) DUP .directions ADD LDZ ( i^ d^ ) DUP #02 MUL .cell-offsets ADD LDZ2 ( i^ d^ off* ) DUP2 ;focus LDA2 ADD2 ADD2 ( i^ d^ cell2* ) DUP2 UNSEEN ( i^ d^ cell2* unseen^ ) ,&found JCN ( i^ d^ cell2* ) POP2 POP INC ( j=i+1 ) DUP #04 LTH ( j^ j<4 ) ,&search JCN ( j^ ) POP ( ) ,&backtrack JMP ( ) ,&done JMP ( ) &found ( addr^ d^ cell2* ) DUP2 #01 XSTORE DUP2 ;focus LDA2 PATH ( addr^ d^ cell2* wall* ) #01 XSTORE ( addr^ d^ cell2* ) ;focus STA2 ( addr^ d^ ) #02 EOR #08 MUL ( addr^ link^ ) #03 ORA ;focus LDA2 ( addr^ data^ cell* ) STORE ( addr^ ) POP ,&queue JMP ( ) &backtrack ( ) ;focus LDA2 LOAD #08 DIV ( link^ ) #02 MUL .cell-offsets ADD LDZ2 ( offset* ) ;focus LDA2 OVR2 ( offset* cell* offset* ) ADD2 ADD2 ( old-cell* ) DUP2 ;focus STA2 ( old-cell* ) LOAD #04 AND #00 NEQ ( is-start^ ) ,&done JCN ;&queue JMP2 &done ( ) RTN @random-byte ( -> val^ ) ;random-short JSR2 POP RTN @random-short ( -> val* ) .rng/x LDZ2 DUP2 <<5 EOR2 ( tmp: x^[x<<5] ) .rng/y LDZ2 DUP2 .rng/x STZ2 ( tmp y ) DUP2 >>1 EOR2 ( tmp y^[y>>1] ) SWP2 DUP2 >>3 EOR2 ( y^[y>>1] tmp^[tmp>>3] ) EOR2 DUP2 .rng/y STZ2 ( y^[y>>1] ^ tmp^[tmp>>3] ) RTN @swap-directions ( d1^ d2^ -> ) EQUk ( d1 d2 d1=d2 ) ,&skip JCN .directions ADD SWP ( a2=d2+directions d1 ) .directions ADD SWP ( a1=d1+directions a2 ) LDZk ( a1 a2 x2 ) ROT LDZk ( a2 x2 a1 x1 ) SWP ( a2 x2 x1 a1 ) ROT ( a2 x1 a1 x2 ) SWP STZ ( a2 x1 ) SWP STZ ( ) RTN &skip POP2 RTN @shuffle-directions #04 ( n=4 ) &loop DUP ( n n ) DEC ( n k=n-1 ) ;random-byte JSR2 ( n k x ) ROT ( k x n ) MOD ( k r=x-mod-n ) OVR ( k r k ) ;swap-directions JSR2 ( k ) DUP #00 ( k k 0 ) GTH ( k k>0 ) ,&loop JCN POP RTN |8000 ( 64x40 cells = 2560 bytes cell byte layout: * bit 1 -> 1=open, 0=wall * bit 2 -> 1=seen, 0=unseen * bit 3 -> 1=start, 0=not-start * bits 4-5 -> direction to previous link, 0=n 1=e 2=s 3=w we use the link to support backtracking without needing a separate stack. ) @maze $2560