( femto.tal ) ( ) ( requires terminal to be in raw mode ) ( see femto launcher script for more details ) |00 @System [ &vector $2 &wst $1 &rst $1 &pad $4 &r $2 &g $2 &b $2 &debug $1 &halt $1 ] |10 @Console [ &vector $2 &read $1 &pad $5 &write $1 &error $1 ] |a0 @File [ &vector $2 &success $2 &stat $2 &delete $1 &append $1 &name $2 &length $2 &read $2 &write $2 ] %dbg { #ff .System/debug DEO } %emit { .Console/write DEO } %sp { #2018 DEO } %nl { #0a18 DEO } %cr { #0d18 DEO } %exit { #01 .System/halt DEO BRK } %ansi { #1b18 DEO #5b18 DEO } %WIDTH { #50 } %LAST-COL { #4f } %PEN-COL { #4e } %HEIGHT { #18 } %LAST-LINE { #17 } %PEN-LINE { #16 } ( useful ASCII ) ( - ESC 1b ) ( - '[' 5b ) ( - ) ( ANSI sequences ) ( goto $row,$col ESC [ $row ; $col H ) ( goto home ESC [ H ) ( go up ESC [ A ) ( go down ESC [ B ) ( go right ESC [ C ) ( go left ESC [ D ) ( ) ( all scroll on ESC [ r ) ( region scroll on ESC [ $y0 ; $y1 r ) ( scroll down ESC D ) ( scroll up ESC M ) ( ) ( erase cur->eol ESC [ K ) ( erase cur->sol ESC [ 1 K ) ( erase line ESC [ 2 K ) ( erase line->bot ESC [ J ) ( erase line->top ESC [ 1 J ) ( erase all ESC [ 2 J ) ( ) ( set attrs ESC [ $at1 ; ... m ) ( reset ESC [ m ) ( 0 reset, 1 bright, 2 dim, ) ( 4 underscore, 5 blink, ) ( 7 reverse, 8 hidden ) ( ) ( fg (30-37), bg (40-47) ) ( black, red, green, yellow, ) ( blue, magenta, cyan, white ) |0100 ;demo-path .File/name DEO2 #8000 .File/length DEO2 ;buffer/data .File/read DEO2 .File/success DEI2 #0000 GTH2 ,&ok JCN ;input-error ;println JSR2 nl exit &ok .File/success DEI2 ;buffer/data ADD2 ;buffer/limit STA2 ;on-key .Console/vector DEO2 ;draw-all JSR2 BRK @bol #00 ;cursor/col STA ;draw-cursor JSR2 BRK ( FIXME: handle long lines ) @eol ;cur-line JSR2 ;line-len JSR2 NIP ;cursor/col STA ;draw-cursor JSR2 BRK ( FIXME: handle long lines ) @forward ;cursor/col LDA PEN-COL GTH ,&skip JCN ;cursor/col LDA #01 ADD ;cursor/col STA ;draw-cursor JSR2 &skip BRK ( FIXME: handle long lines ) @back ;cursor/col LDA #01 LTH ,&skip JCN ;cursor/col LDA #01 SUB ;cursor/col STA ;draw-cursor JSR2 &skip BRK @up ;cursor/row LDA #01 LTH ,&screen-up JCN ;cursor/row LDA #01 SUB ;cursor/row STA ;draw-cursor JSR2 BRK &screen-up ;buffer/offset LDA2 DUP2 ;buffer/data EQU2 ,&done JCN #0001 SUB2 &loop DUP2 ;buffer/data EQU2 ,&complete JCN #0001 SUB2 LDAk #0a NEQ ,&loop JCN INC2 &complete ;buffer/offset STA2 ;draw-all JSR2 BRK &done POP2 BRK ( FIXME: need to handle 'end of buffer' stuff ) @down ;cursor/row LDA PEN-LINE GTH ,&screen-down JCN ;cursor/row LDA #01 ADD ;cursor/row STA ;draw-cursor JSR2 BRK &screen-down #00 ;rel-line JSR2 ;line-len JSR2 INC2 ( add 1 for line ending ) ;buffer/offset LDA2 ADD2 ;buffer/offset STA2 ;draw-all JSR2 BRK @quit exit @ignore BRK @die #00 #00 DIV @insert ( c^ -> ) ;cursor/col LDA PEN-COL GTH ,&skip JCN ( FIXME ) ;cur-pos JSR2 ;shift-right JSR2 ;cursor/col LDA INC ;cursor/col STA ;draw-all JSR2 &skip BRK @overwrite ( c^ -> ) ;cursor/col LDA PEN-COL GTH ,&skip JCN ( FIXME ) ;cur-pos JSR2 STA ;cursor/col LDA #01 ADD ;cursor/col STA ;draw-all JSR2 &skip BRK @newline ( c^ -> ) #0a ;cur-pos JSR2 ;shift-right JSR2 #00 ;cursor/col STA ;cursor/row LDA INC ;cursor/row STA ;draw-all JSR2 BRK @backspace ( -> ) ;cur-pos JSR2 ;buffer/data EQU2 ,&skip JCN ;cursor/col LDA #00 EQU ,&prev-line JCN ;cursor/col LDA #01 SUB ;cursor/col STA ,&finish JMP &prev-line ;cursor/row LDA #01 SUB ;cursor/row STA ;cur-len JSR2 NIP ;cursor/col STA &finish ;cur-pos JSR2 ;shift-left JSR2 ;draw-all JSR2 &skip BRK ( there's at least one bug -- join lots of lines near start ) @delete ( -> ) ;last-pos JSR2 #0001 SUB2 ;cur-pos JSR2 LTH2k ,&skip JCN ;cur-pos JSR2 ;shift-left JSR2 ;draw-all JSR2 &skip BRK ( TODO: tab? ) @on-key .Console/read DEI #01 EQU ( C-a ) ;bol JCN2 .Console/read DEI #02 EQU ( C-b ) ;back JCN2 .Console/read DEI #04 EQU ( C-d ) ;delete JCN2 .Console/read DEI #05 EQU ( C-e ) ;eol JCN2 .Console/read DEI #06 EQU ( C-f ) ;forward JCN2 .Console/read DEI #0d EQU ( \r ) ;newline JCN2 .Console/read DEI #0e EQU ( C-n ) ;down JCN2 .Console/read DEI #10 EQU ( C-p ) ;up JCN2 .Console/read DEI #18 EQU ( C-x ) ;quit JCN2 .Console/read DEI #7f EQU ( DEL ) ;backspace JCN2 .Console/read DEI #20 LTH ;ignore JCN2 ( ignore for now ) .Console/read DEI #7e GTH ;ignore JCN2 ( ignore for now ) .Console/read DEI ( printable ASCII ) ;insert JMP2 BRK @min ( x^ y^ -> min^ ) LTHk JMP SWP POP JMP2r @draw-cursor ansi ;get-row JSR2 INC ;emit-dec JSR2 LIT '; emit ;get-col JSR2 INC ;emit-dec JSR2 LIT 'H emit JMP2r @draw-all ansi LIT '2 emit LIT 'J emit ansi LIT 'H emit #00 STH ;buffer/offset LDA2 &loop LDAk #00 EQU ,&eof JCN LDAk #0a EQU ,&eol JCN LDAk emit INC2 ,&loop JMP &eol INCr STHkr LAST-LINE ( #17 ) GTH ,&eof JCN cr nl INC2 ,&loop JMP &eof POP2 POPr ;draw-cursor JSR2 JMP2r @println ( s* -> ) &loop LDAk #00 EQU ,&eof JCN LDAk #18 DEO INC2 ,&loop JMP &eof POP2 JMP2r @cur-len ( -> n* ) ;cur-line JSR2 ;line-len JSR2 JMP2r @line-len ( s* -> n* ) #0000 STH2 &loop LDAk #00 EQU ,&end JCN LDAk #0a EQU ,&end JCN INC2 INC2r ,&loop JMP &end POP2 STH2r JMP2r ( line number relative to the offset, starting at 0 ) @rel-line ( y^ -> s* ) #00 SWP SUB STH ( [-y] ) ;buffer/offset LDA2 ( addr* ) &newline ( addr [-y] ) STHkr ,&loop JCN ,&done JMP &loop ( addr [-y] ) LDAk #00 EQU ,¬-found JCN ( addr [-y] ) LDAk #0a EQU ,&found JCN ( addr [-y] ) INC2 ,&loop JMP ( addr+1 [-y] ) &found INC2 INCr ( addr+1 [-y+1] ) ,&newline JMP &done POPr JMP2r ¬-found #00 #00 DIV @cur-line ( -> s* ) ;cursor/row LDA ;rel-line JSR2 JMP2r @cur-pos ( -> s* ) ;cur-line JSR2 #00 ;get-col JSR2 ADD2 JMP2r @shift-right ( c^ addr* -> ) ROT STH ( addr [prev^] ) ;buffer/limit LDA2 ( addr limit [prev^] ) #0001 SUB2 SWP2 ( last addr [prev^] ) &loop LTH2k ,&done JCN ( last addr [prev^] ) LDAk STH SWPr ( last addr [prev^ curr^] ) DUP2 STHr ( last addr addr prev^ [curr^] ) ROT ROT STA ( last addr [curr^] ) INC2 ,&loop JMP ( last addr+1 [curr^] ) &done NIP2 DUP2 ( addr addr [prev^] ) STHr ROT ROT ( addr prev^ addr ) STA INC2 ( addr+1 ) ;buffer/limit STA2 ( ) JMP2r @shift-left ( addr* -> ) ;buffer/limit LDA2 ( addr limit ) #0001 SUB2 SWP2 ( last addr ) &loop GTH2k ,&next JCN ( last addr ) ,&done JMP ( last addr ) &next DUP2 INC2 LDAk ( last addr addr+1 c1^ ) STH SWP2 STHr ( last addr+1 addr c1^ ) ROT ROT ( last addr+1 c1^ addr ) STA ,&loop JMP ( last addr+1 ) &done POP2 ( last ) ;buffer/limit STA2 ( ) JMP2r @input-error "input 20 "error 00 @demo-path "math32.tal 00 ( col is 0-79, row is 0-23 ) @cursor [ &col 00 &row 00 ] @get-col ;cursor/col LDA ;cur-len JSR2 NIP ;min JSR2 JMP2r @get-row ;cursor/row LDA JMP2r @last-pos ;buffer/limit LDA2 #0001 SUB2 JMP2r @doc-start ( -> s* ) ;buffer/data JMP2r @doc-limit ( -> s* ) ;buffer/limit LDA2 JMP2r @doc-last ( -> s* ) ;buffer/limit LDA2 #0001 SUB2 JMP2r @page-start ( -> s* ) ;buffer/offset LDA2 JMP2r @page-limit ( -> s* ) HEIGHT ;rel-line JSR2 JMP2r @page-last ( -> s* ) HEIGHT ;rel-line JSR2 #0001 SUB2 JMP2r @line-start ( -> s* ) ;cursor/row LDA ;rel-line JSR2 JMP2r @line-limit ( -> s* ) ;cursor/row LDA INC ;rel-line JSR2 JMP2r @line-last ( -> s* ) ;cursor/row LDA INC ;rel-line JSR2 #0001 SUB2 JMP2r @mod-div ( x^ y^ -> x%d x/y ) DIVk ( x y x/y ) STHk ( x y x/y [x/y] ) MUL ( x y*x/y [x/y] ) SUB ( x%y [x/y] ) STHr ( x%y x/y ) JMP2r @emit-digit ( n^ -> ) LIT '0 ADD emit JMP2r @emit-dec ( n^ -> ) DUP #63 GTH ,&do3 JCN DUP #09 GTH ,&do2 JCN ,&do1 JMP &do3 #64 ;mod-div JSR2 ;emit-digit JSR2 &do2 #0a ;mod-div JSR2 ;emit-digit JSR2 &do1 ;emit-digit JSR2 JMP2r |1ffc ( offset is address of the first visible line ) ( size is total size of data in bytes ) @buffer [ &limit 0000 &offset :buffer/data &data $8000 ]