Display brush size

This commit is contained in:
neauoire 2021-03-18 20:53:47 -07:00
parent 1b942f63f5
commit 781eb5866c
4 changed files with 127 additions and 49 deletions

View File

@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ Program p;
char ops[][4] = {
"BRK", "NOP", "LIT", "LDR", "STR", "---", "JMP", "JSR",
"EQU", "NEQ", "GTH", "LTH", "AND", "XOR", "SHL", "SHR",
"EQU", "NEQ", "GTH", "LTH", "AND", "ORA", "SHL", "SHR",
"POP", "DUP", "SWP", "OVR", "ROT", "---", "CLN", "STH",
"ADD", "SUB", "MUL", "DIV", "---", "---", "---", "---"
"ADD", "SUB", "MUL", "DIV", "---", "---", "---", "XOR"
int scin(char *s, char c) { int i = 0; while(s[i]) if(s[i++] == c) return i - 1; return -1; } /* string char index */

View File

@ -154,17 +154,16 @@ BRK
~tileview.addr ADD2 =addr ( addr offset )
~MOUS.x ~tileview.x SUB2 ~MOUS.x ~tileview.x SUB2 #0040 DIV2 #0040 MUL2 SUB2 =pos.x
~MOUS.y ~tileview.y SUB2 ~MOUS.y ~tileview.y SUB2 #0040 DIV2 #0040 MUL2 SUB2 =pos.y
,no-fill-mode ~bankview.mode #01 NEQ JMP2?
( fill row ) #ff ~addr ~pos.y 8/ ADD2 STR
,redraw JSR2 ,click-end JMP2
,no-erase-mode ~bankview.mode #02 NEQ JMP2?
( erase row ) #00 ~addr ~pos.y 8/ ADD2 STR
( load ) ~addr ~pos.y 8/ ADD2 LDR
( mask ) #01 #07 ~pos.x 8/ SWP POP SUB SHL
( save ) ~addr ~pos.y 8/ ADD2 STR
,redraw JSR2 ,click-end JMP2
( load ) ~addr ~pos.y 8/ ADD2 LDR
( mask ) #01 #07 ~pos.x 8/ SWP POP SUB SHL
( save ) ~addr ~pos.y 8/ ADD2 STR
,redraw JSR2 ,click-end JMP2

View File

@ -7,6 +7,11 @@
- Only draw-canvas when mouse has changed
- Only draw-canvas target tile
- Resize buttons
- Zoom
- Erase
- Toggle guides
- Set eye option
- Complete save/load
%RTN { JMP2r }
@ -19,7 +24,7 @@
;center { x 2 y 2 }
;toolbar { x1 2 y1 2 x2 2 y2 2 }
;cursor { x 2 y 2 x0 2 y0 2 size 1 patt 1 drag 1 }
;cursor { x 2 y 2 x0 2 y0 2 size 1 patt 1 drag 1 view 1 }
;rect { x1 2 y1 2 x2 2 y2 2 }
;color { byte 1 }
;pos { x 2 y 2 }
@ -35,20 +40,20 @@
( find screen center )
~Screen.width #0002 DIV2 =center.x
~Screen.height #0002 DIV2 =center.y
#0010 =toolbar.x1 #0010 =toolbar.y1
( default brush )
#04 =cursor.size
#0010 =canvas.x1 #0016 =canvas.y1
#0026 =canvas.w #001a =canvas.h ( 380x260 )
#0010 =toolbar.x1 #0010 =toolbar.y1
( center canvas )
~center.x ~canvas.w 8* 2/ SUB2 =canvas.x1
~center.y ~canvas.h 8* 2/ SUB2 =canvas.y1
,draw-background JSR2
,fit-canvas JSR2
,draw-titlebar JSR2
,fit-toolbar JSR2
@ -102,9 +107,32 @@ BRK
,$no-touch-canvas ~Mouse.x CLN2r ~canvas.x1 GTH2 STH2r ~canvas.x2 LTH2 #0101 NEQ2 JMP2?
,$no-touch-canvas ~Mouse.y CLN2r ~canvas.y1 GTH2 STH2r ~canvas.y2 LTH2 #0101 NEQ2 JMP2?
~Mouse.x ~canvas.x1 SUB2 ~Mouse.y ~canvas.y1 SUB2 ,paint JSR2
,$touch-end JMP2
( background interface )
~Mouse.x ~Screen.width #0020 SUB2 SUB2 8/
#0000 NEQ2 ,$no-toggle-guides ROT JMP2?
~cursor.view #00 EQU =cursor.view
( release ) #00 =Mouse.state
~cursor.view =Console.byte
~Screen.width #0020 SUB2 =Sprite.x
~Screen.height #0010 SUB2 =Sprite.y
,mode_guidesoff #00 ~cursor.view #0008 MUL2 ADD2 =Sprite.addr
#01 =Sprite.color
#0001 NEQ2 ,$no-load-button ROT JMP2?
( release ) #00 =Mouse.state
#bb =Console.byte
#0002 NEQ2 ,$no-save-button ROT JMP2?
( release ) #00 =Mouse.state
#cc =Console.byte
@ -121,8 +149,10 @@ BRK
@paint ( x y )
,erase ~Mouse.state #10 EQU JMP2?
#0004 SUB2 =pos.y #0004 SUB2 =pos.x ( cursor offset )
#0003 SUB2 =pos.y #0003 SUB2 =pos.x ( cursor offset )
#00 =px.x #00 =px.y
@ -130,12 +160,10 @@ RTN
( addr ) ,size_icn #00 ~cursor.size 8* ADD2
( byte ) #00 ~px.y ADD2 LDR #07 ~px.x SUB SHR #01 AND
#00 EQU ,$no-pixel ROT JMP2?
,$no-pixel ,patternize JSR2 #00 EQU JMP2?
~pos.x #00 ~px.x ADD2 ~pos.y #00 ~px.y ADD2 ,add-pixel JSR2
( incr ) ~px.x #01 ADD =px.x
,$hor ~px.x #08 LTH JMP2?
( incr ) ~px.y #01 ADD =px.y
@ -146,6 +174,29 @@ RTN
@erase ( x y )
#0003 SUB2 =pos.y #0003 SUB2 =pos.x ( cursor offset )
#00 =px.x #00 =px.y
#00 =px.x
( addr ) ,size_icn #00 ~cursor.size 8* ADD2
( byte ) #00 ~px.y ADD2 LDR #07 ~px.x SUB SHR #01 AND
#00 EQU ,$no-pixel ROT JMP2?
,$no-pixel ,patternize JSR2 #00 EQU JMP2?
~pos.x #00 ~px.x ADD2 ~pos.y #00 ~px.y ADD2 ,remove-pixel JSR2
( incr ) ~px.x #01 ADD =px.x
,$hor ~px.x #08 LTH JMP2?
( incr ) ~px.y #01 ADD =px.y
,$ver ~px.y #08 LTH JMP2?
,draw-canvas JSR2
,draw-toolbar JSR2
,$noplain ~cursor.patt #00 NEQ JMP2?
@ -198,11 +249,19 @@ RTN
@add-pixel ( x y )
=pix.y =pix.x
( get tile addr ) ,data ~pix.x 8/ ~pix.y 8/ ~canvas.w MUL2 ADD2 8* ~pix.y MOD8 ADD2 ADD2
( load ) DUP2 LDR
( mask ) #01 #07 ~pix.x MOD8 SWP POP SUB SHL XOR
( mask ) #01 #07 ~pix.x MOD8 SWP POP SUB SHL ORA
( save ) ROT ROT STR
@remove-pixel ( x y )
=pix.y =pix.x
( get tile addr ) ,data ~pix.x 8/ ~pix.y 8/ ~canvas.w MUL2 ADD2 8* ~pix.y MOD8 ADD2 ADD2
( load ) DUP2 LDR
( mask ) #01 #07 ~pix.x MOD8 SWP POP SUB SHL #ff XOR AND
( save ) ROT ROT STR
@ -217,9 +276,9 @@ RTN
( draw ) #09 =Sprite.color
( incr ) ~Sprite.x 8+ =Sprite.x
( incr ) ~Sprite.addr 8+ =Sprite.addr
,$hor ~Sprite.x ~canvas.x2 LTH2 JMP2?
,$hor ~Sprite.x ~canvas.x2 NEQ2 JMP2?
( incr ) ~Sprite.y 8+ =Sprite.y
,$ver ~Sprite.y ~canvas.y2 LTH2 JMP2?
,$ver ~Sprite.y ~canvas.y2 NEQ2 JMP2?
@ -230,13 +289,13 @@ RTN
( incr ) ~Screen.x ++ =Screen.x
( draw ) ~rect.y1 =Screen.y ~color =Screen.color
( draw ) ~rect.y2 =Screen.y ~color =Screen.color
,$hor ~Screen.x ~rect.x2 LTH2 JMP2?
,$hor ~Screen.x ~rect.x2 NEQ2 JMP2?
~rect.y1 =Screen.y
( draw ) ~rect.x1 =Screen.x ~color =Screen.color
( draw ) ~rect.x2 =Screen.x ~color =Screen.color
( incr ) ~Screen.y ++ =Screen.y
,$ver ~Screen.y ~rect.y2 ++ LTH2 JMP2?
,$ver ~Screen.y ~rect.y2 ++ NEQ2 JMP2?
@ -248,9 +307,9 @@ RTN
( draw ) ~color =Screen.color
( incr ) ~Screen.x ++ =Screen.x
,$hor ~Screen.x ~rect.x2 LTH2 JMP2?
,$hor ~Screen.x ~rect.x2 NEQ2 JMP2?
( incr ) ~Screen.y ++ =Screen.y
,$ver ~Screen.y ~rect.y2 LTH2 JMP2?
,$ver ~Screen.y ~rect.y2 NEQ2 JMP2?
@ -261,6 +320,10 @@ RTN
#0000 EQU2 ~Mouse.state #00 NEQ #0101 EQU2 RTN? ( Return if unchanged )
~cursor.x #0003 SUB2 =Sprite.x
~cursor.y #0003 SUB2 =Sprite.y
#10 =Sprite.color
( clear last cursor )
~cursor.x =Sprite.x
~cursor.y =Sprite.y
@ -272,10 +335,20 @@ RTN
~Mouse.y =cursor.y
( draw new cursor )
,$outside-canvas ~Mouse.x CLN2r ~canvas.x1 GTH2 STH2r ~canvas.x2 LTH2 #0101 NEQ2 JMP2?
,$outside-canvas ~Mouse.y CLN2r ~canvas.y1 GTH2 STH2r ~canvas.y2 LTH2 #0101 NEQ2 JMP2?
~cursor.x #0003 SUB2 =Sprite.x
~cursor.y #0003 SUB2 =Sprite.y
,brush_view #00 ~cursor.size #0008 MUL2 ADD2 =Sprite.addr
#11 ~Mouse.state ADD =Sprite.color
~cursor.x =Sprite.x
~cursor.y =Sprite.y
,brush_pointer #00 ~Controller #02 EQU #0008 MUL2 ADD2 =Sprite.addr
#13 =Sprite.color
#1f =Sprite.color
@ -304,7 +377,7 @@ RTN
~toolbar.x1 #0018 ADD2 =toolbar.x2
~toolbar.x1 #0010 ADD2 =toolbar.x2
~toolbar.y1 #0040 ADD2 =toolbar.y2
,draw-toolbar JSR2
@ -313,7 +386,7 @@ RTN
~toolbar.x1 -- ~toolbar.y1 -- ~toolbar.x2 ~toolbar.y2 #02 ,line-rect JSR2
~toolbar.x1 #0002 SUB2 ~toolbar.y1 #0002 SUB2 ~toolbar.x2 ++ ~toolbar.y2 ++ #01 ,line-rect JSR2
~toolbar.x1 #0002 SUB2 ~toolbar.y1 #0002 SUB2 ~toolbar.x2 ~toolbar.y2 #01 ,line-rect JSR2
~toolbar.x1 =Sprite.x
~toolbar.y1 =Sprite.y
@ -339,17 +412,6 @@ RTN
( incr ) ~Sprite.addr 8+ =Sprite.addr
,$patterns ~Sprite.y ~toolbar.y1 #0040 ADD2 LTH2 JMP2?
( draw brush tools )
~toolbar.x1 #0010 ADD2 =Sprite.x
~toolbar.y1 =Sprite.y
( draw ) #09 =Sprite.color
( incr ) ~Sprite.y 8+ =Sprite.y
( incr ) ~Sprite.addr 8+ =Sprite.addr
,$brushes ~Sprite.y ~toolbar.y1 #0040 ADD2 LTH2 JMP2?
@ -372,7 +434,7 @@ RTN
OVR2 OVR2 LTH2 ^$draw-ver SWP JMP?
( draw save/load icons )
( draw save/load/guides icons )
~Screen.width #0018 SUB2 =Sprite.x
~Screen.height #0010 SUB2 =Sprite.y
,load_icn =Sprite.addr
@ -380,9 +442,12 @@ RTN
~Screen.width #0010 SUB2 =Sprite.x
,save_icn =Sprite.addr
#01 =Sprite.color
~Screen.width #0020 SUB2 =Sprite.x
,mode_guidesoff =Sprite.addr
#01 =Sprite.color
( draw width )
~Screen.width #0040 SUB2 =Sprite.x
~Screen.width #0048 SUB2 =Sprite.x
,font_hex ~canvas.w #f0 AND #04 SHR #08 MUL ADD2 =Sprite.addr
( draw ) #02 =Sprite.color
~Sprite.x 8+ =Sprite.x
@ -418,17 +483,29 @@ RTN
[ feaa aaaa aaaa fe00 ]
[ fe82 fe82 fe82 fe00 ]
[ 0000 0010 0000 0000 ]
[ 0000 1028 1000 0000 ]
[ 0000 3828 3800 0000 ]
[ 0010 2844 2810 0000 ]
[ 0038 4444 4438 0000 ]
[ 1028 4482 4428 1000 ]
[ 3844 8282 8244 3800 ]
[ 7c82 8282 8282 7c00 ]
[ 7cfe fefe fefe 7c00 ]
@brush_pointer [ 80c0 e0f0 f8e0 1000 ]
@brush_hand [ 4040 4070 f8f8 f870 ]
@brush_eraser [ 2050 b87c 3e1c 0800 ]
@mode_guidesoff [ 0038 4492 2810 0000 ]
@mode_guideson [ 0000 0082 4438 0000 ]
@mode_zoomout [ 3048 8484 4834 0200 ]
[ 0000 0000 0000 0000 ]
[ 0000 0000 0000 0000 ]
[ 0000 0000 0000 0000 ]
@mode_guideson [ 0000 0082 4438 0000 ]
@mode_zoomin [ 3245 8284 4834 0200 ]
@load_icn [ feaa d6aa d4aa f400 ]
@save_icn [ fe82 8282 848a f400 ]

View File

@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ void op_ldr(Uxn *u) { Uint16 a = pop16(u->src); push8(u->src, mempeek8(u, a)); }
void op_str(Uxn *u) { Uint16 a = pop16(u->src); Uint8 b = pop8(u->src); mempoke8(u, a, b); }
/* Logic */
void op_and(Uxn *u) { Uint8 a = pop8(u->src), b = pop8(u->src); push8(u->src, b & a); }
void op_xor(Uxn *u) { Uint8 a = pop8(u->src), b = pop8(u->src); push8(u->src, b | a); }
void op_ora(Uxn *u) { Uint8 a = pop8(u->src), b = pop8(u->src); push8(u->src, b | a); }
void op_xor(Uxn *u) { Uint8 a = pop8(u->src), b = pop8(u->src); push8(u->src, b ^ a); }
void op_shl(Uxn *u) { Uint8 a = pop8(u->src), b = pop8(u->src); push8(u->src, b << (a % 8)); }
void op_shr(Uxn *u) { Uint8 a = pop8(u->src), b = pop8(u->src); push8(u->src, b >> (a % 8)); }
/* Stack */
@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ void op_jsr16(Uxn *u) { push16(u->dst, u->ram.ptr); u->ram.ptr = pop16(u->src);
void op_ldr16(Uxn *u) { Uint16 a = pop16(u->src); push16(u->src, mempeek16(u, a)); }
void op_str16(Uxn *u) { Uint16 a = pop16(u->src); Uint16 b = pop16(u->src); mempoke16(u, a, b); }
void op_and16(Uxn *u) { Uint16 a = pop16(u->src), b = pop16(u->src); push16(u->src, b & a); }
void op_ora16(Uxn *u) { Uint16 a = pop16(u->src), b = pop16(u->src); push16(u->src, b | a); }
void op_xor16(Uxn *u) { Uint16 a = pop16(u->src), b = pop16(u->src); push16(u->src, b ^ a); }
void op_shl16(Uxn *u) { Uint16 a = pop16(u->src), b = pop16(u->src); push16(u->src, b << (a % 16)); }
void op_shr16(Uxn *u) { Uint16 a = pop16(u->src), b = pop16(u->src); push16(u->src, b >> (a % 16)); }
@ -90,14 +92,14 @@ void op_lth16(Uxn *u) { Uint16 a = pop16(u->src), b = pop16(u->src); push8(u->sr
void (*ops[])(Uxn *u) = {
op_brk, op_nop, op_lit, op_ldr, op_str, op_nop, op_jmp, op_jsr,
op_equ, op_neq, op_gth, op_lth, op_and, op_xor, op_shl, op_shr,
op_equ, op_neq, op_gth, op_lth, op_and, op_ora, op_shl, op_shr,
op_pop, op_dup, op_swp, op_ovr, op_rot, op_nop, op_cln, op_sth,
op_add, op_sub, op_mul, op_div, op_nop, op_nop, op_nop, op_nop,
op_add, op_sub, op_mul, op_div, op_nop, op_nop, op_nop, op_xor,
/* 16-bit */
op_brk, op_nop16, op_lit16, op_ldr16, op_str16, op_nop, op_jmp16, op_jsr16,
op_equ16, op_neq16, op_gth16, op_lth16, op_and16, op_xor16, op_shl16, op_shr16,
op_equ16, op_neq16, op_gth16, op_lth16, op_and16, op_ora16, op_shl16, op_shr16,
op_pop16, op_dup16, op_swp16, op_ovr16, op_rot16, op_nop, op_cln16, op_sth16,
op_add16, op_sub16, op_mul16, op_div16, op_nop, op_nop, op_nop, op_nop
op_add16, op_sub16, op_mul16, op_div16, op_nop, op_nop, op_nop, op_xor16
Uint8 opr[][4] = { /* wstack-/+ rstack-/+ */