import commands import time from tab import StackTabber from method import Method from mode import Fundamental from lex import Grammar, PatternRule, RegionRule, PatternMatchRule from mode.python import StringGrammar1, StringGrammar2 from mode.pipe import Pipe from import Interact chr1 = '[a-zA-Z_]' chr2 = '[a-zA-Z_0-9]' word = chr1 + chr2 + '*' class LuaGrammar(Grammar): rules = [ PatternRule('comment', r'--.*$'), PatternRule('spaces', r' +'), PatternRule('eol', r'\n'), RegionRule('lua.string', r"'", StringGrammar1, r"'"), RegionRule('lua.string', r'"', StringGrammar2, r'"'), PatternMatchRule('x', '(function)( +)('+word+')', 'lua.keyword', 'spaces', 'lua.function'), PatternRule('lua.keyword', '(?:while|until|true|then|return|repeat|or|not|nil|local|in|if|function|for|false|end|elseif|else|done|do|break|and)(?!'+chr2+')'), PatternRule('lua.internal', '_[A-Z]+'), PatternRule('lua.identifier', word), PatternRule('delimiter', r'(?:[=(){}\[\];:,.])'), PatternRule('lua.operator', r'(?:\.\.\.|\.\.|==|~=|<=|>=|<|>)'), PatternRule('lua.operator', r'(?:\+|-|/|\*|%|\^)'), PatternRule('lua.integer', r"(?<![\.0-9a-zA-Z_])(?:0|-?[1-9][0-9]*|0[0-7]+|0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+)[lL]?(?![\.0-9a-zA-Z_])"), PatternRule('lua.float', r"(?<![\.0-9a-zA-Z_])(?:-?[0-9]+\.[0-9]*|-?\.[0-9]+|(?:[0-9]|[0-9]+\.[0-9]*|-?\.[0-9]+)[eE][\+-]?[0-9]+)(?![\.0-9a-zA-Z_])"), ] class LuaCheckSyntax(Method): '''Check the syntax of a lua file''' def _execute(self, w, **vargs): app = w.application cmd = "luac -p %r" % (w.buffer.path) (status, output) = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) if status == 0: app.set_error("Syntax OK") app.data_buffer("*Lua-Check-Syntax*", output, switch_to=False) else: app.data_buffer("*Lua-Check-Syntax*", output) class LuaStart(Interact): args = [] modename = 'luapipe' reuse = True def _execute(self, w, **vargs): Interact._execute(self, w, bname='*Lua*', cmd='lua') class LuaLoadFile(Interact): args = [] modename = 'luapipe' reuse = True def _execute(self, w, **vargs): Interact._execute(self, w, bname='*Lua*', cmd='lua') b = w.application.get_buffer_by_name('*Lua*') path = w.buffer.path b.pipe_write('dofile("' + path + '");\n') class Lua(Fundamental): name = 'Lua' extensions = ['.lua'] grammar = LuaGrammar commentc = '--' opentokens = ('delimiter',) opentags = {'(': ')', '[': ']', '{': '}'} closetokens = ('delimiter',) closetags = {')': '(', ']': '[', '}': '{'} colors = {} actions = [LuaCheckSyntax, LuaStart, LuaLoadFile] _bindings = { 'close-paren': (')',), 'close-brace': ('}',), 'close-bracket': (']',), 'lua-check-syntax': ('C-c s',), } class LuaPipe(Pipe): name = 'luapipe' grammar = LuaGrammar def install(*args): Lua.install(*args) LuaPipe.install(*args)