-- this file is used to initialize the efile server tables
-- these tables are distinct from the esub tables
-- they are used to proxy communications between the IRS and the BDS

create function foo() returns integer as '
    x integer := 30;
    raise notice ''blarg''; --urk
    RETURN x;
' language plgpsql;

-- this table stores all the various username/password pairs we use
-- the one with the most recent date is assumed to be current
CREATE TABLE e2_password (
    created_date TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT current_timestamp,
    username     TEXT        NOT NULL,
    password     TEXT        NOT NULL

-- these are the username/passwords which we use or have used with the IRS
-- NOTE: the order we build these is very important; the most recent should be
-- the last insert to run
INSERT INTO e2_password (username, password) VALUES ('GM8PR643', 'a9G?x3N#');
INSERT INTO e2_password (username, password) VALUES ('GM8PR643', '!Q2w#E4r');

-- this table stores all the IRS processing centers we send to
CREATE TABLE e2_center (
    code   VARCHAR(1) PRIMARY KEY,
    city   TEXT       NOT NULL,
    url    TEXT       NOT NULL,
    letter TEXT       NOT NULL,
    CHECK(letter IN ('Andover', 'Austin'))

-- these are the processing centers we know about
INSERT INTO e2_center VALUES ('C', 'Andover', 'efileA.ems.irs.gov', 'Andover');
INSERT INTO e2_center VALUES ('E', 'Austin', 'efileA.ems.irs.gov', 'Austin');
INSERT INTO e2_center VALUES ('F', 'Kansas City', 'efileB.ems.irs.gov', 'Andover');
INSERT INTO e2_center VALUES ('G', 'Philadelphia', 'efileA.ems.irs.gov', 'Austin');
INSERT INTO e2_center VALUES ('H', 'Fresno', 'efileB.ems.irs.gov', 'Austin');

-- this table maps each state to its particular processing center
CREATE TABLE e2_state (
    name   TEXT       NOT NULL UNIQUE,
    code   VARCHAR(1) REFERENCES e2_center (code)

-- this data is from 2005 and needs to be updated
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('AL', 'Alabama', 'E');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('AK', 'Arkansas', 'E');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('AZ', 'Arizona', 'H');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('AR', 'Alaska', 'H');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('CA', 'Califorina', 'H');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('CO', 'Colorado', 'E');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('CN', 'Connecticut', 'C');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('DC', 'District of Columbia', 'C');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('DE', 'Delaware', 'C');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('FL', 'Florida', 'G');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('GA', 'Georgia', 'G');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('HI', 'Hawaii', 'H');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('IA', 'Iowa', 'E');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('ID', 'Idaho', 'H');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('IL', 'Illinois', 'F');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('IN', 'Indiana', 'F');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('KS', 'Kansas', 'F');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('KY', 'Kentucky', 'G');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('LA', 'Louisiana', 'E');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('MA', 'Massachusets', 'C');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('MD', 'Maryland', 'C');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('ME', 'Maine', 'C');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('MI', 'Michigan', 'F');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('MN', 'Minnesota', 'F');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('MO', 'Missouri', 'F');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('MS', 'Mississippi', 'E');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('MT', 'Montana', 'H');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('NE', 'Nebraska', 'E');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('NH', 'New Hampshire', 'C');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('NJ', 'New Jersey', 'C');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('NM', 'New Mexico', 'E');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('NV', 'Nevada', 'H');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('NC', 'North Carolina', 'G');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('ND', 'North Dakota', 'E');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('NY', 'New York', 'C');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('OH', 'Ohio', 'F');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('OK', 'Oklahoma', 'E');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('OR', 'Oregon', 'H');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('PA', 'Pennsylvania', 'C');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('RI', 'Rhode Island', 'C');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('SC', 'South Carolina', 'G');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('SD', 'South Dakota', 'E');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('TN', 'Tennessee', 'G');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('TX', 'Texas', 'E');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('UT', 'Utah', 'H');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('VA', 'Virginia', 'C');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('VT', 'Vermont', 'C');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('WA', 'Washington', 'H');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('WI', 'Wisconsin', 'F');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('WV', 'West Virginia', 'F');
INSERT INTO e2_state VALUES ('WY', 'Wyoming', 'H');

-- the batch table is used to keep track of batches, both those currently
-- being built, and those which have been sent off.
CREATE TABLE e2_batch (
    -- database key
    batch_id          SERIAL      PRIMARY KEY,
    -- when we created the batch
    created_timestamp TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp,
    -- when we sent the batch; if NULL, then it wasn't sent
    sent_timestamp    TIMESTAMPTZ,
    -- the statuses are as follows:
    -- 1. active:   returns are actively being added to the batch
    -- 2. waiting:  returns are not being added; batch is ready to be sent
    -- 2. failed:   batch was abandoned and never sent
    --              (all efiles in the batch need to be re-batched and resent)
    -- 3. sent:     the batch has been sent
    status            TEXT        NOT NULL DEFAULT 'pending',
    -- processing center code to use
    code              VARCHAR(1)  REFERENCES e2_center (code),
    -- efin is different than us for vita sites, and each vita site has its own
    -- batch, so we need to know which efin the batch is for
    efin              TEXT        NOT NULL,
    -- our own generated batch number that we generate according to irs rules
    batch_num         INTEGER     NOT NULL,
    -- whether this is a pats batch
    pats              BOOLEAN     DEFAULT FALSE,
    -- the gtx key we got when we sent this batch, starts out as NULL
    gtx               TEXT,
    -- the lowest unused serial number for related returns
    curr_serial_num   INTEGER     NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    --is vita or not-needed to know how to generate the tranA record
    is_vita           INTEGER,
    -- the actual batch data
    data              TEXT,
    UNIQUE(batch_num, efin),
    CHECK(efin ~ '^[0-9]{6}$'),
    -- gtx is of the form *YYYYMMDDhhmmss.xxxx, the irs gives them to us on
    -- batch transmission
    CHECK(gtx IS NULL OR gtx ~ '^[A-Z][0-9]{8}[0-9]{6}\.[0-9]{4}$'),
    CHECK(status IN ('pending', 'queued', 'failed', 'sent', 'accepted', 'rejected'))

-- determines for each code/efin combination the id of the active batch, if any
CREATE TABLE e2_current_batch (
    batch_id INTEGER    REFERENCES e2_batch (batch_id),
    code     VARCHAR(1) REFERENCES e2_center (code),
    efin     TEXT       NOT NULL,
    pats     BOOLEAN,
    UNIQUE(code, efin, pats),
    CHECK(e2_verify_current_batch(batch_id, code, efin))

-- this needs to be recreated each day. it keeps track of how many batches have
-- been sent on a particular day.
CREATE SEQUENCE e2_batch_transmission;

-- each client who efiles a return will have a record in this table each time
-- we attempt to batch that return and send it to the IRS
-- some of these records will be auto-generated by the efile server, but can't
-- be set in a DEFAULT statement: serial
CREATE TABLE e2_return (
    return_id         SERIAL      PRIMARY KEY,
    created_timestamp TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp,
    batch_id          INTEGER     REFERENCES e2_batch (batch_id),
    state             VARCHAR(2)  REFERENCES e2_state (abbrev),
    fed_status        TEXT        NOT NULL DEFAULT 'unknown',
    state_status      TEXT        NOT NULL DEFAULT 'unknown',
    fed_response      DATE,
    state_response    DATE,
    efin              TEXT        NOT NULL,
    pats              BOOLEAN     DEFAULT FALSE,
    serial_num        INTEGER     NOT NULL,
    sandbox           TEXT        NOT NULL,
    client_id         INTEGER     NOT NULL,
    edoc_id           INTEGER     NOT NULL,
    dcn               TEXT        NOT NULL,
    is_vita           INTEGER,
    data              TEXT,
    UNIQUE(batch_id, serial_num),
    CHECK(state_status IN ('accepted', 'rejected', 'conditional', 'unknown', 'fed_return_rejected', 'failed')),
    CHECK(fed_status IN ('accepted', 'rejected', 'conditional', 'unknown', 'failed')),
    CHECK(dcn ~ '^00[0-9]{6}[0-9]{3}[0-9]{2}7$')

-- acks are the irs' responses to our batches. in addition to being parsed into
-- "return ack" objects the data from the ack itself is placed here
    ack_id            SERIAL      PRIMARY KEY,
    created_timestamp TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp,
    gtx               TEXT        NOT NULL,
    extension         TEXT        NOT NULL,
    data              TEXT        NOT NULL
    -- gtx keys correspond to those stored in batches *YYYYMMDDhhmmss.xxxx
    CHECK(gtx ~ '^[A-Z][0-9]{8}[0-9]{6}\.[0-9]{4}$'),
    CHECK(extension ~ '^(NAK|ACK|S[A-Z][A-Z])$')

-- error codes are associted with return_acks, and describe the errors that a
-- rejected ack will have
CREATE TABLE e2_error_code (
    error_code_id   SERIAL      PRIMARY KEY,
    dcn             TEXT,
    recipient       VARCHAR(2)  NOT NULL,
    error_code      VARCHAR(4)  NOT NULL,
    efile_line      VARCHAR(4)  NOT NULL,
    efile_form      VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,
    form_instance   VARCHAR(8)  NOT NULL