2007-10-21 20:55:29 -04:00
import color, mode, tab
2009-03-28 22:20:37 -04:00
from lex import Grammar, PatternRule, RegionRule, PatternMatchRule
2007-10-21 20:50:11 -04:00
from point import Point
2008-09-30 18:05:42 -04:00
class StringGrammar1(Grammar):
rules = [
PatternRule(r'octal', r'\\[0-7]{3}'),
PatternRule(r'hex', r'\\x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}'),
PatternRule(r'escaped', r'\\.'),
PatternRule(r'data', r'[^\\\']+'),
class StringGrammar2(Grammar):
rules = [
PatternRule(r'octal', r'\\[0-7]{3}'),
PatternRule(r'hex', r'\\x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}'),
PatternRule(r'escaped', r'\\.'),
PatternRule(r'data', r'[^\\\"]+'),
class RegexGrammar(Grammar):
rules = [
PatternRule(r'octal', r'\\[0-7]{3}'),
PatternRule(r'hex', r'\\x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}'),
PatternRule(r'escaped', r'\\.'),
PatternRule(r'data', r'[^/\\]+'),
2007-07-21 11:40:53 -04:00
2009-03-30 01:10:25 -04:00
chr1 = '[a-zA-Z_]'
chr2 = '[a-zA-Z_0-9]'
word = chr1 + chr2 + '*'
2007-07-21 11:40:53 -04:00
class JavascriptGrammar(Grammar):
rules = [
PatternRule(r'comment', r'//.*$'),
RegionRule(r'comment', '/\*', Grammar, '\*/'),
PatternRule(r'continuation', r'\\(?= *$)'),
2008-09-30 18:05:42 -04:00
2009-03-30 01:10:25 -04:00
PatternMatchRule(r'x', r'(function)( +)('+word+')', 'js_reserved', r'spaces', r'js_function'),
PatternMatchRule(r'x', r'(class|new)( +)('+word+')', 'js_reserved', r'spaces', r'js_class'),
2007-07-21 11:40:53 -04:00
2009-03-30 01:10:25 -04:00
PatternRule(r'js_reserved', r'(?:abstract|as|break|case|catch|class|const|continue|debugger|default|delete|do|else|enum|export|extends|false|finally|for|function|get|goto|if|import|implements|include|instanceof|interface|in|is|namespace|native|new|null|package|private|protected|public|return|set|super|switch|synchronized|this|throws|throw|transient|true|try|typeof|use|var|void|volatile|while|with)(?!'+chr2+')'),
2007-07-21 11:40:53 -04:00
2009-03-30 01:10:25 -04:00
PatternRule(r'identifier', word),
2007-07-21 11:40:53 -04:00
PatternRule(r'integer', r"(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*|0[0-7]+|0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+)[lL]?"),
PatternRule(r'float', r"[0-9]+\.[0-9]*|\.[0-9]+|(?:[0-9]|[0-9]+\.[0-9]*|\.[0-9]+)[eE][\+-]?[0-9]+"),
2008-09-29 21:02:23 -04:00
PatternRule(r'eol', r'\n'),
PatternRule(r'spaces', r' +'),
2007-07-21 11:40:53 -04:00
PatternRule(r'delimiter', r'%=|&&=|&=|\(|\)|\*=|\+=|,|-=|\.{3}|\.|/=(?= |$)|::|:|;|<<=|>>=|>>>=|\?|\[|\]|^=|^^=|\{|\}|\|=|\|\|='),
2009-03-30 01:10:25 -04:00
# fucking javascript!
# their lexer grammar requires one-token look-behind in order to know
# whether a "/" starts a literal regex, or is part of a mathematical
# expression/assignment.
RegionRule('js_regex', "(?<=[\(=:,]) */", RegexGrammar, "/[a-z]*"),
PatternRule(r'operator', r'!==|!=|!|%|&&|&|\*|\+\+|\+|--|-|/|<<=|<<|<=|<|===|==|=|>>>=|>>>|>>=|>>|>=|>|\\|\|\|'),
2008-09-30 18:05:42 -04:00
RegionRule('string', "'", StringGrammar1, "'"),
RegionRule('string', '"', StringGrammar2, '"'),
2007-07-21 11:40:53 -04:00
2009-02-02 17:08:33 -05:00
class JavascriptTabber2(tab.StackTabber2):
open_tokens = {'delimiter': {'{': '}', '(': ')', '[': ']'}}
close_tokens = {'delimiter': {'}': '{', ')': '(', ']': '['}}
control_tokens = {'keyword': {'if': 1, 'else': 1, 'while': 1, 'do': 1, 'for': 1}}
end_at_eof = False
end_at_tokens = {'delimiter': {';': 1}}
2009-03-30 01:10:25 -04:00
nocontinue_tokens = {'delimiter': {';': 1, ',': 1},
2009-02-02 17:08:33 -05:00
'comment': 1,
'comment.start': 1,
'comment.data': 1,
'comment.end': 1}
start_free_tokens = {'string.start': 'string.end'}
end_free_tokens = {'string.end': 'string.start'}
2007-07-21 11:40:53 -04:00
def is_base(self, y):
2009-03-30 01:10:25 -04:00
if y == 0: return True
2009-03-17 15:24:10 -04:00
highlighter = self.mode.window.buffer.highlights[self.mode.name]
2009-03-30 01:10:25 -04:00
if not highlighter.tokens[y]: return False
2007-07-21 11:40:53 -04:00
t = highlighter.tokens[y][0]
2009-02-02 17:08:33 -05:00
return t.name == 'js_reserved' and t.string == 'function'
def _is_indent(self, t):
return t.name == 'spaces'
def _is_ignored(self, t):
return t.fqname() in ('spaces', 'eol', 'comment', 'comment.start',
'comment.data', 'comment.null', 'comment.end')
2007-07-21 11:40:53 -04:00
2007-10-21 20:55:29 -04:00
class Javascript(mode.Fundamental):
2009-03-17 15:24:10 -04:00
name = 'Javascript'
2007-10-18 17:07:35 -04:00
extensions = ['.js']
2007-07-21 11:40:53 -04:00
grammar = JavascriptGrammar
2009-02-02 17:08:33 -05:00
tabbercls = JavascriptTabber2
2009-02-15 12:06:35 -05:00
commentc = '//'
2007-07-21 11:40:53 -04:00
opentokens = ('delimiter',)
opentags = {'(': ')', '[': ']', '{': '}'}
closetokens = ('delimiter',)
closetags = {')': '(', ']': '[', '}': '{'}
2007-10-18 17:07:35 -04:00
colors = {
2008-05-03 13:31:30 -04:00
'js_function': ('blue', 'default', 'bold'),
2008-09-30 18:05:42 -04:00
'js_class': ('magenta', 'default', 'bold'),
2008-05-03 13:31:30 -04:00
'js_reserved': ('cyan', 'default', 'bold'),
'js_regex.start': ('cyan', 'default', 'bold'),
2008-09-30 18:05:42 -04:00
'js_regex.data': ('cyan', 'default', 'bold'),
2008-05-03 13:31:30 -04:00
'js_regex.null': ('cyan', 'default', 'bold'),
'js_regex.octal': ('magenta', 'default', 'bold'),
'js_regex.escaped': ('magenta', 'default', 'bold'),
'js_regex.end': ('cyan', 'default', 'bold'),
2007-07-21 11:40:53 -04:00
2009-02-15 12:06:35 -05:00
_bindings = {
'close-paren': (')',),
'close-brace': ('}',),
'close-bracket': (']',),
2007-10-19 02:41:33 -04:00
install = Javascript.install