2007-03-06 10:05:38 -05:00
import commands, os.path, sets, string, sys
2007-06-05 00:49:24 -04:00
import color, default, mode2, lex2, lex2_python, method, regex, tab_python
2007-03-06 10:05:38 -05:00
import ctag_python, completer
2007-06-05 00:49:24 -04:00
from point2 import Point
class Python(mode2.Fundamental):
2007-03-06 10:05:38 -05:00
def __init__(self, w):
2007-06-05 00:49:24 -04:00
mode2.Fundamental.__init__(self, w)
2007-03-06 10:05:38 -05:00
2007-06-17 08:38:46 -04:00
self.tag_matching = True
#self.tag_matching = False
2007-06-05 00:49:24 -04:00
self.grammar = lex2_python.PythonGrammar()
self.lexer = lex2.Lexer(self.name(), self.grammar)
2007-03-06 10:05:38 -05:00
self.add_action_and_bindings(PythonCheckSyntax(), ('C-c s',))
self.add_action_and_bindings(PythonDictCleanup(), ('C-c h',))
self.add_action_and_bindings(PythonUpdateTags(), ('C-c t',))
self.add_action_and_bindings(PythonTagComplete(), ('C-c k',))
2007-06-17 08:38:46 -04:00
self.add_bindings('close-paren', (')',))
self.add_bindings('close-brace', ('}',))
self.add_bindings('close-bracket', (']',))
2007-03-06 10:05:38 -05:00
self.default_color = color.build('default', 'default')
2007-06-05 00:49:24 -04:00
2007-03-06 10:05:38 -05:00
self.colors = {
2007-06-14 10:14:08 -04:00
'keyword': color.build('cyan', 'default'),
'reserved': color.build('cyan', 'default'),
'builtin': color.build('cyan', 'default'),
'functiondef': color.build('blue', 'default'),
'classdef': color.build('green', 'default'),
2007-06-05 00:49:24 -04:00
'string.start': color.build('green', 'default'),
'string.null': color.build('green', 'default'),
'string.escaped': color.build('magenta', 'default'),
'string.octal': color.build('magenta', 'default'),
'string.format': color.build('yellow', 'default'),
'string.end': color.build('green', 'default'),
2007-06-05 20:01:05 -04:00
#'integer': color.build('red', 'default'),
#'float': color.build('red', 'default'),
#'imaginary': color.build('red', 'default'),
'integer': color.build('default', 'default'),
'float': color.build('default', 'default'),
'imaginary': color.build('default', 'default'),
2007-06-05 00:49:24 -04:00
'tq_string.start': color.build('green', 'default'),
'tq_string.null': color.build('green', 'default'),
'tq_string.end': color.build('green', 'default'),
'docstring.start': color.build('green', 'default'),
'docstring.null': color.build('green', 'default'),
'docstring.end': color.build('green', 'default'),
'comment': color.build('red', 'default'),
'continuation': color.build('red', 'default'),
#'operator': color.build('yellow', 'default'),
#'delimiter': color.build('magenta', 'default'),
'system_identifier': color.build('cyan', 'default'),
#'bound method': color.build(color.build('yellow', 'default'), 'default'),
'import': color.build('magenta', 'default'),
#'bizzaro': color.build('magenta', 'default'),
2007-03-06 10:05:38 -05:00
2007-06-05 00:49:24 -04:00
# self.colors = {
# 'keyword' : color.build('cyan', 'default', 'bold'),
# 'pseudo-keyword' : color.build('cyan', 'default', 'bold'),
# 'built-in method' : color.build('cyan', 'default', 'bold'),
# 'method declaration' : color.build('blue', 'default', 'bold'),
# 'class declaration' : color.build('green', 'default'),
# 'string4' : color.build('green', 'default'),
# 'string3' : color.build('green', 'default'),
# 'string2' : color.build('green', 'default'),
# 'string1' : color.build('green', 'default'),
# 'comment' : color.build('red', 'default'),
# 'continuation' : color.build('red', 'default'),
# #'operator' : color.build('yellow', 'default'),
# #'delimiter' : color.build('magenta', 'default'),
# 'system_identifier' : color.build('cyan', 'default', 'bold'),
# #'bound method' : color.build('yellow', 'default'),
# 'import statement' : color.build('magenta', 'green'),
# 'bizzaro' : color.build('magenta', 'green'),
# }
#self.tabber = tab_python.PythonTabber(self)
#self.ctagger = ctag_python.PythonCTagger()
2007-03-06 10:05:38 -05:00
def name(self):
return "Python"
class PythonCheckSyntax(method.Method):
'''Check the syntax of the current python file'''
def _args(self):
return [method.Argument("lib", type=type(""), prompt="Python Path: ",
def _execute(self, w, **vargs):
a = vargs['lib']
mod = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(w.buffer.path))[0]
cmd = "PYTHONPATH=%s python -c 'import %s'" % (a, mod)
(status, output) = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if status == 0:
w.application.set_error("Syntax OK")
w.application.data_buffer("python-syntax", output, switch_to=False)
output = output + "\ncommand exit status: %d" % (status)
w.application.data_buffer("python-syntax", output, switch_to=True)
class PythonUpdateTags(method.Method):
'''Update the CTag data associated with a python buffer'''
def _args(self):
return [method.Argument("lib", prompt="Module Base: ", datatype='path',
def _execute(self, w, **vargs):
w.mode.ctagger = ctag_python.PythonCTagger()
w.application.set_error('Tag data updated')
class PythonTagComplete(method.Method):
'''Complete a symbol using tag data'''
def _execute(self, w, **vargs):
if not w.mode.ctagger.packages:
cursor = w.logical_cursor()
b = w.buffer
line = b.lines[cursor.y]
end = cursor.x
start = cursor.x
word_chars = string.letters + string.digits + '_'
#word_chars = string.letters + string.digits + string.punctuation
if start == 0:
w.application.set_error('walrus 1')
c = line[start - 1]
if c == '(':
w.application.set_error('goldfinch 1')
elif c not in word_chars:
w.application.set_error('walrus 2')
while start > 0 and line[start - 1] in word_chars:
start -= 1
if start == end:
w.application.set_error('walrus 3')
word = line[start:end]
candidates = []
seen = sets.Set()
for p in w.mode.ctagger.packages.iterkeys():
if p.startswith(word):
if p in seen:
for e in w.mode.ctagger.entries.itervalues():
if e.symbol.startswith(word):
if e.symbol in seen:
if len(candidates) == 0:
w.application.set_error('No match: %r' % word)
elif len(candidates) == 1:
newword = candidates[0]
if word == newword:
w.application.set_error('Already completed!')
w.application.set_error('Unique match!')
newword = completer.find_common_string(candidates)
w.application.set_error('Ambiguous match: %r' % (candidates))
2007-06-05 00:49:24 -04:00
b.delete_string(Point(start, cursor.y), Point(end, cursor.y))
b.insert_string(Point(start, cursor.y), newword)
2007-03-06 10:05:38 -05:00
class PythonDictCleanup(method.Method):
'''Align assignment blocks and literal dictionaries'''
def _execute(self, w, **vargs):
cursor = w.logical_cursor()
b = w.buffer
# so this is where we will store the groups that we find
groups_by_line = {}
# the regex we will try
regexes = [regex.python_dict_cleanup,
# if we aren't in a hash, inform the user and exit
line = b.lines[cursor.y]
myregex = None
for r in regexes:
if r.match(line):
myregex = r
if myregex is None:
raise Exception, "Not a python dict line"
groups_by_line[cursor.y] = myregex.match(line).groups()
# find the beginning of this hash block
start = 0
i = cursor.y - 1
while i >= 0:
line = b.lines[i]
m = myregex.match(line)
if not m:
start = i + 1
groups_by_line[i] = m.groups()
i -= 1
# find the end of this hash block
end = len(b.lines) - 1
i = cursor.y + 1
while i < len(b.lines):
line = b.lines[i]
m = myregex.match(line)
if not m:
end = i - 1
groups_by_line[i] = m.groups()
i += 1
# assume that the least indented line is correct
indent_w = min([len(groups_by_line[k][0]) for k in groups_by_line])
# find the longest hash key to base all the other padding on
key_w = max([len(groups_by_line[k][1]) for k in groups_by_line])
# for each line, format it correctly
keys = groups_by_line.keys()
data = ''
for i in keys:
indent_pad = ' ' * indent_w
key = groups_by_line[i][1]
sep = groups_by_line[i][3]
value = groups_by_line[i][5]
key_pad = ' ' * (key_w - len(key))
if sep == '=':
data += indent_pad + key + key_pad + ' ' + sep + ' ' + value + '\n'
data += indent_pad + key + sep + ' ' + key_pad + value + '\n'
# remove the old text and add the new
2007-06-05 00:49:24 -04:00
start_p = Point(0, start)
end_p = Point(0, end + 1)
2007-03-06 10:05:38 -05:00
w.kill(start_p, end_p)
w.insert(start_p, data)