;;; (sorted? sequence less?)
;;; is true when sequence is a list (x0 x1 ... xm) or a vector #(x0 ... xm)
;;; such that for all 1 <= i <= m,
;;;      (not (less? (list-ref list i) (list-ref list (- i 1)))).

(define (sorted? seq less?)
    ((null? seq)
    ((vector? seq)
      (let ((n (vector-length seq)))
           (if (<= n 1)
               (do ((i 1 (+ i 1)))
                   ((or (= i n)
                        (less? (vector-ref seq (- i 1))
                               (vector-ref seq i)))
                     (= i n)) )) ))
      (let loop ((last (car seq)) (next (cdr seq)))
        (or (null? next)
            (and (not (less? (car next) last))
                 (loop (car next) (cdr next)) )) )) ))

;;; (merge a b less?)
;;; takes two lists a and b such that (sorted? a less?) and (sorted? b less?)
;;; and returns a new list in which the elements of a and b have been stably
;;; interleaved so that (sorted? (merge a b less?) less?).
;;; Note:  this does _not_ accept vectors.  See below.

(define (merge a b less?)
    ((null? a) b)
    ((null? b) a)
    (else (let loop ((x (car a)) (a (cdr a)) (y (car b)) (b (cdr b)))
            ;; The loop handles the merging of non-empty lists.  It has
            ;; been written this way to save testing and car/cdring.
            (if (less? y x)
                (if (null? b)
                    (cons y (cons x a))
                    (cons y (loop x a (car b) (cdr b)) ))
                ;; x <= y
                (if (null? a)
                    (cons x (cons y b))
                    (cons x (loop (car a) (cdr a) y b)) )) )) ))

;;; (merge! a b less?)
;;; takes two sorted lists a and b and smashes their cdr fields to form a
;;; single sorted list including the elements of both.
;;; Note:  this does _not_ accept vectors.
(define (merge! a b less?)
  (define (loop r a b)
    (if (less? (car b) (car a))
          (set-cdr! r b)
          (if (null? (cdr b))
              (set-cdr! b a)
              (loop b a (cdr b)) ))
        ;; (car a) <= (car b)
          (set-cdr! r a)
          (if (null? (cdr a))
              (set-cdr! a b)
              (loop a (cdr a) b)) )) )
    ((null? a) b)
    ((null? b) a)
    ((less? (car b) (car a))
      (if (null? (cdr b))
          (set-cdr! b a)
          (loop b a (cdr b)))
    (else ; (car a) <= (car b)
      (if (null? (cdr a))
          (set-cdr! a b)
          (loop a (cdr a) b))

;;; (sort! sequence less?)
;;; sorts the list or vector sequence destructively.  It uses a version
;;; of merge-sort invented, to the best of my knowledge, by David H. D.
;;; Warren, and first used in the DEC-10 Prolog system.  R. A. O'Keefe
;;; adapted it to work destructively in Scheme.
(define (sort! seq less?)
  (define (step n)
      ((> n 2)
        (let* ((j (quotient n 2))
                (a (step j))
                (k (- n j))
                (b (step k)))
              (merge! a b less?)))
      ((= n 2)
        (let ((x (car seq))
               (y (cadr seq))
               (p seq))
             (set! seq (cddr seq))
             (if (less? y x) (begin
                   (set-car! p y)
                   (set-car! (cdr p) x)))
             (set-cdr! (cdr p) '())
      ((= n 1)
        (let ((p seq))
             (set! seq (cdr seq))
             (set-cdr! p '())
        '()) ))
  (if (vector? seq)
      (let ((n (vector-length seq))
             (vector seq))                     ; save original vector
           (set! seq (vector->list seq))       ; convert to list
           (do ((p (step n) (cdr p))           ; sort list destructively
                 (i 0 (+ i 1)))                ; and store elements back
               ((null? p) vector)              ; in original vector
               (vector-set! vector i (car p)) ))
      ;; otherwise, assume it is a list
      (step (length seq)) ))

;;; (sort sequence less?)
;;; sorts a vector or list non-destructively.  It does this by sorting a
;;; copy of the sequence
(define (sort seq less?)
  (if (vector? seq)
      (list->vector (sort! (vector->list seq) less?))
      (sort! (append seq '()) less?)))