229 lines
9.8 KiB
229 lines
9.8 KiB
from method import Argument, Method
from mode import Fundamental
from lex import Grammar, PatternRule, RegionRule
import re
class TalGrammar(Grammar):
rules = [
PatternRule('spaces', '[ \t]+'),
RegionRule('comment', r'\((?:[ \t]|$)', Grammar, '(?:^|[ \t])\)'),
PatternRule('delimiter', r'[\[\]{}]'),
PatternRule('tal.defmacro', r'%[^ \t\n]+'), # macro-define
PatternRule('tal.pad', r'\|[^ \t\n]+'), # pad (absolute)
PatternRule('tal.pad', r'\$[^ \t\n]+'), # pad (relative)
PatternRule('tal.deflabel', r'@[^ \t\n]+'), # label-define
PatternRule('tal.defsublabel', r'&[^ \t\n]+'), # sublabel-define
PatternRule('tal.spacer', r'/[^ \t\n]+'), # sublabel-spacer
PatternRule('tal.number', r'#[0-9a-fA-F]+'), # literal number
PatternRule('tal.addr', r'\.[^/ \t\n]+'), # little addr (zero page)
PatternRule('tal.addr', r',[^/ \t\n]+'), # little addr (relative)
PatternRule('tal.addr', r';[^/ \t\n]+'), # little addr (absolute)
PatternRule('tal.addr', r':[^/ \t\n]+'), # raw addr
PatternRule('tal.addr', r'\'[^/ \t\n]+'), # raw char
PatternRule('tal.addr', r'\"[^/ \t\n]+'), # raw word
PatternRule('tal.word', r'[^ \t\n]+'),
PatternRule('eol', '\n'),
# white is for delimiters, operators, numbers
default = ('default', 'default')
# magenta is for keywords/builtins
lo_magenta = ('magenta202', 'default')
hi_magenta = ('magenta414', 'default')
# red is for comments
lo_red = ('red300', 'default')
hi_red = ('red511', 'default')
# orange is for macro definitions, headers and constants
hi_orange = ('yellow531', 'default')
lo_orange = ('yellow520', 'default')
# yellow is for parts of macros
hi_yellow = ('yellow551', 'default')
lo_yellow = ('yellow330', 'default')
# green is for strings and characters
lo_green = ('green030', 'default')
hi_green = ('green050', 'default')
# cyan is for types
lo_cyan = ('cyan033', 'default')
hi_cyan = ('cyan155', 'default')
# blue is definitions, functions and some macros
lo_blue = ('blue113', 'default')
hi_blue = ('blue225', 'default')
class Taldoc(Method):
'''View documentation'''
ops = {
# instructions
'BRK': ['Break', [[], []], None, 'halt the program'],
'LIT': ['Literal', [[], ['a']], None, 'push the next value onto the stack'],
'INC': ['Increment', [['a'] , ['b']], None, 'adds one to the top of the stack'],
'POP': ['Pop', [['a'], []], None, 'remove the top of the stack'],
'DUP': ['Duplicate', [['a'], ['a', 'a']], None, 'duplicate the top of the stack'],
'NIP': ['Nip', [['a', 'b'], ['b']], None, 'remove the second value (a)'],
'SWP': ['Swap', [['a', 'b'], ['b', 'a']], None, 'swap the top two stack values'],
'OVR': ['Over', [['a', 'b'], ['a', 'b', 'a']], None, 'duplicate the second value (a) to the top of the stack'],
'ROT': ['Rotate', [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['b', 'c', 'a']], None, 'rotate the top three values to the left'],
# logic
'EQU': ['Equal', [['a', 'b'], ['bool^']], None, 'push 01 if a == b; push 00 otherwise'],
'NEQ': ['Not Equal', [['a', 'b'], ['bool^']], None, 'push 01 if a != b; push 00 otherwise'],
'GTH': ['Greater Than', [['a', 'b'], ['bool^']], None, 'push 01 if a > b; push 00 otherwise'],
'LTH': ['Less Than', [['a', 'b'], ['bool^']], None, 'push 01 if a < b; push 00 otherwise'],
# control flow
'JMP': ['Jump', [['x'], []], None, 'modify the pc using addr'],
'JCN': ['Jump Conditional', [['bool^ addr'], []], None, 'if bool != 00, modify the pc using addr'],
'JSR': ['Jump Stash Return', [['addr'], []], [[], ['pc']], 'store pc onto return stack; modify pc using addr'],
'STH': ['Stash', [['a'], []], [[], ['a']], 'move the top of the stack to the return stack'],
# memory
'LDZ': ['Load Zero-Page', [['addr^'], ['val']], None, 'load value from first 256 bytes of memory onto the stack'],
'STZ': ['Store Zero-Page', [['val', 'addr^'], []], None, 'write top of stack into the first 256 bytes of memory'],
'LDR': ['Load Relative', [['addr^'], ['val']], None, 'load relative address onto the stack'],
'STR': ['Store Relative', [['val', 'addr^'], []], None, 'write top of stack to relative address'],
'LDA': ['Load Absolute', [['addr*'], ['val']], None, 'load absolute address onto the stack'],
'STA': ['Store Absolute', [['val', 'addr*'], []], None, 'write top of stack to absolute address'],
'DEI': ['Device In', [['addr^'], ['val']], None, 'load from the given device onto the stack'],
'DEO': ['Device Out', [['val', 'addr^'], []], None, 'write top of stack to the given device'],
# arithmetic
'ADD': ['Add', [['a', 'b'], ['a+b']], None, 'addition (a + b)'],
'SUB': ['Subtract', [['a', 'b'], ['a-b']], None, 'subtraction (a - b)'],
'MUL': ['Multiply', [['a', 'b'], ['a*b']], None, 'multiplication (a * b)'],
'DIV': ['Divide', [['a', 'b'], ['a/b']], None, 'division (a / b)'],
# bitwise
'AND': ['And', [['a', 'b'], ['a&b']], None, 'bitwise-and (a & b)'],
'ORA': ['Or', [['a', 'b'], ['a|b']], None, 'bitwise-or (a | b)'],
'EOR': ['Exclusive Or', [['a', 'b'], ['a^b']], None, 'bitwise-xor (a ^ b)'],
'SFT': ['Shift', [['a', 'b^'], ['c']], None, 'bitshift left (b >> 4) then right (b & 0xf)'],
inst_re = re.compile(r'^([A-Z]{3})(2?k?r?)$')
addr_dict = {
'.': 'zero-page address',
',': 'relative address',
';': 'absolute address',
':': 'raw address',
'\'': 'raw character',
'\"': 'raw word',
def find_macro(self, name, w):
toks = w.get_highlighter().tokens
target = '%' + name
found = False
start = None
end = None
defn = None
for line in toks:
for t in line:
if not found:
found = t.name == "tal.defmacro" and t.string == target
elif start is None:
if t.name == 'delimiter' and t.string == '{':
start = (t.x + 1, t.y)
elif end is None:
if t.name == 'delimiter' and t.string == '}':
end = (t.x, t.y)
if start is None or end is None:
return None
(sx, sy) = start
(ex, ey) = end
lines = w.buffer.lines
if sy == ey:
# 1 lines
return lines[sy][sx:ex]
elif sy == ey + 1:
# 2 lines
return lines[sy][sx:] + ' ' + lines[ey][:e.x]
# 3+ lines
out = []
return ' '.join(out)
def _execute(self, w, **vargs):
tok = w.get_token()
word = tok.string
if word is None:
w.set_error('no word selected')
m = self.inst_re.match(word)
if m and m.group(1) in self.ops:
prefix, suffix = m.groups()
glyph = '^'
name, ds, rs, desc = self.ops[prefix]
if 'r' in suffix:
rs, ds = ds, rs
if '2' in suffix:
glyph = '*'
if 'k' in suffix:
ds = [ds[0], ds[0] + ds[1]]
def mark(x):
if x.endswith('^') or x.endswith('*'):
return x
return x + glyph
def stk(xss):
return ' -- '.join([' '.join([mark(x) for x in xs]) for xs in xss])
if rs is None:
msg = '%s (%s) %s: %s' % (word, stk(ds), name, desc)
elif ds is None:
msg = '%s {%s} %: %s' % (word, stk(rs), name, desc)
msg = '%s (%s) {%s} %s: %s' % (word, stk(ds), stk(rs), name, desc)
elif tok.name == 'tal.number':
n = int(word[1:], 16)
w.set_error('%r is a number (%d)' % (word, n))
elif tok.name == 'tal.defmacro':
w.set_error('%r is a macro definition' % word)
elif tok.name == 'tal.pad':
n = int(word[1:], 16)
if word[0] == '|':
w.set_error('%r is an absolute pad (%d)' % (word, n))
w.set_error('%r is a relative pad (+%d)' % (word, n))
elif tok.name == 'tal.deflabel':
w.set_error('%r is a label definition' % word)
elif tok.name == 'tal.defsublabel':
w.set_error('%r is a sublabel definition' % word)
elif tok.name == 'tal.addr':
kind = self.addr_dict.get(word[0], 'unknown address')
w.set_error('%r is a %s' % (word, kind))
defn = self.find_macro(word, w)
if defn is None:
w.set_error('%r is not recognized' % word)
w.set_error('%r is a macro: %s' % (word, defn))
class Tal(Fundamental):
name = 'tal'
extensions = ['.tal']
grammar = TalGrammar
actions = [Taldoc]
colors = {
'tal.addr': hi_cyan,
'tal.defmacro': hi_blue,
'tal.addr': hi_yellow,
'tal.inst': hi_magenta,
'tal.deflabel': hi_blue,
'tal.defsublabel': hi_cyan,
'tal.number': hi_green,
'tal.pad': hi_orange,
'tal.spacer': hi_orange,
_bindings = {
'taldoc': ('C-c p',),
'close-paren': (')',),
'close-brace': ('}',),
'close-bracket': (']',),
install = Tal.install