2007-10-12 16:26:17 -04:00
import datetime, grp, md5, os, pwd, re, sets, shutil, stat, string
2007-07-22 13:53:32 -04:00
import aes, dirutil, regex, highlight2
2007-10-21 20:50:11 -04:00
from point import Point
2007-06-04 22:30:58 -04:00
# undo/redo stack constants
# used for undo/redo stacks when text will need to be added back
class AddMove:
def __init__(self, buffer, p, lines):
self.buffer = buffer
self.p = p
self.lines = lines
def restore(self, act=ACT_UNDO):
assert act == ACT_UNDO or act == ACT_REDO
self.buffer.insert_lines(self.p, self.lines, act)
2007-07-19 12:38:17 -04:00
def getpos(self):
return self.p
2007-06-04 22:30:58 -04:00
# used for undo/redo stacks when text will need to be removed
class DelMove:
def __init__(self, buffer, p1, p2):
self.buffer = buffer
self.p1 = p1
self.p2 = p2
def restore(self, act):
assert act == ACT_UNDO or act == ACT_REDO
self.buffer.delete(self.p1, self.p2, act)
2007-07-19 12:38:17 -04:00
def getpos(self):
return self.p1
2007-06-04 22:30:58 -04:00
# abstract class
class Buffer(object):
2007-07-19 12:38:17 -04:00
btype = 'generic'
2007-06-04 22:30:58 -04:00
def __init__(self, nl='\n', stack_limit=STACK_LIMIT):
assert nl in ('\n', '\r', '\r\n'), "Invalid line ending"
self.lines = [""]
self.windows = []
self.undo_stack = []
self.redo_stack = []
self.stack_limit = stack_limit
self.nl = nl
self.modified = False
2007-06-05 00:49:24 -04:00
self.highlights = {}
2007-06-04 22:30:58 -04:00
# basic file operation stuff
def _open_file_r(self, path):
path = os.path.realpath(path)
if not os.path.isfile(path):
raise Exception, "Path '%s' does not exist" % (path)
if not os.access(path, os.R_OK):
raise Exception, "Path '%s' cannot be read" % (path)
f = open(path, 'r')
return f
def _open_file_w(self, path):
if os.path.isfile(path):
raise Exception, "Path '%s' already exists" % (path)
d = os.path.dirname(path)
if not os.access(d, os.R_OK):
raise Exception, "Dir '%s' cannot be read" % (path)
if not os.access(d, os.W_OK):
raise Exception, "Dir '%s' cannot be written" % (path)
f = open(path, 'w')
return f
def _temp_path(self, path):
(dirname, basename) = os.path.split(path)
return os.path.join(dirname, ".__%s__pmacs" % (basename))
# undo/redo stack
def _stack_trim(self, stack):
if self.stack_limit:
while len(stack) > self.stack_limit:
def add_to_stack(self, move, act):
if act == ACT_NORM:
self.redo_stack = []
elif act == ACT_UNDO:
elif act == ACT_REDO:
raise Exception, "Invalid act: %d" % (act)
def undo(self):
if len(self.undo_stack):
move = self.undo_stack.pop(-1)
2007-06-26 17:28:38 -04:00
2007-07-19 12:38:17 -04:00
return move.getpos()
2007-06-04 22:30:58 -04:00
raise Exception, "Nothing to Undo!"
def redo(self):
if len(self.redo_stack):
move = self.redo_stack.pop(-1)
2007-06-26 17:28:38 -04:00
2007-07-19 12:38:17 -04:00
return move.getpos()
2007-06-04 22:30:58 -04:00
raise Exception, "Nothing to Redo!"
# window-buffer communication
def add_window(self, w):
if w not in self.windows:
2007-06-05 00:49:24 -04:00
modename = w.mode.name()
if modename not in self.highlights and w.mode.lexer is not None:
self.highlights[modename] = highlight2.Highlighter(w.mode.lexer)
2007-06-17 22:14:07 -04:00
#if modename not in self.tabbing and w.mode.tabber is not None:
# self.tabbing[modename] =
2007-06-04 22:30:58 -04:00
def remove_window(self, w):
if w in self.windows:
2007-06-05 00:49:24 -04:00
modename = w.mode.name()
found = False
for w2 in self.windows:
if w2.mode.name() == modename:
found = True
if not found:
del self.highlights[modename]
2007-06-04 22:30:58 -04:00
def _region_add(self, p1, p2, lines, act):
move = DelMove(self, p1, p2)
self.add_to_stack(move, act)
for w in self.windows:
w.region_added(p1, lines)
2007-06-05 00:49:24 -04:00
for name in self.highlights:
self.highlights[name].relex_add(self.lines, p1.y, p1.x, lines)
2007-06-04 22:30:58 -04:00
def _region_del(self, p1, p2, lines, act):
move = AddMove(self, p1, lines)
self.add_to_stack(move, act)
for w in self.windows:
w.region_removed(p1, p2)
2007-06-05 00:49:24 -04:00
for name in self.highlights:
self.highlights[name].relex_del(self.lines, p1.y, p1.x, p2.y, p2.x)
2007-06-04 22:30:58 -04:00
# internal validation
def _validate_point(self, p):
self._validate_xy(p.x, p.y)
def _validate_xy(self, x, y):
assert y >= 0 and y < len(self.lines), \
"xy1: %d >= 0 and %d < %d" % (y, y, len(self.lines))
assert x >= 0 and x <= len(self.lines[y]), \
"xy2: %d >= 0 and %d <= %d" % (x, x, len(self.lines[y]))
def _validate_y(self, y):
assert y >= 0 and y < len(self.lines), \
"y: %d >= 0 and %d < %d" % (y, y, len(self.lines))
# deal with the actual logical document string
def num_chars(self):
n = 0
for line in self.lines[:-1]:
n += len(line) + 1
n += len(self.lines[-1])
return n
def num_lines(self):
return len(self.lines)
def make_string(self, nl='\n'):
return nl.join(self.lines)
# methods to be overridden by subclasses
def name(self):
return "Generic"
def close(self):
def open(self):
def changed(self):
return self.modified
def reload(self):
raise Exception, "%s reload: Unimplemented" % (self.name())
def save_as(self, path, force=False):
# check to see if the path exists, and if we're prepared to overwrite it
# if yes to both, get its mode so we can preserve the path's permissions
mode = None
if os.path.exists(path):
if force:
mode = os.stat(self.path)[0]
raise Exception, "oh no! %r already exists" % path
# create the string that we're going to write into the file
data = self.write_filter(self.make_string(nl=self.nl))
# create a safe temporary path to write to, and write out data to it
temp_path = self._temp_path()
f2 = self._open_file_w(temp_path)
# move the temporary file to the actual path; maybe change permissions
shutil.move(temp_path, path)
if mode:
os.chmod(path, mode)
# the file has not been modified now
self.modified = False
def readonly(self):
return False
def read_filter(self, data):
return data
def write_filter(self, data):
return data
# point retrieval
def get_buffer_start(self):
return Point(0, 0)
def get_buffer_end(self):
return Point(len(self.lines[-1]), len(self.lines) - 1)
# data retrieval
def get_sublines(self, p1, p2):
assert p1 <= p2, "p1.x (%d) > p2.x (%d)" % (p1.x, p2.x)
lines = []
x = p1.x
for i in range(p1.y, p2.y):
x = 0
return lines
def get_substring(self, p1, p2):
lines = self.get_sublines(p1, p2)
return '\n'.join(lines)
# buffer set
def set_lines(self, lines, force=False):
if not force and self.readonly():
raise Exception, "set_data: buffer is readonly"
start = self.get_buffer_start()
end = self.get_buffer_end()
self.delete(start, end, force=force)
self.insert_lines(start, lines, force=force)
self.modified = True
def set_data(self, data, force=False):
lines = data.split('\n')
self.set_lines(lines, force)
# insertion into buffer
def insert_lines(self, p, lines, act=ACT_NORM, force=False):
2007-06-13 22:18:41 -04:00
#if lines == ['(']:
# raise Exception, "damn"
2007-06-04 22:30:58 -04:00
llen = len(lines)
assert llen > 0
if not force:
assert not self.readonly(), "insert_string: buffer is read-only"
p2 = p.vadd(len(lines[-1]), llen - 1)
if llen > 1:
self.lines.insert(p.y + 1, [])
self.lines[p.y + 1] = lines[-1] + self.lines[p.y][p.x:]
self.lines[p.y] = self.lines[p.y][:p.x] + lines[0]
for i in range(1, llen - 1):
self.lines.insert(p.y + i, lines[i])
self.lines[p.y] = self.lines[p.y][:p.x] + lines[-1] + self.lines[p.y][p.x:]
self._region_add(p, p2, lines, act)
self.modified = True
def insert_string(self, p, s, act=ACT_NORM, force=False):
lines = s.split("\n")
self.insert_lines(p, lines, act, force)
# deletion from buffer
def delete(self, p1, p2, act=ACT_NORM, force=False):
"""delete characters from p1 up to p2 from the buffer"""
if not force:
assert not self.readonly(), "delete_string: buffer is read-only"
if p1 == p2:
assert p1 < p2, "p1 %r > p2 %r" % (p1, p2)
lines = self.get_sublines(p1, p2)
line1 = self.lines[p1.y]
line2 = self.lines[p2.y]
self.lines[p1.y:p2.y+1] = ["%s%s" % (line1[:p1.x], line2[p2.x:])]
self._region_del(p1, p2, lines, act)
self.modified = True
def delete_char(self, p, act=ACT_NORM, force=False):
if p.x == len(self.lines[p.y]):
p2 = Point(0, p.y + 1)
p2 = Point(p.x + 1, p.y)
2007-10-12 22:58:17 -04:00
self.delete(p, p2, act=act, force=force)
def overwrite_char(self, p, c, act=ACT_NORM, force=False):
self.delete_char(p, act=act, force=force)
self.insert_string(p, c, act=act, force=force)
2007-06-04 22:30:58 -04:00
# random
def count_leading_whitespace(self, y):
line = self.lines[y]
m = regex.leading_whitespace.match(line)
if m:
return m.end()
# should not happen
raise Exception, "iiiijjjj"
# scratch is a singleton
scratch = None
class ScratchBuffer(Buffer):
2007-07-19 12:38:17 -04:00
btype = 'scratch'
2007-06-04 22:30:58 -04:00
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
global scratch
if scratch is None:
scratch = object.__new__(ScratchBuffer, *args, **kwargs)
return scratch
def name(self):
return "*Scratch*"
def close(self):
global scratch
scratch = None
class DataBuffer(Buffer):
2007-07-19 12:38:17 -04:00
btype = 'data'
2007-06-04 22:30:58 -04:00
def __init__(self, name, data, nl='\n'):
Buffer.__init__(self, nl)
self._name = name
self.lines = data.split("\n")
def name(self):
return self._name
def close(self):
def readonly(self):
return True
# console is another singleton
console = None
class ConsoleBuffer(Buffer):
2007-07-19 12:38:17 -04:00
btype = 'console'
2007-06-04 22:30:58 -04:00
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
global console
if console is None:
b = object.__new__(ConsoleBuffer, *args, **kwargs)
console = b
return console
def __init__(self, nl='\n'):
Buffer.__init__(self, nl)
2007-06-24 09:54:05 -04:00
def clear(self):
2007-06-04 22:30:58 -04:00
lines = ['Python Console\n',
"Evaluate python expressions in the editor's context (self)\n",
'Press Control-] to exit\n',
console.set_data(''.join(lines), force=True)
def name(self):
return '*Console*'
def changed(self):
return False
def close(self):
global console
console = None
def readonly(self):
return True
2007-10-12 19:32:17 -04:00
class BinaryDataException(Exception):
2007-06-04 22:30:58 -04:00
class FileBuffer(Buffer):
2007-07-19 12:38:17 -04:00
btype = 'file'
2007-06-04 22:30:58 -04:00
def __init__(self, path, nl='\n', name=None):
'''fb = FileBuffer(path)'''
Buffer.__init__(self, nl)
self.path = os.path.realpath(path)
self.checksum = None
if name is None:
self._name = os.path.basename(self.path)
self._name = name
if os.path.exists(self.path) and not os.access(self.path, os.W_OK):
self._readonly = True
self._readonly = False
def readonly(self):
return self._readonly
def _open_file_r(self, path=None):
if path is None:
path = self.path
path = os.path.realpath(path)
self.path = path
if not os.path.isfile(path):
raise Exception, "Path '%s' does not exist" % (path)
if not os.access(path, os.R_OK):
raise Exception, "Path '%s' cannot be read" % (path)
f = open(path, 'r')
return f
def _open_file_w(self, path=None):
if path is None:
path = self.path
if os.path.isfile(path):
raise Exception, "Path '%s' already exists" % (path)
d = os.path.dirname(path)
if not os.access(d, os.R_OK):
raise Exception, "Dir '%s' cannot be read" % (path)
if not os.access(d, os.W_OK):
raise Exception, "Dir '%s' cannot be written" % (path)
f = open(path, 'w')
return f
def _temp_path(self, path=None):
if path is None:
path = self.path
(dirname, basename) = os.path.split(path)
return os.path.join(dirname, ".__%s__pmacs" % (basename))
# methods for dealing with the underlying resource, etc.
def name(self):
#return self.path
return self._name
def path_exists(self):
return os.path.exists(self.path)
def store_checksum(self, data):
self.checksum = md5.new(data)
def read(self):
if self.path_exists():
f = self._open_file_r()
data = f.read()
data = ''
data = self.read_filter(data)
data = data.replace("\t", " ")
2007-10-12 19:32:17 -04:00
for i in range(0, min(len(data), 8)):
if data[i] not in string.printable:
raise BinaryDataException, "binary files are not supported"
#FIXME: this is horrible...but maybe not as horrible as using tabs??
2007-06-04 22:30:58 -04:00
return data
def open(self):
data = self.read()
self.lines = data.split(self.nl)
def reload(self):
def changed_on_disk(self):
assert self.checksum is not None
f = open(self.path)
data = f.read()
m = md5.new(data)
return self.checksum.digest() != m.digest()
def save(self, force=False):
if self.readonly():
raise Exception, "can't save a read-only file"
if self.checksum is not None and force is False:
# the file already existed and we took a checksum so make sure it's
# still the same right now
if not self.path_exists():
raise Exception, "oh no! %r disappeared!" % self.path
if self.changed_on_disk():
raise Exception, "oh no! %r has changed on-disk!" % self.path
temp_path = self._temp_path()
data = self.make_string(nl=self.nl)
2007-10-17 21:48:22 -04:00
if self.windows[0].mode.savetabs:
data = data.replace(" ", "\t")
2007-06-04 22:30:58 -04:00
data = self.write_filter(data)
f2 = self._open_file_w(temp_path)
if self.path_exists():
mode = os.stat(self.path)[0]
os.chmod(temp_path, mode)
shutil.move(temp_path, self.path)
self.modified = False
def save_as(self, path):
self.path = path
class AesBuffer(FileBuffer):
2007-07-19 12:38:17 -04:00
btype = 'aesfile'
2007-07-08 16:00:28 -04:00
def __init__(self, path, password, nl='\n', name=None):
2007-06-04 22:30:58 -04:00
'''fb = FileBuffer(path)'''
2007-07-08 16:00:28 -04:00
FileBuffer.__init__(self, path, nl, name)
2007-06-04 22:30:58 -04:00
self.password = password
def read_filter(self, data):
2007-07-08 16:00:28 -04:00
return aes.decrypt_data(data, self.password)
2007-06-04 22:30:58 -04:00
def write_filter(self, data):
2007-07-08 16:00:28 -04:00
return aes.encrypt_data(data, self.password)
2007-07-19 12:38:17 -04:00
2007-10-15 15:35:06 -04:00
class Binary32Buffer(FileBuffer):
btype = 'bin32file'
wordsize = 4
numwords = 4
def __init__(self, path, nl='\n', name=None):
2007-10-12 16:26:17 -04:00
'''fb = FileBuffer(path)'''
FileBuffer.__init__(self, path, nl, name)
def read_filter(self, data):
lines = []
i = 0
while i < len(data):
j = 0
words = []
2007-10-15 15:35:06 -04:00
while j < self.numwords * self.wordsize and i + j < len(data):
2007-10-12 16:26:17 -04:00
nibbles = []
2007-10-15 15:35:06 -04:00
for c in data[i + j:i + j + self.wordsize]:
2007-10-12 16:26:17 -04:00
nibbles.append(string.hexdigits[ord(c) / 16])
nibbles.append(string.hexdigits[ord(c) % 16])
2007-10-15 15:35:06 -04:00
j += self.wordsize
2007-10-12 16:26:17 -04:00
lines.append(' '.join(words))
2007-10-15 15:35:06 -04:00
i += self.numwords * self.wordsize
2007-10-12 16:26:17 -04:00
return '\n'.join(lines)
def write_filter(self, data):
bytes = []
lastc = None
for c in data:
if c not in '0123456789abcdefABCDEF':
elif lastc is None:
lastc = c
bytes.append(chr(int(lastc + c, 16)))
lastc = None
if lastc is not None:
bytes.append(chr(int(lastc + '0', 16)))
return ''.join(bytes)
2007-10-15 16:17:26 -04:00
class Binary64Buffer(Binary32Buffer):
wordsize = 8
numwords = 2
2007-07-19 12:38:17 -04:00
class DirBuffer(Buffer):
btype = 'dir'
def __init__(self, path, nl='\n', name=None):
Buffer.__init__(self, nl)
self.path = os.path.realpath(path)
2007-07-19 22:36:36 -04:00
def changed(self):
return False
2007-07-19 12:38:17 -04:00
def readonly(self):
return True
def name(self):
2007-07-19 20:22:45 -04:00
return self.path
2007-07-19 12:38:17 -04:00
def path_exists(self):
return os.path.exists(self.path)
2007-07-19 17:51:20 -04:00
2007-07-22 13:53:32 -04:00
def _get_names(self):
2007-07-19 12:38:17 -04:00
if not self.path_exists():
raise Exception, "directory %r does not exists" % self.path
2007-07-19 14:28:21 -04:00
names = os.listdir(self.path)
2007-07-19 12:38:17 -04:00
if self.path != '/':
2007-07-19 14:28:21 -04:00
names.insert(0, '..')
names.insert(0, '.')
2007-07-22 13:53:32 -04:00
return names
def _make_path(self, name):
return os.path.join(self.path, name)
def _get_lines(self):
names = self._get_names()
2007-07-19 14:28:21 -04:00
2007-07-19 17:51:20 -04:00
fieldlines = []
2007-07-19 14:28:21 -04:00
maxlens = [0] * 5
for name in names:
2007-07-22 13:53:32 -04:00
path = self._make_path(name)
fields = dirutil.path_fields(path, name)
2007-07-19 14:28:21 -04:00
for i in range(0, 5):
maxlens[i] = max(maxlens[i], len(fields[i]))
raise Exception, '%d %r' % (i, fields[i])
2007-07-19 17:51:20 -04:00
2007-07-19 14:28:21 -04:00
2007-07-22 13:53:32 -04:00
2007-07-19 14:28:21 -04:00
fmt = '%%%ds %%-%ds %%-%ds %%%ds %%%ds %%s' % tuple(maxlens)
2007-07-19 17:51:20 -04:00
lines = []
for fields in fieldlines:
2007-07-19 14:28:21 -04:00
s = fmt % fields
2007-07-19 17:51:20 -04:00
return lines
def open(self):
self.lines = self._get_lines()
2007-07-19 12:38:17 -04:00
def reload(self):
2007-07-19 17:51:20 -04:00
lines = self._get_lines()
self.set_lines(lines, force=True)
2007-07-19 12:38:17 -04:00
def save(self, force=False):
raise Exception, "can't save a directory buffer"
def save_as(self, path):
raise Exception, "can't save a directory buffer"
2007-07-22 13:53:32 -04:00
class PathListBuffer(DirBuffer):
btype = 'pathlist'
def __init__(self, name, paths, nl='\n'):
Buffer.__init__(self, nl)
self.paths = paths
2007-07-24 00:29:26 -04:00
self.path = os.getcwd()
2007-07-22 13:53:32 -04:00
self._name = name
def path_exists(self):
raise Exception
def _get_names(self):
cwd = os.getcwd()
return [x.replace(cwd, '.', 1) for x in self.paths]
def _make_path(self, name):
if name.startswith('.'):
return name.replace('.', os.getcwd(), 1)
return name
def name(self):
return self._name