believed to work

branch : pmacs2
This commit is contained in:
moculus 2007-05-05 17:22:19 +00:00
parent 9e1a1711ab
commit 02b2aafb77
2 changed files with 208 additions and 69 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import sys
import lex2
color_list = []
color_list.extend(['\033[3%dm' % x for x in range(0, 8)])
@ -22,7 +23,9 @@ class Highlighter:
def dump(self, fmt='(%3s, %2s) | %s'):
print fmt % ('y', 'x', 'string')
for group in self.tokens:
for i in range(0, len(self.tokens)):
group = self.tokens[i]
print 'LINE %d' % i
for token in group:
print fmt % (token.y, token.x, token.string)
@ -52,6 +55,83 @@ class Highlighter:
for token in self.lexer:
# relexing
# ======================
def relex(self, lines, y1, x1, y2, x2):
# start the relexing process
self.lexer.lex(lines, y1, 0)
# this keeps track of the current y coordinate, the current token index
# on line[y], and the current "new token", respectively.
y = y1
i = 0
getnext = True
new_token = None
while True:
# if we have overstepped our bounds, then exit!
if y >= len(lines):
# if we need another new_token, then try to get it.
if getnext:
new_token =
getnext = False
except StopIteration:
# ok, so this means that ALL the rest of the tokens didn't
# show up, because we're done. so delete them and exit
for j in range(y, len(lines)):
del self.tokens[j][i:]
i = 0
# if our next token is one a future line, we need to just get rid of
# all our old tokens until we get there
while new_token.y > y:
del self.tokens[y][i:]
i = 0
y += 1
# ok, so see if we have current tokens on this line; if so get it
if i < len(self.tokens[y]):
old_token = self.tokens[y][i]
assert old_token.y == y, "%d == %d" % (old_token.y, y)
old_token = None
if old_token is None:
# since we don't have a previous token at this location, just
# insert the new one
self.tokens[y].insert(i, new_token)
i += 1
getnext = True
elif old_token == new_token:
# if they match, then leave the old one alone
i += 1
getnext = True
if new_token.y >= y2 and new_token.end_x() >= x2:
# in this case, we can (probably) assume that the rest of
# the lines will lex the same way
elif old_token.x < new_token.end_x():
# ok, so we haven't gotten to this new token yet. obviously
# this token never showed up in the new lexing, so delete it.
del self.tokens[y][i]
elif old_token.x >= new_token.end_x():
# ok, this token is further out, so just insert the new token
# ahead of it, move our counter out and continue
self.tokens[y].insert(i, new_token)
i += 1
getnext = True
# this should never happen
raise Exception, "this isn't happening"
# deletion
# ======================
def update_del(self, lines, y1, x1, y2, x2):
assert y1 >= 0
assert y1 <= y2
@ -60,15 +140,25 @@ class Highlighter:
xdelta = x2 - x1
ydelta = y2 - y1
newtokens = [[] for x in range(0, len(self.tokens) - ydelta)]
# construct a new token data structure; it will have one list for
# every y index in lines. also, fill in tokens before the change
newtokens = [[] for x in lines]
for y in range(0, y1):
newtokens[y] = self.tokens[y]
for y in range(y1, len(lines)):
# so for each line we currently have, we need to process every token,
# transferring them from the old structure to the new, and modifying
# them appropriately to take the change into account.
for y in range(y1, len(self.tokens)):
while self.tokens[y]:
# so remove the token from the old structure, and figure out
# where it stands in relation to the deletion
token = self.tokens[y].pop(0)
tx1 = token.x
tx2 = token.x + len(token.string)
# the notation "*|*| " refers to what the text spans, i.e.:
# before|during|after
if (y, tx2) <= (y1, x1):
# *| |
@ -79,89 +169,117 @@ class Highlighter:
token.x -= xdelta
elif (y, tx1) < (y1, x1):
token2 = token.copy()
if (y, tx2) <= (y2, x2):
# *|*|
s = token2.string[:x1 - tx1]
token.string = token.string[:x1 - tx1]
# *|*|*
s = token2.string[:x1 - tx1] + token2.string[x2 - tx1:]
token2.string = s
token.string = token.string[:x1 - tx1] + token.string[x2 - tx1:]
elif (y, tx1) < (y2, x2):
if (y, tx2) <= (y2, x2):
# |*|
# |*|*
token2 = token.copy()
token2.x = x1
token2.y = token2.y - ydelta
token2.string = token2.string[x2 - tx1:]
token.x = x1
token.y -= ydelta
token.string = token.string[x2 - tx1:]
raise Exception, "this should never happen: %r" % token
# ok, now that we have built a correct new structure, store a reference
# to it instead.
self.tokens = newtokens
def relex_del(self, lines, y1, x1, y2, x2):
# first let's update our existing tokens to fix their offsets, etc.
self.update_del(lines, y1, x1, y2, x2)
self.lexer.lex(lines, y1, 0)
y = y1
i = 0
getnext = True
# then let's do some relexing
self.relex(lines, y1, x1, y2, x2)
while True:
if y >= len(lines):
# addition
# ======================
def update_add(self, lines, y1, x1, newlines):
assert y1 >= 0
assert len(newlines) > 0
if getnext:
new_token =
getnext = False
except StopIteration:
for j in range(y, len(lines)):
print 'DELETE END ROW %d[%d:]: %r' % (j, i, [x.string for x in self.tokens[j][i:]])
del self.tokens[j][i:]
i = 0
# if our next token is one a future line, we need to just get rid of
# all our old tokens until we get there
while new_token.y > y:
print 'DELETE MID ROW %d[%d:]: %r' % (y, i, [x.string for x in self.tokens[y][i:]])
del self.tokens[y][i:]
i = 0
y += 1
if i < len(self.tokens[y]):
old_token = self.tokens[y][i]
assert old_token.y == y
y2 = y1 + len(newlines) - 1
if y2 == y1:
x2 = x1 + len(newlines[0])
old_token = None
x2 = len(newlines[-1])
if old_token is None:
print 'DEFAULT INSERT %d[%d]: %r' % (y, i, new_token.string)
self.tokens[y].insert(i, new_token)
i += 1
getnext = True
elif old_token == new_token:
print 'MATCH %d[%d]: %r == %r' % (y, i, old_token.string, new_token.string)
i += 1
getnext = True
if new_token.y >= y2 and new_token.end_x() >= x2:
elif old_token.x < new_token.end_x():
print 'DELETE BEFORE %d[%d]: %r' % (y, i, old_token.string)
del self.tokens[y][i]
elif old_token.x >= new_token.end_x():
print 'INSERT %d[%d]: %r' % (y, i, new_token.string)
self.tokens[y].insert(i, new_token)
i += 1
getnext = True
raise Exception, "what what?"
xdelta = x2 - x1
ydelta = y2 - y1
# construct a new token data structure, with the right number of lines
newtokens = []
for i in range(0, len(self.tokens) + ydelta):
# copy the tokens that show up before the changed line
for y in range(0, y1):
newtokens[y] = self.tokens[y]
# process the tokens that show up on the changed line
post_change_list = []
for t in self.tokens[y1]:
tx1 = t.x
tx2 = t.x + len(t.string)
ty = t.y
ts = t.string
if tx2 <= x1:
# '*| ' before the insertion
elif tx1 >= x1:
# ' |*' after the insertion
t.x += xdelta
t.y = y2
# '*|*' around the insertion
t1 = t.copy()
t1.string = t.string[:x1 - tx1]
t2 = t.copy()
t2.string = t.string[x1 - tx1:]
t2.x = x2
t2.y = y2
# add in the new data
newtokens[y1].append(lex2.Token('new', '', y1, x1, newlines[0]))
for i in range(1, len(newlines)):
yi = y1 + i
newtokens[yi].append(lex2.Token('new', '', yi, 0, newlines[i]))
# add the post-change tokens back
for t in post_change_list:
# for each subsequent line, fix it's tokens' y coordinates
for y in range(y1 + 1, len(self.tokens)):
for t in self.tokens[y]:
t.y += ydelta
# ok, now that we have built a correct new structure, store a reference
# to it instead.
self.tokens = newtokens
def relex_add(self, lines, y1, x1, newlines):
# first let's update our existing tokens to fix their offsets, etc.
self.update_add(lines, y1, x1, newlines)
# create some extra info that we need
y2 = y1 + len(newlines) - 1
if y2 == y1:
x2 = x1 + len(newlines[0])
x2 = len(newlines[-1])
# now let's start the relexing process
self.relex(lines, y1, x1, y2, x2)

View File

@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ for path in args:
elif False:
(y1, x1) = (5, 9)
(y2, x2) = (7, 14)
#(y2, x2) = (82, 2)
@ -182,3 +182,24 @@ for path in args:
#newlines = ['one two three']
newlines = ['one two three', 'cat', 'dog', 'del[3]', 'oops']
(y1, x1) = (5, 9)
if len(newlines) > 1:
lines.insert(y1 + 1, newlines[-1] + lines[y1][x1:])
lines[y1] = lines[y1][:x1] + newlines[0]
for i in range(1, len(newlines) - 1):
newline = newlines[i]
lines.insert(y1 + i, newline)
lines[y1] = lines[y1][:x1] + newlines[0] + lines[y1][x1:]
h.relex_add(lines, y1, x1, newlines)
#h.update_add(lines, y1, x1, newlines)
if opts.dump: