( Opcode Tester ) |0013 @Zeropage &byte $1 &short $2 @id $1 |0100 @on-reset ( -> ) ( part 1 > LIT2: Puts a short on the stack > LIT: Puts a byte on the stack > #18 DEO: Write a letter in terminal > ;meta: Push short > #06 DEO: Write to metadata ports ) [ LIT2 "kO ] #18 DEO #18 DEO [ LIT2 "1 18 ] DEO #0a18 DEO ;meta #06 DEO2 ( part 2 > LITr: Put a byte on return stack > STH: Move a byte from working stack to return stack > STH2r: Move a short from return stack to working stack ) [ LITr "k ] [ LIT "O ] STH STH2r #18 DEO #18 DEO [ LIT2 "2 18 ] DEO #0a18 DEO ( part 3 > LIT2r: Put a short on return stack > DUP: Duplicate byte > ADDr: Add bytes on return stack ) [ LIT2r "k 4d ] #01 DUP STH ADDr STH ADDr STH2r #18 DEO #18 DEO [ LIT2 "3 18 ] DEO #0a18 DEO ( part 4 > JSI: Subroutine to relative absolute address > JMP2r: Jumps to absolute address on return stack ) subroutine [ LIT2 "4 18 ] DEO #0a18 DEO ( part 5 > POP2: Removes a short from the stack > INC2: Increments short on stack > LDAk: Non-destructive load byte from absolute address > JCI: Conditional subroutine to relative absolute address ) ;Dict/ok pstr [ LIT2 "5 18 ] DEO #0a18 DEO ( part 6 > GTH2k: Non-destructive greater-than short > LDA2k: Non-destructive load short from absolute address > STA2: Store short at absolute address ) [ LIT2r 0000 ] ;tests/end ;tests &l run-test [ LITr 00 ] STH ADD2r INC2 INC2 GTH2k ?&l POP2 POP2 STH2r ;tests/end ;tests SUB2 #01 SFT2 EQU2 ;Dict/opctests test-part ( Part 7 > Testing that stacks are circular and wrapping > Storing 12 at -1 and 34 at 0 ) POP #12 #34 ADD #46 EQU STH POP #1234 ADD #46 EQU STH POP2 #1111 #2222 ADD2 #3333 EQU2 STHr AND STHr AND ;Dict/stack-wrap test-part ( Part 8 > Testing RAM wrapping > Storing 12 in 0xffff, and 34 in 0x0000 ) #1234 #ffff STA2 ( LDA ) #0000 LDA #ffff LDA ADD #46 EQU ( LDA2 ) #ffff LDA2 ADD #46 EQU AND ;Dict/ram-wrap test-part ( Part 9 > Testing that zero-page is wrapping ) #5678 #ff STZ2 ( LDZ ) #00 LDZ #ff LDZ ADD #ce EQU ( LDZ2 ) #ff LDZ2 ADD #ce EQU AND ;Dict/zp-wrap test-part ( Part 10 > Testing that device page is wrapping ) #1234 #ff DEO2 ( DEI ) #00 DEI #ff DEI ADD #46 EQU ( DEI2 ) #ff DEI2 ADD #46 EQU AND ;Dict/dev-wrap test-part #0000 DEO #00ff DEO ( end ) [ LIT &fail 80 ] DUP #80 EQU ;Dict/result test-part #0f DEO #0a18 DEO #010e DEO BRK @meta 00 ( name ) "Opctest 0a ( details ) "A 20 "Testing 20 "Program 0a ( author ) "By 20 "Devine 20 "Lu 20 "Linvega 0a ( date ) "1 20 "Nov 20 "2023 $2 @test-part ( f name* -- ) pstr ?{ #01 ;on-reset/fail STA ;Dict/failed !pstr } ;Dict/passed !pstr @run-test ( addr* -- addr* f ) LDA2k JSR2 DUP ?&pass ;Dict/missed pstr [ LIT2 &name $2 ] pstr/ [ LIT2 "# 18 ] DEO [ LIT2 "a -id ] LDZ ADD #18 DEO #0a18 DEO #01 ;on-reset/fail STA JMP2r &pass .id LDZ INC .id STZ JMP2r @set ( name* -- f ) ;run-test/name STA2 #01 [ LIT2 ff -id ] STZ JMP2r @pstr ( str* -- ) &w ( -- ) LDAk #18 DEO INC2 & LDAk ?&w POP2 JMP2r @tests =op-equ [ =op-equ/a =op-equ/b =op-equ/c =op-equ/d =op-equ/e =op-equ/f =op-equ/g =op-equ/h ] =op-neq [ =op-neq/a =op-neq/b =op-neq/c =op-neq/d =op-neq/e =op-neq/f =op-neq/g =op-neq/h ] =op-gth [ =op-gth/a =op-gth/b =op-gth/c =op-gth/d =op-gth/e =op-gth/f =op-gth/g =op-gth/h ] =op-lth [ =op-lth/a =op-lth/b =op-lth/c =op-lth/d =op-lth/e =op-lth/f =op-lth/g =op-lth/h ] =op-add [ =op-add/a =op-add/b =op-add/c =op-add/d =op-add/e =op-add/f =op-add/g =op-add/h ] =op-sub [ =op-sub/a =op-sub/b =op-sub/c =op-sub/d =op-sub/e =op-sub/f =op-sub/g =op-sub/h ] =op-mul [ =op-mul/a =op-mul/b =op-mul/c =op-mul/d =op-mul/e =op-mul/f =op-mul/g =op-mul/h ] =op-div [ =op-div/a =op-div/b =op-div/c =op-div/d =op-div/e =op-div/f =op-div/g =op-div/h =op-div/i =op-div/j ] =op-inc [ =op-inc/a =op-inc/b =op-inc/c =op-inc/d =op-inc/e =op-inc/f =op-inc/g =op-inc/h ] =op-pop [ =op-pop/a =op-pop/b =op-pop/c =op-pop/d =op-pop/e =op-pop/f =op-pop/g =op-pop/h ] =op-dup [ =op-dup/a =op-dup/b ] =op-nip [ =op-nip/a =op-nip/b =op-nip/c =op-nip/d ] =op-swp [ =op-swp/a =op-swp/b ] =op-ovr [ =op-ovr/a =op-ovr/b ] =op-rot [ =op-rot/a =op-rot/b ] =op-and [ =op-and/a =op-and/b =op-and/c =op-and/d =op-and/e =op-and/f =op-and/g =op-and/h ] =op-ora [ =op-ora/a =op-ora/b =op-ora/c =op-ora/d =op-ora/e =op-ora/f =op-ora/g =op-ora/h ] =op-eor [ =op-eor/a =op-eor/b =op-eor/c =op-eor/d =op-eor/e =op-eor/f =op-eor/g =op-eor/h ] =op-sft [ =op-sft/a =op-sft/b =op-sft/c =op-sft/d =op-sft/e =op-sft/f =op-sft/g =op-sft/h ] =op-stz [ =op-stz/a =op-stz/b =op-stz/c =op-stz/d ] =op-str [ =op-str/a =op-str/b =op-str/c =op-str/d ] =op-sta [ =op-sta/a =op-sta/b =op-sta/c =op-sta/d ] =op-jmp [ =op-jmp/a =op-jmp/b ] =op-jcn [ =op-jcn/a =op-jcn/b =op-jcn/c =op-jcn/d ] =op-jsr [ =op-jsr/a =op-jsr/b ] =op-sth [ =op-sth/a =op-sth/b ] =op-jci [ =op-jci/a =op-jci/b =op-jci/c ] =op-jmi [ =op-jmi/a ] =op-jsi [ =op-jsi/a =op-jsi/b =op-jsi/c =op-jsi/d ] &end @op-equ ;Dict/equ !set &a #f8 #f8 EQU [ #01 ] EQU JMP2r &b #01 #01 EQU [ #01 ] EQU JMP2r &c #f8 #01 EQU [ #00 ] EQU JMP2r &d #00 #ff EQU [ #00 ] EQU JMP2r &e #f801 #f801 EQU2 [ #01 ] EQU JMP2r &f #01f8 #01f8 EQU2 [ #01 ] EQU JMP2r &g #f801 #01f8 EQU2 [ #00 ] EQU JMP2r &h #01f8 #f801 EQU2 [ #00 ] EQU JMP2r @op-neq ;Dict/neq !set &a #f8 #f8 NEQ [ #00 ] EQU JMP2r &b #01 #01 NEQ [ #00 ] EQU JMP2r &c #f8 #01 NEQ [ #01 ] EQU JMP2r &d #01 #f8 NEQ [ #01 ] EQU JMP2r &e #f801 #f801 NEQ2 [ #00 ] EQU JMP2r &f #01f8 #01f8 NEQ2 [ #00 ] EQU JMP2r &g #f801 #01f8 NEQ2 [ #01 ] EQU JMP2r &h #01f8 #f801 NEQ2 [ #01 ] EQU JMP2r @op-gth ;Dict/gth !set &a #f8 #f8 GTH [ #00 ] EQU JMP2r &b #01 #01 GTH [ #00 ] EQU JMP2r &c #f8 #01 GTH [ #01 ] EQU JMP2r &d #01 #f8 GTH [ #00 ] EQU JMP2r &e #f801 #f801 GTH2 [ #00 ] EQU JMP2r &f #01f8 #01f8 GTH2 [ #00 ] EQU JMP2r &g #f801 #01f8 GTH2 [ #01 ] EQU JMP2r &h #01f8 #f801 GTH2 [ #00 ] EQU JMP2r @op-lth ;Dict/lth !set &a #f8 #f8 LTH [ #00 ] EQU JMP2r &b #01 #01 LTH [ #00 ] EQU JMP2r &c #f8 #01 LTH [ #00 ] EQU JMP2r &d #01 #ff LTH [ #01 ] EQU JMP2r &e #f801 #f801 LTH2 [ #00 ] EQU JMP2r &f #01f8 #01f8 LTH2 [ #00 ] EQU JMP2r &g #f801 #01f8 LTH2 [ #00 ] EQU JMP2r &h #01f8 #f801 LTH2 [ #01 ] EQU JMP2r @op-add ;Dict/add !set &a #ff #00 ADD [ #ff ] EQU JMP2r &b #01 #ff ADD [ #00 ] EQU JMP2r &c #ff #ff ADD [ #fe ] EQU JMP2r &d #12 #34 ADDk ADD ADD [ #8c ] EQU JMP2r &e #ffff #0000 ADD2 [ #ffff ] EQU2 JMP2r &f #0001 #ffff ADD2 [ #0000 ] EQU2 JMP2r &g #ffff #ffff ADD2 [ #fffe ] EQU2 JMP2r &h #fffe #ffff ADD2 [ #fffd ] EQU2 JMP2r @op-sub ;Dict/sub !set &a #ff #00 SUB [ #ff ] EQU JMP2r &b #01 #ff SUB [ #02 ] EQU JMP2r &c #ff #ff SUB [ #00 ] EQU JMP2r &d #fe #ff SUB [ #ff ] EQU JMP2r &e #ffff #0000 SUB2 [ #ffff ] EQU2 JMP2r &f #0001 #ffff SUB2 [ #0002 ] EQU2 JMP2r &g #ffff #ffff SUB2 [ #0000 ] EQU2 JMP2r &h #fffe #ffff SUB2 [ #ffff ] EQU2 JMP2r @op-mul ;Dict/mul !set &a #00 #01 MUL [ #00 ] EQU JMP2r &b #3f #e7 MUL [ #d9 ] EQU JMP2r &c #37 #3f MUL [ #89 ] EQU JMP2r &d #10 #02 MUL [ #20 ] EQU JMP2r &e #1000 #0003 MUL2 [ #3000 ] EQU2 JMP2r &f #abcd #1234 MUL2 [ #4fa4 ] EQU2 JMP2r &g #8000 #0200 MUL2 [ #0000 ] EQU2 JMP2r &h #2222 #0003 MUL2 [ #6666 ] EQU2 JMP2r @op-div ;Dict/div !set &a #10 #06 DIV [ #02 ] EQU JMP2r &b #20 #20 DIV [ #01 ] EQU JMP2r &c #34 #01 DIV [ #34 ] EQU JMP2r &d #02 #ef DIV [ #00 ] EQU JMP2r &e #02 #00 DIV [ #00 ] EQU JMP2r &f #03e8 #0006 DIV2 [ #00a6 ] EQU2 JMP2r &g #abcd #1234 DIV2 [ #0009 ] EQU2 JMP2r &h #8000 #0200 DIV2 [ #0040 ] EQU2 JMP2r &i #2222 #0003 DIV2 [ #0b60 ] EQU2 JMP2r &j #0202 #0000 DIV2 [ #0000 ] EQU2 JMP2r @op-inc ;Dict/inc !set &a #01 INC [ #02 ] EQU JMP2r &b #ff INC [ #00 ] EQU JMP2r &c #fe INC [ #ff ] EQU JMP2r &d #00 INC [ #01 ] EQU JMP2r &e #0001 INC2 [ #0002 ] EQU2 JMP2r &f #ffff INC2 [ #0000 ] EQU2 JMP2r &g #fffe INC2 [ #ffff ] EQU2 JMP2r &h #0000 INC2 [ #0001 ] EQU2 JMP2r @op-pop ;Dict/pop !set &a #0a #0b POP [ #0a ] EQU JMP2r &b #0a #0b #0c POP POP [ #0a ] EQU JMP2r &c #0a #0b #0c ADD POP [ #0a ] EQU JMP2r &d #0a #0b #0c POP ADD [ #15 ] EQU JMP2r &e #0a0b #0c0d POP2 [ #0a0b ] EQU2 JMP2r &f #0a0b #0c0d #0e0f POP2 POP2 [ #0a0b ] EQU2 JMP2r &g #0a0b #0c0d #0e0f ADD2 POP2 [ #0a0b ] EQU2 JMP2r &h #0a0b #0c0d #0e0f POP2 ADD2 [ #1618 ] EQU2 JMP2r @op-dup ;Dict/dup !set &a #0a #0b DUP ADD ADD [ #20 ] EQU JMP2r &b #0a0b DUP2 ADD2 [ #1416 ] EQU2 JMP2r @op-nip ;Dict/nip !set &a #12 #34 #56 NIP ADD [ #68 ] EQU JMP2r &b #12 #34 #56 NIPk ADD2 ADD [ #f2 ] EQU JMP2r &c #1234 #5678 #9abc NIP2 ADD2 [ #acf0 ] EQU2 JMP2r &d #1234 #5678 #9abc NIP2k ADD2 ADD2 ADD2 [ #9e24 ] EQU2 JMP2r @op-swp ;Dict/swp !set &a #02 #10 SWP DIV [ #08 ] EQU JMP2r &b #0a0b #0c0d SWP2 NIP2 [ #0a0b ] EQU2 JMP2r @op-ovr ;Dict/ovr !set &a #02 #10 OVR DIV ADD [ #0a ] EQU JMP2r &b #0a0b #0c0d OVR2 NIP2 ADD2 [ #1416 ] EQU2 JMP2r @op-rot ;Dict/rot !set &a #02 #04 #10 ROT DIV ADD [ #0c ] EQU JMP2r &b #0a0b #0c0d #0c0f ROT2 ADD2 NIP2 [ #161a ] EQU2 JMP2r @op-and ;Dict/and !set &a #fc #3f AND [ #3c ] EQU JMP2r &b #f0 #0f AND [ #00 ] EQU JMP2r &c #ff #3c AND [ #3c ] EQU JMP2r &d #02 #03 AND [ #02 ] EQU JMP2r &e #f0f0 #00f0 AND2 [ #00f0 ] EQU2 JMP2r &f #aaaa #5555 AND2 [ #0000 ] EQU2 JMP2r &g #ffff #1234 AND2 [ #1234 ] EQU2 JMP2r &h #abcd #0a0c AND2 [ #0a0c ] EQU2 JMP2r @op-ora ;Dict/ora !set &a #0f #f0 ORA [ #ff ] EQU JMP2r &b #ab #cd ORA [ #ef ] EQU JMP2r &c #12 #34 ORA [ #36 ] EQU JMP2r &d #88 #10 ORA [ #98 ] EQU JMP2r &e #0f0f #f0f0 ORA2 [ #ffff ] EQU2 JMP2r &f #abab #cdcd ORA2 [ #efef ] EQU2 JMP2r &g #1122 #1234 ORA2 [ #1336 ] EQU2 JMP2r &h #8888 #1000 ORA2 [ #9888 ] EQU2 JMP2r @op-eor ;Dict/eor !set &a #00 #00 EOR [ #00 ] EQU JMP2r &b #ff #00 EOR [ #ff ] EQU JMP2r &c #aa #55 EOR [ #ff ] EQU JMP2r &d #ff #ff EOR [ #00 ] EQU JMP2r &e #ffff #ff00 EOR2 [ #00ff ] EQU2 JMP2r &f #aaaa #5555 EOR2 [ #ffff ] EQU2 JMP2r &g #1122 #1234 EOR2 [ #0316 ] EQU2 JMP2r &h #8888 #1000 EOR2 [ #9888 ] EQU2 JMP2r @op-sft ;Dict/sft !set &a #ff #08 SFT [ #00 ] EQU JMP2r &b #ff #e0 SFT [ #00 ] EQU JMP2r &c #ff #11 SFT [ #fe ] EQU JMP2r &d #ff #12 SFT [ #7e ] EQU JMP2r &e #ffff #01 SFT2 [ #7fff ] EQU2 JMP2r &f #ffff #70 SFT2 [ #ff80 ] EQU2 JMP2r &g #ffff #7e SFT2 [ #0180 ] EQU2 JMP2r &h #ffff #e3 SFT2 [ #c000 ] EQU2 JMP2r @op-stz ;Dict/stz !set &a #ab .Zeropage/byte STZ .Zeropage/byte LDZ [ #ab ] EQU JMP2r &b #cd .Zeropage/byte STZ .Zeropage/byte LDZ [ #cd ] EQU JMP2r &c #1234 .Zeropage/short STZ2 .Zeropage/short LDZ2 [ #1234 ] EQU2 JMP2r &d #5678 .Zeropage/short STZ2 .Zeropage/short LDZ2 [ #5678 ] EQU2 JMP2r @op-str ;Dict/str !set [ LIT &before1 $1 ] [ LIT2 &before2 $2 ] &a #22 ,&before1 STR ,&before1 LDR [ #22 ] EQU JMP2r &b #ef ,&after1 STR ,&after1 LDR [ #ef ] EQU JMP2r &c #1234 ,&before2 STR2 ,&before2 LDR2 [ #1234 ] EQU2 JMP2r &d #5678 ,&after2 STR2 ,&after2 LDR2 [ #5678 ] EQU2 JMP2r [ LIT &after1 $1 ] [ LIT2 &after2 $2 ] @op-sta ;Dict/sta !set &a #34 ;Absolute/byte STA ;Absolute/byte LDA [ #34 ] EQU JMP2r &b #56 ;Absolute/byte STA ;Absolute/byte LDA [ #56 ] EQU JMP2r &c #1234 ;Absolute/short STA2 ;Absolute/short LDA2 [ #1234 ] EQU2 JMP2r &d #5678 ;Absolute/short STA2 ;Absolute/short LDA2 [ #5678 ] EQU2 JMP2r @op-jmp ;Dict/jmp !set &a #12 #34 ,&reljmp JMP SWP &reljmp POP [ #12 ] EQU JMP2r &b #56 #78 ;&absjmp JMP2 SWP &absjmp POP [ #56 ] EQU JMP2r @op-jcn ;Dict/jcn !set &a #23 #01 ,&reljcn-y JCN INC &reljcn-y [ #23 ] EQU JMP2r &b #23 #00 ,&reljcn-n JCN INC &reljcn-n [ #24 ] EQU JMP2r &c #23 #01 ;&absjcn-y JCN2 INC &absjcn-y [ #23 ] EQU JMP2r &d #23 #00 ;&absjcn-n JCN2 INC &absjcn-n [ #24 ] EQU JMP2r @op-jsr ;Dict/jsr !set &a #1234 #5678 ,&routine JSR [ #68ac ] EQU2 JMP2r &b #12 #34 ;routine JSR2 [ #46 ] EQU JMP2r &routine ADD2 JMP2r @op-sth ;Dict/sth !set &a #0a STH #0b STH ADDr STHr [ #15 ] EQU JMP2r &b #000a STH2 #000b STH2 ADD2r STH2r [ #0015 ] EQU2 JMP2r @op-jci ;Dict/jci !set &before #01 JMP2r &a #01 ?&skip-a #00 JMP2r &skip-a #01 JMP2r &b #00 ?&skip-b #01 JMP2r &skip-b #00 JMP2r &c #01 ?&before #00 JMP2r @op-jmi ;Dict/jmi !set &a !&skip-a #00 JMP2r &skip-a #01 JMP2r @op-jsi ;Dict/jsi !set &a #02 #04 routine #06 EQU JMP2r &b ;&return special &return JMP2r &c ,&skip-c JMP &routine-c ADD JMP2r &skip-c #02 #04 op-jsi/routine-c #06 EQU JMP2r &d ,&skip-d JMP &routine-d ADD JMP2r &skip-d #02 #04 op-jsi-far-routine-d #06 EQU JMP2r @special ( routine* -- f ) ( test that the stack order is LIFO ) DUP2 STH2kr EQU2 ROT ROT DUP2r STHr STHr SWP EQU2 AND JMP2r @routine ( a b -- c ) ADD JMP2r @subroutine ( -- ) [ LIT2 "kO ] #18 DEO #18 DEO JMP2r @Absolute &byte $1 &short $2 @Dict [ &ok "Ok $1 &done "Tests 20 "Complete. 0a $1 &opctests "Opcodes $1 &stack-wrap "Stack-wrap $1 &ram-wrap "RAM-wrap $1 &zp-wrap "Zeropage-wrap $1 &dev-wrap "Devices-wrap $1 &result "Result: $1 &passed 20 "passed! 0a $1 &missed "Opcode 20 "Failed 20 "-- 20 $1 &failed 20 "failed. 0a $1 &equ "EQU $1 &neq "NEQ $1 >h "GTH $1 <h "LTH $1 &add "ADD $1 &sub "SUB $1 &mul "MUL $1 &div "DIV $1 &inc "INC $1 &pop "POP $1 &dup "DUP $1 &nip "NIP $1 &swp "SWP $1 &ovr "OVR $1 &rot "ROT $1 &and "AND $1 &ora "ORA $1 &eor "EOR $1 &sft "SFT $1 &stz "STZ $1 &str "STR $1 &sta "STA $1 &jmp "JMP $1 &jcn "JCN $1 &jsr "JSR $1 &sth "STH $1 &jmi "JMI $1 &jci "JCI $1 &jsi "JSI $1 ] |f000 @op-jsi-far-routine-d op-jsi/routine-d JMP2r