Progress on asma
This commit is contained in:
@ -200,7 +200,8 @@ do
_with_0:write('( automatically generated code below )\n')
_with_0:write('( see etc/asma.moon for instructions )\n')
_with_0:write(fmt('label', 'less than', 'greater than', 'key', 'data )'))
_with_0:write(fmt('label', 'less', 'greater', 'key', 'binary'))
_with_0:write(fmt('', 'than', 'than', 'string', 'data )'))
for name, tree in spairs(trees) do
@ -229,7 +230,43 @@ do
Heap, a large temporary area for keeping track of labels. More complex
programs need more of this space. If there's insufficient space then the
assembly process will fail, but having extra space above what the most
complex program needs provides no benefit.
This heap, and the buffers below, are free to be used to hold temporary
data between assembly runs, and do not need to be initialized with any
particular contents to use the assembler.
|ff00 &end
Buffer for use with loading source code.
The minimum size is the length of the longest token plus one, which is
0x21 to keep the same capability of the C assembler.
Larger sizes are more efficient, provided there is enough
heap space to keep track of all the labels.
|ff80 &end
Buffer for use with writing output.
The minimum size is 1, and larger sizes are more efficient.
|ffff &end
return os.execute('mv projects/software/asma.usm.tmp projects/software/asma.usm')
@ -141,7 +141,8 @@ with assert 'projects/software/asma.usm.tmp', 'w'
\write '( automatically generated code below )\n'
\write '( see etc/asma.moon for instructions )\n'
\write '\n('
\write fmt 'label', 'less than', 'greater than', 'key', 'data )'
\write fmt 'label', 'less', 'greater', 'key', 'binary'
\write fmt '', 'than', 'than', 'string', 'data )'
\write '\n'
for name, tree in spairs trees
\write '@%s\n'\format name
@ -163,7 +164,43 @@ with assert 'projects/software/asma.usm.tmp', 'w'
\write fmt label, lefts[k] or ' $2', rights[k] or ' $2', unpack v
\write '\n'
\write '@asma-heap\n\n'
\write [[(
Heap, a large temporary area for keeping track of labels. More complex
programs need more of this space. If there's insufficient space then the
assembly process will fail, but having extra space above what the most
complex program needs provides no benefit.
This heap, and the buffers below, are free to be used to hold temporary
data between assembly runs, and do not need to be initialized with any
particular contents to use the assembler.
|ff00 &end
Buffer for use with loading source code.
The minimum size is the length of the longest token plus one, which is
0x21 to keep the same capability of the C assembler.
Larger sizes are more efficient, provided there is enough
heap space to keep track of all the labels.
|ff80 &end
Buffer for use with writing output.
The minimum size is 1, and larger sizes are more efficient.
|ffff &end
os.execute 'mv projects/software/asma.usm.tmp projects/software/asma.usm'
@ -8,6 +8,16 @@
;reset JMP2
Asma's public interface.
These routines are what are expected to be called from programs that bundle
Asma into bigger projects.
Common macros for use later on.
%asma-IF-ERROR { ;asma/error LDA2 ORA }
%asma-LOG { #01 }
@ -19,6 +29,14 @@
%asma-DEO2 { asma-LOG NEQ JMP DEO2k POP POP2 }
%asma-DEO { asma-LOG NEQ JMP DEOk POP2 }
Debugging routines. These all output extra information to the Console.
These can be stripped out to save space, once the references to them are
removed. Look for the word DEBUG later on to find these references: the
lines that contain that word can be deleted to strip out the functionality
@asma-dump-sublabels ( incoming-ptr* -- )
ORAk ,&valid-incoming-ptr JCN
@ -82,11 +100,10 @@
;asma-trees/labels ;asma-dump-labels JSR2
;asma/line LDA2 .Console/short #04 asma-DEO2
;&lines .Console/string #04 asma-DEO2
#0000 DIV
( "test.usm 00 )
"test.usm 00
"projects/examples/gui/label.usm 00
&lines [ 20 "lines 20 "in 20 "total. 0a 00 ]
@ -175,9 +192,21 @@
@asma [ &pass $1 &state $1 &line $2 &token $2 &orig-token $2 &heap $2 &addr $2 &written-addr $2 &scope-addr $2 &error $2 ]
@asma [ &pass $1 &state $1 &line $2 &token $2 &orig-token $2 &heap $2 &addr $2 &written-addr $2 &flush-fn $2 &scope-addr $2 &error $2 ]
@asma-trees [ &labels $2 ¯os $2 &opcodes $2 &scope $2 ]
The main routine to assemble a single token.
asma/state contains several meaningful bits:
0x02 we are in a comment,
0x04 we are in a macro body, and
0x08 we are in a macro body that we are ignoring
(because the macro was already defined in a previous pass).
Since 0x08 never appears without 0x04, the lowest bit set in asma/state is
always 0x00, 0x02, or 0x04, which is very handy for use with jump tables.
The lowest bit set can be found easily by #00 (n) SUBk AND.
@asma-assemble-token ( string-ptr* -- )
DUP2 .Console/string #02 asma-DEO2
#0a .Console/char #02 asma-DEO
@ -195,8 +224,6 @@
LITr 00 STH2 ( / end* char end* 00 end* )
STAr ( / end* char end* )
( find lowest set bit of assembler/state
in C, this would be i & -i )
#00 ;asma/state LDA SUBk AND ( tree-offset* / end* )
DUP2 ;&first-char-trees ADD2 ( tree-offset* incoming-ptr* / end* )
;asma-traverse-tree JSR2
@ -213,7 +240,7 @@
¬-found ( tree-offset* dummy* / end* )
;&first-char-dispatch ADD2 LDA2
;&body-routines ADD2 LDA2
JMP2 ( tail call )
@ -221,7 +248,7 @@
@ -421,7 +448,12 @@
( actions based on first character )
First character routines.
The following routines (that don't have a FORTH-like signature) are called
to deal with tokens that begin with particular first letters, or (for
-body routines) tokens that fail to match any first letter in their tree.
%asma-STATE-SET { ;asma/state LDA ORA ;asma/state STA }
%asma-STATE-CLEAR { #ff EOR ;asma/state LDA AND ;asma/state STA }
@ -457,7 +489,9 @@
;asma/state LDA #08 AND ,&skip JCN
;asma/token LDA2 ;asma-append-heap-string JSR2
@ -673,7 +707,7 @@
;asma-msg-label ;asma/error STA2
( messages )
( Error messages )
@asma-msg-hex "Invalid 20 "hexadecimal 00
@asma-msg-zero-page "Address 20 "not 20 "in 20 "zero 20 "page 00
@ -688,7 +722,8 @@
( automatically generated code below )
( see etc/asma.moon for instructions )
( label less than greater than key data )
( label less greater key binary
than than string data )
&_entry $2 $2 ') 00 :asma-comment-end
@ -838,5 +873,39 @@
&EOR $2 $2 "EOR 00
&SFT $2 $2 "SFT 00
Heap, a large temporary area for keeping track of labels. More complex
programs need more of this space. If there's insufficient space then the
assembly process will fail, but having extra space above what the most
complex program needs provides no benefit.
This heap, and the buffers below, are free to be used to hold temporary
data between assembly runs, and do not need to be initialized with any
particular contents to use the assembler.
|ff00 &end
Buffer for use with loading source code.
The minimum size is the length of the longest token plus one, which is
0x21 to keep the same capability of the C assembler.
Larger sizes are more efficient, provided there is enough
heap space to keep track of all the labels.
|ff80 &end
Buffer for use with writing output.
The minimum size is 1, and larger sizes are more efficient.
|ffff &end
Reference in New Issue