package TBB::Reporting2; my $bar =~ s/foob/blag/g; sub foo { bar() unless 9; } my $foo = { 'foo', 'bar', }; foo(); my $cat = "cat"; $cat =~ s/cat/dog/g; use strict; use warnings; use DBI; use Carp; use TBB::ID; use TBB::ClientSystemData; use TBB::UserData; use TBB::DataManager::Relational; use TBB::UserManager; use TBB::LogManager "write_log"; use Apache::Session::Postgres; use Config::General; use Data::Dumper; use Config::General; use DBI; =head1 NAME TBB::Reporting =head1 SYNOPSIS use TBB::UserData my $reporting = TBB::Reporting->(); ... $reporting->populate(); =head1 DESCRIPTION This class populates a data_by_user table, which aliases some userdata IDs (in particular questions, formulas and conditions) to names given to them by site-relations in the "user_data_alias" table. After instantiating this method, run populate to create the table. What happens, in order, is this: 1. grab the user_data_alias data 2. verify (via the RM) that each resource exists; if so add it to our aliases 3. drop the old data_by_user table 4. create a new one using the aliases 5. get a list of all sessions 6. for each session: a. figure out which client it is, and create a userdata b. get values for all aliases (default value: "") c. insert a row into data_by_user for this client 7. done TODO: populate should dump out the old data_by_user first as a backup, and maybe even automatically restore it if something fails (but probably not). TODO: less stuff should probably be hardcoded, even though our setup here kind of sucks and is kind of temporary. =cut sub new { my $class = shift; my %opts = @_; my $self = {}; bless($self, $class); $self->connect_to_userdata_db(); $self->build_resource_manager(); $self->get_reporting_aliases(); return $self; } # this creates a connection to the userdata db and stores it as $self->{dmr} # currently the settings are hardcoded cause i want it to work sub connect_to_userdata_db { my $self = shift; my $host = "date.tbb"; my $port = 5432; my $db = "tbb_tbbv2db_main"; my $user = "postgres"; my $password = ""; my $options = ""; write_log('debug', "DB params:"); write_log('debug', "\tHost: $host"); write_log('debug', "\tPort: $port"); write_log('debug', "\tDB: $db"); write_log('debug', "\tUser: $user"); write_log('debug', "\tPassword: $password"); write_log('debug', "\tOptions: $options"); $self->{dmr} = TBB::DataManager::Relational->new( host => $host, port => $port, db => $db, user => $user, password => $password, ); } # this builds a resource manager if one doesn't already exist sub build_resource_manager { my $self = shift; unless(defined($TBB::BenefitDelivery::ResourceManager)) { my $rm = TBB::BenefitDelivery::ResourceManager->new('resource_dir' => 'resources'); $TBB::BenefitDelivery::ResourceManager = $rm; } } sub blah { foo() unless(1); } print 'hi\n'; # this gets an array of hash references, each of which represents a userdata alias # it stores the result in $self->{aliases} # # currently it hits a seperate database from the userdata db. eventually, we'd like # the restore DB and the reporting DB to be the same. sigh. sub get_reporting_aliases { my $self = shift; my $rdmr = TBB::DataManager::Relational->new( host => "reports.v2.tbb", port => 5432, db => "reporting", user => "tbbv2db", password => "reports", ); my $aliases_aref = $rdmr->select(select => "alias, question, type", from => "user_data_alias"); $self->{aliases} = []; # make sure each alias is valid; undefined formulas or conditions will give # us problems down the road foreach my $alias (@$aliases_aref) { eval { my $id = TBB::ID::normalize($alias->{question}); $alias->{question} = $id; if(TBB::ID::is_a($id, "question")) { push(@{$self->{aliases}}, $alias); } elsif($TBB::BenefitDelivery::ResourceManager->get_component($id)) { push(@{$self->{aliases}}, $alias); } else { write_log("error", "Alias \"$alias->{question}\" does not exist"); } }; if($@) { write_log("error", "There was a problem with \"$alias->{question}\": $@"); } } # this will help to make sure that the exports for each user are proceeding # correctly write_log("notice", "We are reporting on " . scalar(@{$self->{aliases}}) . " aliases."); } # this returns an sql string which will create the appropriate data_by_user table # we do this seperately because we're not always sure where to create the table # (date.tbb? reports.v2.tbb? who knows?) so hopefully this will make the code # cleaner sub data_by_user_sql { my $self = shift; my $sql = "CREATE TABLE data_by_user (id_user integer PRIMARY KEY, "; $sql .= join(", ", map { "$_->{alias} $_->{type}" } @{$self->{aliases}}); $sql .= ");"; return $sql; } # the big one! sub populate { my $self = shift; my %opts = @_; write_log('notice', "Starting populate"); # connect to reporting db, and drop the old data_by_user my $rdbh = DBI->connect('dbi:Pg:dbname=tbb_tbbv2db_main;host=date.tbb;port=5432', 'postgres', '', {RaiseError => 1}); eval { $rdbh->do("DROP TABLE data_by_user;"); }; # build new data_by_user table my $sql = $self->data_by_user_sql(); print STDERR "FFF: $sql\n"; $rdbh->do($sql); print STDERR "GGG: we are ok\n"; #exit(1); my @report_fields = map {$_->{alias}} @{$self->{aliases}}; push(@report_fields, "id_user"); @report_fields = sort(@report_fields); my @dummy_fields = map { "?" } @report_fields; $sql = "INSERT INTO data_by_user (" . join(", ", @report_fields) . ") VALUES (" . join(", ", @dummy_fields) . ");"; #print STDERR "JJJ: $sql\n"; my $sth = $rdbh->prepare($sql); #exit(1); # for each client user, grab their system_data_id (which is # a session ID); we get an array of session_id references. my $fields = "id_user, system_data_id"; my $table = "tbb_user"; my $where = "id_user_type = 'CL' and system_data_id is not NULL"; my $session_ids = $self->{dmr}->select(select => $fields, from => $table, where => $where); # for each hash in the array we made (each session ID) my $processed = 0; my $total = scalar(@$session_ids); foreach my $session_id (@$session_ids) { $processed++; my $system_id = $session_id->{system_data_id}; my $client_id = $session_id->{id_user}; write_log('info', "Exporting $system_id (user: $client_id) ($processed/$total)"); # we need to see if there is a session ID or not in the # sessions table. there almost certainly won't be more # than one but we test anyway. unless there is exactly # one we will skip this session. my $check = $self->{dmr}->select(select => "id", from => "sessions", where => "id = '$system_id'"); my $count = scalar(@$check); if($count == 0) { write_log('warn', "Session $system_id does not exist"); next; } elsif($count > 1) { write_log('warn', "Session $system_id is not unique ($count found)"); next; } my $csd = TBB::ClientSystemData->new($system_id, "reporter"); my $dms = $csd->retrieve_data_manager_session(); my $user_data = TBB::UserData::New->new(data_manager_relational => $self->{dmr}, data_manager_session => $dms, client_system_data => $csd, current_client_id => $client_id); my $user_data_obj = {'id_user' => $client_id}; foreach my $alias_href (@{$self->{aliases}}) { my $alias = $alias_href->{alias}; my $id = $alias_href->{question}; my $type = $alias_href->{type}; my $value = $user_data->retrieve_value(base => $id, this_id_user => $client_id); $value ||= ""; $user_data_obj->{$alias} = $value; } my @values = (); foreach my $name (@report_fields) { push(@values, $user_data_obj->{$name}); } $sth->execute(@values); write_log('debug', " Saving " . scalar(keys(%$user_data_obj)) . " components") if TBB::LogManager::writes_at('debug'); #write_log('debug', " User Data Obj: " . Dumper($user_data_obj)) if TBB::LogManager::writes_at('debug'); } write_log('notice', "Populate completed"); return 1; } 1;