#include /* Copyright (c) 2021 Devine Lu Linvega Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE. */ #define FLAG_HALT 0x01 #define FLAG_ZERO 0x02 #define FLAG_CARRY 0x04 #define FLAG_TRAPS 0x08 typedef unsigned char Uint8; typedef unsigned short Uint16; typedef struct { Uint8 ptr; Uint8 dat[256]; } Stack; typedef struct { Uint16 ptr; Uint8 dat[65536]; } Memory; typedef struct { Uint8 literal, status; Uint16 counter, vreset, vframe, verror; Stack wst, rst; Memory rom, ram; } Computer; Computer cpu; #pragma mark - Helpers void setflag(char flag, int b) { if(b) cpu.status |= flag; else cpu.status &= (~flag); } int getflag(char flag) { return cpu.status & flag; } void echos(Stack *s, Uint8 len, char *name) { int i; printf("%s\n", name); for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if(i % 16 == 0) printf("\n"); printf("%02x%c", s->dat[i], s->ptr == i ? '<' : ' '); } printf("\n\n"); } void echom(Memory *m, Uint8 len, char *name) { int i; printf("%s\n", name); for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if(i % 16 == 0) printf("\n"); printf("%02x ", m->dat[i]); } printf("\n\n"); } #pragma mark - Operations /* clang-format off */ Uint16 bytes2short(Uint8 a, Uint8 b) { return (a << 8) + b; } Uint8 rampeek8(Uint16 s) { return cpu.ram.dat[s] & 0xff; } Uint8 mempeek8(Uint16 s) { return cpu.rom.dat[s]; } Uint16 mempeek16(Uint16 s) { return (cpu.rom.dat[s] << 8) + (cpu.rom.dat[s+1] & 0xff); } void wspush8(Uint8 b) { cpu.wst.dat[cpu.wst.ptr++] = b; } Uint8 wspop8(void) { return cpu.wst.dat[--cpu.wst.ptr]; } Uint16 wspop16(void) { return wspop8() + (wspop8() << 8); } Uint8 wspeek8(void) { return cpu.wst.dat[cpu.wst.ptr - 1]; } Uint16 rspop16(void) { return cpu.rst.dat[--cpu.rst.ptr] + (cpu.rst.dat[--cpu.rst.ptr] << 8); } void op_brk() { setflag(FLAG_HALT, 1); } void op_rts() { cpu.rom.ptr = rspop16(); printf("RTS: %04x\n", cpu.rom.ptr); } void op_lit() { cpu.literal += cpu.rom.dat[cpu.rom.ptr++]; } void op_drp() { wspop8(); } void op_dup() { wspush8(wspeek8()); } void op_swp() { Uint8 b = wspop8(), a = wspop8(); wspush8(b); wspush8(a); } void op_ovr() { wspush8(cpu.wst.dat[cpu.wst.ptr - 2]); } void op_rot() { Uint8 c = wspop8(),b = wspop8(),a = wspop8(); wspush8(b); wspush8(c); wspush8(a); } void op_jmu() { cpu.rom.ptr = wspop8(); } void op_jsu() { cpu.rst.dat[cpu.rst.ptr++] = (cpu.rom.ptr >> 8) & 0xff; cpu.rst.dat[cpu.rst.ptr++] = cpu.rom.ptr; cpu.rom.ptr = wspop16(); } void op_jmc() { if(wspop8()) op_jmu(); } void op_jsc() { if(wspop8()) op_jsu(); } void op_equ() { wspush8(wspop8() == wspop8()); } void op_neq() { wspush8(wspop8() != wspop8()); } void op_gth() { wspush8(wspop8() < wspop8()); } void op_lth() { wspush8(wspop8() > wspop8()); } void op_and() { wspush8(wspop8() & wspop8()); } void op_ora() { wspush8(wspop8() | wspop8()); } void op_rol() { wspush8(wspop8() << 1); } void op_ror() { wspush8(wspop8() >> 1); } void op_add() { wspush8(wspop8() + wspop8()); } void op_sub() { wspush8(wspop8() - wspop8()); } void op_mul() { wspush8(wspop8() * wspop8()); } void op_div() { wspush8(wspop8() / wspop8()); } void op_ldr() { wspush8(cpu.ram.dat[wspop16()]); } void op_str() { cpu.ram.dat[wspop16()] = wspop8(); } void (*ops[])(void) = { op_brk, op_rts, op_lit, op_drp, op_dup, op_swp, op_ovr, op_rot, op_jmu, op_jsu, op_jmc, op_jsc, op_equ, op_neq, op_gth, op_lth, op_and, op_ora, op_rol, op_ror, op_add, op_sub, op_mul, op_div, op_ldr, op_str, op_brk, op_brk, op_brk, op_brk, op_brk, op_brk }; Uint8 opr[][2] = { {0,0}, {0,0}, {0,0}, {1,0}, {0,1}, {1,1}, {0,1}, {3,3}, {2,0}, {2,0}, {2,0}, {2,0}, {2,1}, {2,1}, {2,1}, {2,1}, {1,0}, {1,0}, {1,0}, {1,0}, {2,1}, {0,0}, {0,0}, {0,0}, {2,1}, {3,0}, {0,0}, {0,0}, {0,0}, {0,0}, {0,0}, {0,0} }; /* clang-format on */ void reset(void) { int i; cpu.status = 0x00; cpu.counter = 0x00; cpu.literal = 0x00; cpu.rom.ptr = 0x00; cpu.wst.ptr = 0x00; cpu.rst.ptr = 0x00; for(i = 0; i < 256; i++) { cpu.wst.dat[i] = 0x00; cpu.rst.dat[i] = 0x00; } } int error(char *name) { printf("Error: %s\n", name); return 0; } int device1(Uint8 *read, Uint8 *write) { printf("%c", *write); *write = 0; (void)read; return 0; } int eval(void) { Uint8 instr = cpu.rom.dat[cpu.rom.ptr++]; if(cpu.literal > 0) { wspush8(instr); cpu.literal--; return 1; } if(instr < 32) { if(cpu.wst.ptr < opr[instr][0]) return error("Stack underflow"); /* TODO stack overflow */ (*ops[instr])(); } if(instr > 0x10) setflag(FLAG_ZERO, 0); if(cpu.counter == 128) { printf("REACHED COUNTER\n"); return 0; } cpu.counter++; return 1; } void start(FILE *f) { reset(); fread(cpu.rom.dat, sizeof(cpu.rom.dat), 1, f); cpu.vreset = mempeek16(0xfffa); cpu.vframe = mempeek16(0xfffc); cpu.verror = mempeek16(0xfffe); /* eval reset */ printf("\nPhase: reset\n"); cpu.rom.ptr = cpu.vreset; while(!(cpu.status & FLAG_HALT) && eval()) { /* experimental */ if(cpu.ram.dat[0xfff1]) device1(&cpu.ram.dat[0xfff0], &cpu.ram.dat[0xfff1]); } /*eval frame */ printf("\nPhase: frame\n"); setflag(FLAG_HALT, 0); cpu.rom.ptr = cpu.vframe; while(!(cpu.status & FLAG_HALT) && eval()) ; /* debug */ printf("ended @ %d steps | ", cpu.counter); printf("hf: %x zf: %x cf: %x tf: %x\n", getflag(FLAG_HALT) != 0, getflag(FLAG_ZERO) != 0, getflag(FLAG_CARRY) != 0, getflag(FLAG_TRAPS) != 0); printf("\n"); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *f; if(argc < 2) return error("No input."); if(!(f = fopen(argv[1], "rb"))) return error("Missing input."); start(f); /* print result */ echos(&cpu.wst, 0x40, "stack"); echom(&cpu.ram, 0x40, "ram"); return 0; }