( regex.tal ) ( ) ( compiles regex expression strings into regex nodes, then uses ) ( regex ndoes to match input strings. ) ( ) ( this currently only supports matching an entire string, as ) ( opposed to searching for a matching substring, or extracting ) ( matching subgroups. ) ( ) ( regex node types: ) ( ) ( NAME DESCRIPTION STRUCT ) ( empty matches empty string [ #01 next* ] ) ( dot matches any one char [ #02 next* ] ) ( lit matches one specific char (c) [ #03 c^ next* ] ) ( or matches either left or right [ #04 left* right* ] ) ( star matches expr zero-or-more times [ #05 r* next* ] ) ( (NOTE: r.expr.next must be r) ) ( ) ( `or` and `star` have the same structure and are handled by the ) ( same code (;do-or). however, the node types are kept different ) ( to make it clearer how to parse and assemble the nodes. ) ( ) ( concatenation isn't a node, it is implied by the *next addr. ) ( a next value of #0000 signals the end of the regex. ) ( ) ( in these docs str* is an address to a null-terminated string. ) ( regexes should not include nulls and cannot match them (other ) ( than the null which signals the end of a string). ) %null? { #00 EQU } %debug { #ff #0e DEO } %emit { #18 DEO } %space { #20 emit } %newline { #0a emit } %print { debug newline } %quit! { #01 #0f DEO BRK } ( TESTING ) ( |0100 ;expr1 ;compile JSR2 print ;emit-stack JSR2 newline ;emit-arena JSR2 newline ;test1 OVR2k ;match JSR2 ;emit-byte JSR2 space ;test2 OVR2k ;match JSR2 ;emit-byte JSR2 space ;test3 OVR2k ;match JSR2 ;emit-byte JSR2 space ;test4 OVR2k ;match JSR2 ;emit-byte JSR2 space ;test5 OVR2k ;match JSR2 ;emit-byte JSR2 space ;test6 OVR2k ;match JSR2 ;emit-byte JSR2 space ;test7 OVR2k ;match JSR2 ;emit-byte JSR2 space ;test8 OVR2k ;match JSR2 ;emit-byte JSR2 newline ;test1 ;graph1 ;match JSR2 ;emit-byte JSR2 space ;test2 ;graph1 ;match JSR2 ;emit-byte JSR2 space ;test3 ;graph1 ;match JSR2 ;emit-byte JSR2 space ;test4 ;graph1 ;match JSR2 ;emit-byte JSR2 space ;test5 ;graph1 ;match JSR2 ;emit-byte JSR2 space ;test6 ;graph1 ;match JSR2 ;emit-byte JSR2 space ;test7 ;graph1 ;match JSR2 ;emit-byte JSR2 space ;test8 ;graph1 ;match JSR2 ;emit-byte JSR2 newline quit! ) ( TEST DATA ) ( ( corresponds to regex: a(b|c)d* ) @expr1 "a(b|c)d* 00 ( corresponds to regex: a(b|c)d* ) ( accepts "ab" or "ac" followd by any number of d's ) @graph1 03 'a :x1 @x1 04 :x2 :x3 @x2 03 'b :x4 @x3 03 'c :x4 @x4 05 :x5 0000 @x5 03 'd :x4 ( test case strings to try matching ) @test1 "ab 00 ( yes ) @test2 "acdd 00 ( yes ) @test3 "add 00 ( no ) @test4 "abd 00 ( yes ) @test5 "acddddddddddd 00 ( yes ) @test6 "bd 00 ( no ) @test7 "z 00 ( no ) @test8 00 ( no ) ) ( PRINTING DATA ) @emit-short ( byte -- ) SWP ;emit-byte JSR2 ;emit-byte JSR2 JMP2r @emit-byte ( byte -- ) DUP #04 SFT ,&hex JSR #0f AND ,&hex JMP &hex #30 ADD DUP #39 GTH #27 MUL ADD emit JMP2r ( ERROR HANDLING ) ( using error! will print the given message before causing ) ( the interpreter to halt. ) @error! ( msg* -> ) LIT '! emit space &loop LDAk ,&continue JCN ,&done JMP &continue LDAk emit INC2 ,&loop JMP &done POP2 newline quit! ( error messages ) @unknown-node-type "unknown 20 "node 20 "type 00 @mismatched-parens "mismatched 20 "parenthesis 00 @stack-is-full "stack 20 "is 20 "full 00 @stack-is-empty "stack 20 "is 20 "empty 00 @arena-is-full "arena 20 "is 20 "full 00 @star-invariant "star 20 "invariant 20 "failed 00 ( REGEX MATCHING ) ( use stored regex to match against a stored string. ) ( ) ( regex* should be the address of a compiled regex ) ( such as that returned from ;compile. ) ( ) ( str* should be a null-terminated string. ) ( ) ( returns true if the string, and false otherwise. ) @match ( str* regex* -> bool^ ) ;reset-stack JSR2 ;loop JMP2 ( loop used during matching ) ( ) ( we don't use the return stack here since that ) ( complicates the back-tracking we need to do. ) ( ultimately this code will issue a JMP2r to ) ( return a boolean, which is where the stack ) ( effects signature comes from. ) @loop ( s* r* -> bool^ ) LDAk #01 EQU ;do-empty JCN2 LDAk #02 EQU ;do-dot JCN2 LDAk #03 EQU ;do-literal JCN2 LDAk #04 EQU ;do-or JCN2 LDAk #05 EQU ;do-or JCN2 ( same code as the or case ) ;unknown-node-type ;error! JSR2 ( used when we hit a dead-end during matching. ) ( ) ( if stack is non-empty we have a point we can resume from. ) @goto-backtrack ( -> bool^ ) ;stack-exist JSR2 ,&has-stack JCN ( do we have stack? ) #00 JMP2r ( no, return false ) &has-stack ;pop4 JSR2 ;goto-next JMP2 ( yes, resume from the top ) ( follow the given address (next*) to continue matching ) @goto-next ( str* next* -> bool^ ) DUP2 #0000 GTH2 ,&has-next JCN POP2 LDA null? ,&end-of-string JCN ;goto-backtrack JMP2 &end-of-string #01 JMP2r &has-next ;loop JMP2 ( handle the empty node -- just follow the next pointer ) @do-empty ( str* regex* -> bool^ ) INC2 LDA2 ( load next ) ;goto-next JMP2 ( jump to next ) ( handle dot -- match any one character ) @do-dot ( str* regex* -> bool^ ) INC2 LDA2 STH2 ( load and stash next ) LDAk #00 NEQ ,&non-empty JCN ( is there a char? ) POP2r POP2 ;goto-backtrack JMP2 ( no, clear stacks and backtrack ) &non-empty INC2 STH2r ;goto-next JMP2 ( yes, inc s, restore and jump ) ( handle literal -- match one specific character ) @do-literal ( str* regex* -> bool^ ) INC2 LDAk STH ( store c ) INC2 LDA2 STH2 ROTr ( store next, move c to top ) LDAk STHr EQU ,&matches JCN ( do we match this char? ) POP2r POP2 ;goto-backtrack JMP2 ( no, clear stacks and backtrack ) &matches INC2 STH2r ;goto-next JMP2 ( yes, inc s, restore and jump ) ( handle or -- try the left branch but backtrack to the right if needed ) ( ) ( this also handles asteration, since it ends up having the same structure ) @do-or ( str* regex* -> bool^ ) INC2 OVR2 OVR2 #0002 ADD2 ( s r+1 s r+3 ) LDA2 ;push4 JSR2 ( save (s, right) in the stack for possible backtracking ) LDA2 ;loop JMP2 ( continue on left branch ) ( REGEX PARSING ) ( track the position in the input string ) @pos $2 ( track how many levels deep we are in parenthesis ) @parens $2 ( read and increment pos ) @read ( -> c^ ) ;pos LDA2k ( pos s ) LDAk STHk #00 EQU ( pos s c=0 [c] ) ,&is-eof JCN ( pos s [c] ) INC2 ( pos s+1 [c] ) SWP2 STA2 ,&return JMP ( [c] ) &is-eof POP2 POP2 &return STHr ( c ) JMP2r ( is pos currently pointing to a star? ) @peek-to-star ( -> is-star^ ) ;pos LDA2 LDA LIT '* EQU JMP2r ( just increment pos ) @skip ;pos LDA2 INC2 ;pos STA2 JMP2r ( TODO: [] + ? ) ( compile an expression string into a regex graph ) ( ) ( the regex will be allocated in the arena; if there is not ) ( sufficient space an error will be thrown. ) ( ) ( the stack will also be used during parsing although unlike ) ( the arena it will be released once compilation ends. ) @compile ( expr* -> regex* ) ;pos STA2 #0000 ;parens STA2 ;reset-stack JSR2 ;compile-region JMP2 ( the basic strategy here is to build a stack of non-or ) ( expressions to be joined together at the end of the ) ( region. each stack entry has two regex addresses: ) ( - the start of the regex ) ( - the current tail of the regex ) ( when we concatenate a new node to a regex we update ) ( the second of these but not the first. ) ( ) ( the bottom of the stack for a given region is denoted ) ( by #ffff #ffff. above that we start with #0000 #0000 ) ( to signal an empty node. ) @compile-region ( -> r2* ) #ffff #ffff ;push4 JSR2 ( stack delimiter ) #0000 #0000 ;push4 JSR2 ( stack frame start ) @compile-region-loop ;read JSR2 DUP #00 EQU ;c-done JCN2 DUP LIT '| EQU ;c-or JCN2 DUP LIT '. EQU ;c-dot JCN2 DUP LIT '( EQU ;c-lpar JCN2 DUP LIT ') EQU ;c-rpar JCN2 DUP LIT '\ EQU ;c-esc JCN2 DUP LIT '* EQU ;c-star JCN2 ;c-char JMP2 ( either finalize the given r0/r1 or else wrap it in ) ( a star node if a star is coming up next. ) ( ) ( we use this look-ahead approach rather than compiling ) ( star nodes directly since the implementation is simpler. ) @c-peek-and-finalize ( r0* r1* -> r2* ) ;peek-to-star JSR2 ( r0 r1 next-is-star? ) ,&next-is-star JCN ,&finally JMP ( r0 r1 ) &next-is-star ;skip JSR2 POP2 ;alloc-star JSR2 DUP2 ( star ) &finally ;push-next JSR2 ;compile-region-loop JMP2 ( called when we reach EOF of the input string ) ( ) ( as with c-rpar we have to unroll the current level ) ( of the stack, building any or-nodes that are needed. ) ( ) ( this is where we detect unclosed parenthesis. ) @c-done ( c^ -> r2* ) POP ;parens LDA2 #0000 GTH2 ,&mismatched-parens JCN ;unroll-stack JSR2 POP2 JMP2r &mismatched-parens ;mismatched-parens ;error! JSR2 ( called when we read "|" ) ( ) ( since we defer building or-nodes until the end of the region ) ( we just start a new stack frame and continue. ) @c-or ( c^ -> r2* ) POP #0000 #0000 ;push4 JSR2 ;compile-region-loop JMP2 ( called when we read "(" ) ( ) ( this causes us to: ) ( ) ( 1. increment parens ) ( 2. start a new region on the stack ) ( 3. jump to compile-region to start parsing the new region ) @c-lpar ( c^ -> r2* ) POP ;parens LDA2 INC2 ;parens STA2 ( parens++ ) ;compile-region JMP2 ( called when we read ")" ) ( ) ( this causes us to: ) ( ) ( 1. check for mismatched parens ) ( 2. decrement parens ) ( 3. unroll the current region on the stack into one regex node ) ( 4. finalize that node and append it to the previous region ) ( 5. continue parsing ) @c-rpar ( c^ -> r2* ) POP ;parens LDA2 #0000 EQU2 ,&mismatched-parens JCN ;parens LDA2 #0001 SUB2 ;parens STA2 ( parens-- ) ;unroll-stack JSR2 ;c-peek-and-finalize JMP2 &mismatched-parens ;mismatched-parens ;error! JSR2 ( called when we read "." ) ( ) ( allocates a dot-node and continues. ) @c-dot ( c^ -> r2* ) POP ;alloc-dot JSR2 ( dot ) DUP2 ;c-peek-and-finalize JMP2 ( TODO: escaping rules not quite right ) ( called when we read "\" ) ( ) ( allocates a literal of the next character. ) ( ) ( this doesn't currently handle any special escape sequences. ) @c-esc ( c^ -> r2* ) POP ;read JSR2 ;c-char JMP2 ( called when we read any other character ) ( ) ( allocates a literal-node and continues. ) @c-char ( c^ -> r2* ) ;alloc-lit JSR2 ( lit ) DUP2 ;c-peek-and-finalize JMP2 ( called if we parse a "*" ) ( ) ( actually calling this means the code broke an invariant somewhere. ) @c-star ( c^ -> regex* ) POP ;star-invariant ;error! JSR2 ( ALLOCATING REGEX NDOES ) @alloc3 ( mode^ -> r* ) #0000 ROT ( 00 00 mode^ ) #03 ;alloc JSR2 ( 00 00 mode^ addr* ) STH2k STA ( addr <- mode ) STH2kr INC2 STA2 ( addr+1 <- 0000 ) STH2r JMP2r ( return addr ) @alloc-empty ( -> r* ) #01 ;alloc3 JMP2 @alloc-dot ( -> r* ) #02 ;alloc3 JMP2 @alloc-lit ( c^ -> r* ) #03 #0000 SWP2 ( 0000 c^ 03 ) #04 ;alloc JSR2 ( 0000 c^ 03 addr* ) STH2k STA ( addr <- 03 ) STH2kr INC2 STA ( addr+1 <- c ) STH2kr #0002 ADD2 STA2 ( addr+2 <- 0000 ) STH2r JMP2r ( return addr ) @alloc-or ( right* left* -> r* ) #05 ;alloc JSR2 STH2 ( r l [x] ) #04 STH2kr STA ( r l [x] ) STH2kr INC2 STA2 ( r [x] ) STH2kr #0003 ADD2 STA2 ( [x] ) STH2r JMP2r @alloc-star ( expr* -> r* ) #05 ;alloc JSR2 STH2 ( expr [r] ) #05 STH2kr STA ( expr [r] ) DUP2 STH2kr INC2 STA2 ( expr [r] ) #0000 STH2kr #0003 ADD2 STA2 ( expr [r] ) STH2kr SWP2 ( r expr [r] ) ;set-next JSR2 ( [r] ) STH2r JMP2r ( unroll one region of the parsing stack, returning ) ( a single node consisting of an alternation of ) ( all elements on the stack. ) ( ) ( this unrolls until it hits #ffff #ffff, which it ) ( also removes from the stack. ) @unroll-stack ( -> start* end* ) ;pop4 JSR2 STH2 ( r ) #00 STH ( count items in stack frame ) DUP2 #0000 NEQ2 ,&loop JCN ;alloc-empty JSR2 &loop ( r* ) ;pop4 JSR2 POP2 ( r x ) DUP2 #ffff EQU2 ( r x x-is-end? ) ,&done JCN INCr ( items++ ) ;alloc-or JSR2 ( r|x ) ,&loop JMP &done ( r ffff ) POP2 STHr ,&is-or JCN STH2r JMP2r &is-or POP2r ;alloc-empty JSR2 OVR2 OVR2 SWP2 ( r empty empty r ) ;set-next JSR2 JMP2r ( add r to the top of the stock. ) ( ) ( in particular, this will write r into tail.next ) ( before replacing tail with r. ) @push-next ( r0 r1 -> ) ;pop4 JSR2 ( r0 r1 x0 x1 ) DUP2 #0000 EQU2 ( r0 r1 x0 x1 x1=0? ) ,&is-zero JCN STH2 ROT2 STH2r ( r1 x0 r0 x1 ) ;set-next JSR2 SWP2 ( x0 r1 ) ;push4 JSR2 JMP2r &is-zero POP2 POP2 ;push4 JSR2 JMP2r ( load the given address: ) ( ) ( 1. if it points to 0000, update it to target ) ( 2. otherwise, call set-next on it ) @set-next-addr ( target* addr* -> ) LDA2k #0000 EQU2 ( target addr addr=0? ) ,&is-zero JCN LDA2 ;set-next JSR2 JMP2r &is-zero STA2 JMP2r ( set regex.next to target ) @set-next ( target* regex* -> ) LDAk #01 NEQ ,&!1 JCN INC2 ;set-next-addr JSR2 JMP2r &!1 LDAk #02 NEQ ,&!2 JCN INC2 ;set-next-addr JSR2 JMP2r &!2 LDAk #03 NEQ ,&!3 JCN #0002 ADD2 ;set-next-addr JSR2 JMP2r &!3 LDAk #04 NEQ ,&!4 JCN ( todo: this is probably broken ) OVR2 OVR2 INC2 ;set-next-addr JSR2 #0003 ADD2 ;set-next-addr JSR2 JMP2r &!4 LDAk #05 NEQ ,&!5 JCN #0003 ADD2 ;set-next-addr JSR2 JMP2r &!5 ;unknown-node-type ;error! JSR2 ( STACK OPERATIONS ) ( ) ( we always push/pop 4 bytes at a time. the stack has a fixed ) ( maximum size it can use, defined by ;stack-top. ) ( ) ( the stack can be cleared using ;reset-stack, which resets ) ( the stack pointers but does not zero out any memory. ) ( push 4 bytes onto the stack ) @push4 ( str* regex* -> ) ;assert-stack-avail JSR2 ( check for space ) ;stack-pos LDA2 #0002 ADD2 STA2 ( cell[2:3] <- regex ) ;stack-pos LDA2 STA2 ( cell[0:1] <- str ) ;stack-pos LDA2 #0004 ADD2 ;stack-pos STA2 ( pos += 4 ) JMP2r ( pop 4 bytes from the stack ) @pop4 ( -> str* regex* ) ;assert-stack-exist JSR2 ( check for space ) ;stack-pos LDA2 ( load stack-pos ) #0002 SUB2 LDA2k STH2 ( pop and stash regex ) #0002 SUB2 LDA2k STH2 ( pop and stash str ) ;stack-pos STA2 ( save new stack-pos ) STH2r STH2r ( restore str and regex ) JMP2r ( reset stack pointers ) @reset-stack ( -> ) ;stack-bot ;stack-pos STA2 JMP2r ( pos <- 0 ) ( can more stack be allocated? ) @stack-avail ( -> bool^ ) ;stack-pos LDA2 ;stack-top LTH2 JMP2r ( is the stack non-empty? ) @stack-exist ( -> bool^ ) ;stack-pos LDA2 ;stack-bot GTH2 JMP2r ( error if stack is full ) @assert-stack-avail ( -> ) ;stack-avail JSR2 ,&ok JCN ;stack-is-full ;error! JSR2 &ok JMP2r ( error is stack is empty ) @assert-stack-exist ( -> ) ;stack-exist JSR2 ,&ok JCN ;stack-is-empty ;error! JSR2 &ok JMP2r ( print stack size, followed by contents ) @emit-stack ( -> ) space LIT 'n emit LIT '= emit ;stack-pos LDA2 ;stack-bot SUB2 #0004 DIV2 ;emit-short JSR2 LIT ': emit ;stack-bot &loop DUP2 ;stack-pos LDA2 LTH2 ,&ok JCN POP2 newline JMP2r &ok space LDA2k ;emit-short JSR2 #0002 ADD2 ,&loop JMP ( stack-pos points to the next free stack position (or the top if full). ) @stack-pos :stack-bot ( the next position to insert at ) ( stack-bot is the address of the first stack position. ) ( stack-top is the address of the first byte beyond the stack. ) @stack-bot $1000 @stack-top ( holds 1024 steps (4096 bytes) ) ( ARENA OPERATIONS ) ( ) ( the arena represents a heap of memory that can easily be ) ( allocated in small amounts. ) ( ) ( the entire arena can be reclaimed using ;reset-arena, but ) ( unlike systems such as malloc/free, the arena cannot relcaim ) ( smaller amounts of memory. ) ( ) ( the arena is used to allocate regex graph nodes, which are ) ( dynamically-allocated as the regex string is parsed. once ) ( a regex is no longer needed the arena may be reclaimed. ) ( reclaim all the memory used by the arena ) @reset-arena ( -> ) ;arena-bot ;arena-pos STA2 JMP2r ( currently caller is responsible for zeroing out memory if needed ) @alloc ( size^ -> addr* ) #00 SWP ( size* ) ;arena-pos LDA2 STH2k ADD2 ( pos+size* [pos] ) DUP2 ;arena-top GTH2 ( pos+size pos+size>top? [pos] ) ,&error JCN ( pos+size [pos] ) ;arena-pos STA2 ( pos += size [pos] ) STH2r JMP2r ( pos ) &error POP2 POP2r ;arena-is-full ;error! JSR2 |1ffe @arena-pos :arena-bot ( the next position to allocate ) @arena-bot $400 @arena-top ( holds up to 1024 bytes ) ( emit n bytes from the given address ) @emit-n ( addr* count^ -> addr2* ) DUP #00 GTH ( addr count count>0? ) ,&ok JCN ( addr count ) POP newline JMP2r &ok STH ( addr [count] ) space LDAk ;emit-byte JSR2 INC2 ( addr+1 [count] ) STHr #01 SUB ( addr+1 count-1 ) ;emit-n JMP2 ( emit the arena, with one line per node ) ( parses node type, since node size is dynamic (3-5). ) @emit-arena ( -> ) ;arena-bot &loop DUP2 ;arena-pos LDA2 LTH2 ,&ok JCN POP2 JMP2r &ok DUP2 ;emit-short JSR2 LIT ': emit space LDAk #01 NEQ ,&!1 JCN #03 ;emit-n JSR2 ,&loop JMP &!1 LDAk #02 NEQ ,&!2 JCN #03 ;emit-n JSR2 ,&loop JMP &!2 LDAk #03 NEQ ,&!3 JCN #04 ;emit-n JSR2 ,&loop JMP &!3 LDAk #04 NEQ ,&!4 JCN #05 ;emit-n JSR2 ,&loop JMP &!4 LDAk #05 NEQ ,&!5 JCN #05 ;emit-n JSR2 ,&loop JMP &!5 ;unknown-node-type ;error! JSR2