2008-11-08 10:30:04 -05:00
import os, commands, re, tempfile
2008-03-17 03:16:15 -04:00
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
import buffer, default, dirutil, regex, util, window
from point import Point
2008-03-18 10:51:47 -04:00
from method import DATATYPES, Method, Argument, arg
2008-03-17 03:16:15 -04:00
class OpenFile(Method):
'''Open file in a new buffer, or go to file's open buffer'''
2008-03-18 10:51:47 -04:00
args = [arg('filename', dt="path", p="Open File: ", dv=default.path_dirname,
ld=True, h="file to open")]
2008-03-17 03:16:15 -04:00
def _execute(self, w, **vargs):
b = w.application.open_path(vargs['filename'])
SwitchBuffer().execute(w, buffername=b.name())
class OpenAesFile(Method):
'''Open AES encrypted file in a new buffer, or go to file's open buffer'''
2008-03-18 10:51:47 -04:00
args = [arg('filename', dt="path", p="Open AES File: ",
dv=default.path_dirname, h="file to open"),
arg('password', p="Use AES Password: ",
h="the AES password the file was encrypted with")]
2008-03-17 03:16:15 -04:00
def _execute(self, w, **vargs):
b = w.application.open_path(vargs['filename'], 'aes', vargs['password'])
SwitchBuffer().execute(w, buffername=b.name())
class ViewBufferParent(Method):
def _execute(self, w, **vargs):
b = w.buffer
if not hasattr(b, 'path'):
w.set_error('Buffer has no path')
elif b.path == '/':
w.set_error("Root directory has no parent")
path = os.path.dirname(b.path)
w.application.methods['open-file'].execute(w, filename=path)
class SwitchBuffer(Method):
'''Switch to a different'''
2008-03-18 10:51:47 -04:00
args = [arg('buffername', dt="buffer", p="Switch To Buffer: ",
dv=default.last_buffer, h="name of the buffer to switch to")]
2008-03-17 03:16:15 -04:00
def _pre_execute(self, w, **vargs):
a = w.application
if len(a.bufferlist.buffers) < 1:
raise Exception, "No other buffers"
def _execute(self, w, **vargs):
name = vargs['buffername']
buf = None
if w.application.has_buffer_name(name):
b = w.application.bufferlist.get_buffer_by_name(name)
w.set_error("buffer %r was not found" % name)
class KillBuffer(Method):
'''Close the current buffer'''
2008-03-18 10:51:47 -04:00
force = False
args = [arg('buffername', dt="buffer", p="Kill Buffer: ",
dv=default.current_buffer, h="name of the buffer to kill")]
2008-03-17 03:16:15 -04:00
def _execute(self, w, **vargs):
name = vargs['buffername']
a = w.application
assert name in a.bufferlist.buffer_names, "Buffer %r does not exist" % name
assert name != '*Scratch*', "Can't kill scratch buffer"
self._to_kill = a.bufferlist.buffer_names[name]
self._old_window = w
if self.force or not self._to_kill.changed():
self._prompt = "Buffer has unsaved changes; kill anyway? "
a.open_mini_buffer(self._prompt, self._callback)
def _doit(self):
a = self._old_window.application
b = self._to_kill
2008-05-03 22:41:58 -04:00
2008-03-17 03:16:15 -04:00
def _callback(self, v):
a = self._old_window.application
if v == 'yes':
elif v == 'no':
a.set_error('Please type "yes" or "no"')
class ForceKillBuffer(KillBuffer):
2008-03-18 10:51:47 -04:00
'''Close the current buffer, automatically discarding any changes'''
2008-03-17 03:16:15 -04:00
2008-03-18 10:51:47 -04:00
2008-03-17 03:16:15 -04:00
class ListBuffers(Method):
'''List all open buffers in a new buffer'''
def _execute(self, w, **vargs):
bl = w.application.bufferlist
bnames = [b.name() for b in bl.buffers]
data = '\n'.join(bnames)
w.application.data_buffer("*Buffers*", data, switch_to=True)
class SaveBufferAs(Method):
'''Save the contents of a buffer to the specified path'''
2008-03-18 10:51:47 -04:00
args = [arg('path', dt="path", p="Write file: ", ld=True,
dv=default.current_working_dir, h="new path to use")]
2008-03-17 03:16:15 -04:00
def _execute(self, w, **vargs):
curr_buffer = w.buffer
curr_buffer_name = curr_buffer.name()
data = curr_buffer.make_string()
path = os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(vargs['path']))
w.set_error("got %r (%d)" % (path, len(data)))
if w.application.has_buffer_name(path):
w.set_error("buffer for %r is already open" % path)
w.application.file_buffer(path, data, switch_to=True)
if curr_buffer_name != '*Scratch*':
w.application.methods['kill-buffer'].execute(w, buffername=curr_buffer_name)
w.set_error('Wrote %r' % path)
class SaveBuffer(Method):
'''Save the contents of a buffer'''
def _execute(self, w, **vargs):
if w.buffer.changed():
w.set_error("Wrote %s" % (w.buffer.path))
w.set_error("(No changes need to be saved)")
2008-09-20 10:54:54 -04:00
class ToggleTabs(Method):
'''Toggle whether to write tabs out or not (defaults to false)'''
def _execute(self, w, **vargs):
b = w.buffer
b.writetabs = not b.writetabs
if b.writetabs:
w.set_error("Buffer will translate %d spaces to a tab" % b.indentlvl)
w.set_error("Buffer will not write tabs")