( uxnemu life.rom ) ( Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if by underpopulation. ) ( Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives on to the next generation. ) ( Any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies, as if by overpopulation. ) ( Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction. ) |00 @System &vector $2 &expansion $2 &wst $1 &rst $1 &metadata $2 &r $2 &g $2 &b $2 &debug $1 &state $1 |10 @Console &vector $2 &read $1 &pad $5 &write $1 &error $1 |20 @Screen &vector $2 &width $2 &height $2 &auto $1 &pad $1 &x $2 &y $2 &addr $2 &pixel $1 &sprite $1 |30 @Audio0 &vector $2 &position $2 &output $1 &pad $3 &adsr $2 &length $2 &addr $2 &volume $1 &pitch $1 |80 @Controller &vector $2 &button $1 &key $1 |90 @Mouse &vector $2 &x $2 &y $2 &state $1 &wheel $1 |000 @world &count $2 @anchor &x $2 &y $2 &x2 $2 &y2 $2 |100 @on-reset ( -> ) ( | theme ) #02cf .System/r DEO2 #02ff .System/g DEO2 #024f .System/b DEO2 ( | resize ) #00c0 DUP2 .Screen/width DEO2 .Screen/height DEO2 ( | vectors ) ;on-frame .Screen/vector DEO2 ;on-mouse .Mouse/vector DEO2 ;on-control .Controller/vector DEO2 ( | glider ) #0703 #0704 #0504 #0705 #0605 ( | center ) .Screen/width DEI2 #01 SFT2 #0040 SUB2 DUP2 .anchor/x STZ2 #007e ADD2 .anchor/x2 STZ2 .Screen/height DEI2 #01 SFT2 #0040 SUB2 DUP2 .anchor/y STZ2 #007e ADD2 .anchor/y2 STZ2 BRK @on-frame ( -> ) [ LIT2 00 -Mouse/state ] DEI EQU ?{ BRK } #0000 .world/count STZ2 [ LIT &f $1 ] INCk ,&f STR ( ) #03 AND #00 EQU ?{ BRK } &paused BRK @on-mouse ( -> ) [ LIT2 00 -Mouse/state ] DEI NEQ #42 ADD ;cursor-icn ( | on touch in rect ) .Mouse/state DEI ?{ BRK } .Mouse/x DEI2 .Mouse/y DEI2 .anchor within-rect ?{ BRK } ( | paint ) .Mouse/x DEI2 .anchor/x LDZ2 SUB2 #01 SFT NIP ( ) .Mouse/y DEI2 .anchor/y LDZ2 SUB2 #01 SFT NIP BRK @on-control ( -> ) .Controller/key DEI ( ) DUP #20 NEQ ?{ #0000 ;on-frame .Screen/vector DEI2 ORA ?{ SWP2 } POP2 .Screen/vector DEO2 } ( ) #1b NEQ ?{ ;mmu/clear1 .System/expansion DEO2 } BRK ( @|core ) @ ( -- ) ( | clear buffer ) ;mmu/clear2 .System/expansion DEO2 ( | grid ) #4000 &ver ( -- ) STHk #4000 &hor ( -- ) DUP STHkr INC GTHk ?&hor POP2 POPr INC GTHk ?&ver POP2 ( | move buffer ) ;mmu/move21 .System/expansion DEO2 ( | draw ) ! @ ( x y -- ) ( x y ) DUP2k ( neighbours ) get-neighbours ( state ) ROT ROT get-cell #00 EQU ?&dead DUP #02 LTH ?&dies DUP #03 GTH ?&dies POP !&save &dies POP POP2 JMP2r &dead ( -- ) DUP #03 EQU ?&birth POP POP2 JMP2r &birth POP !&save &save ( x y -- ) STH2 #01 STH2r get-index #1000 ADD2 STA .world/count LDZ2 INC2 .world/count STZ2 JMP2r @get-index ( x y -- index* ) ( y ) #3f AND #00 SWP #60 SFT2 ( x ) ROT #3f AND #00 SWP ADD2 ;bank1 ADD2 JMP2r @ ( x y -- ) STH2 #01 STH2r get-index STA JMP2r @get-cell ( x y -- cell ) get-index LDA JMP2r @get-neighbours ( x y -- neighbours ) ,&origin STR2 LITr 00 #0800 &loop ( -- ) #00 OVRk ADD2 ;&mask ADD2 LDA2 [ LIT2 &origin $2 ] ROT ADD STH ADD STHr get-cell STH ADDr INC GTHk ?&loop POP2 STHr JMP2r &mask [ ffff 00ff 01ff ff00 0100 ff01 0001 0101 ] ( @|drawing ) @ ( -- ) ( draw cell count ) .anchor/x LDZ2 .Screen/x DEO2 .anchor/y2 LDZ2 #0008 ADD2 .Screen/y DEO2 [ LIT2 01 -Screen/auto ] DEO .world/count LDZ2 [ LIT2 00 -Screen/auto ] DEO #4000 &ver ( -- ) #00 OVRk ADD2 .anchor/y LDZ2 ADD2 .Screen/y DEO2 STHk #4000 &hor ( -- ) #00 OVRk ADD2 .anchor/x LDZ2 ADD2 .Screen/x DEO2 DUP STHkr get-cell INC .Screen/pixel DEO INC GTHk ?&hor POP2 POPr INC GTHk ?&ver POP2 JMP2r @ ( short* -- ) SWP ( >> ) @ ( byte color -- ) DUP #04 SFT #0f AND ( >> ) @ ( char color -- ) #00 SWP #30 SFT2 ;font-hex ADD2 .Screen/addr DEO2 [ LIT2 03 -Screen/sprite ] DEO JMP2r @ ( color addr* -- ) [ LIT2 00 -Screen/auto ] DEO ;fill-icn .Screen/addr DEO2 #40 .Mouse/x DEI2 ,/x STR2 .Mouse/y DEI2 ,/y STR2 .Screen/addr DEO2 ( >> ) @ ( color -- ) [ LIT2 &x $2 ] .Screen/x DEO2 [ LIT2 &y $2 ] .Screen/y DEO2 .Screen/sprite DEO JMP2r @within-rect ( x* y* rect -- flag ) STH ( y < rect.y1 ) DUP2 STHkr INC INC LDZ2 LTH2 ?&skip ( y > rect.y2 ) DUP2 STHkr #06 ADD LDZ2 GTH2 ?&skip SWP2 ( x < rect.x1 ) DUP2 STHkr LDZ2 LTH2 ?&skip ( x > rect.x2 ) DUP2 STHkr #04 ADD LDZ2 GTH2 ?&skip POP2 POP2 POPr #01 JMP2r &skip POP2 POP2 POPr #00 JMP2r ( @|assets ) @mmu ( programs ) &clear1 [ 01 1000 0000 =bank3 0000 =bank1 ] &clear2 [ 01 1000 0000 =bank3 0000 =bank2 ] &move21 [ 01 1000 0000 =bank2 0000 =bank1 ] @cursor-icn [ 80c0 e0f0 f8e0 1000 ] @fill-icn [ ffff ffff ffff ffff ] @font-hex [ 7c82 8282 8282 7c00 3010 1010 1010 3800 7c82 027c 8080 fe00 7c82 021c 0282 7c00 2242 82fe 0202 0200 fe80 807c 0282 7c00 7c82 80fc 8282 7c00 fe82 0408 0810 1000 7c82 827c 8282 7c00 7c82 827e 0202 0200 7c82 82fe 8282 8200 fc82 82fc 8282 fc00 7c82 8080 8082 7c00 fc82 8282 8282 fc00 fe80 80f0 8080 fe00 fe80 80f0 8080 8000 ] ( @|memory ) @bank1 $1000 @bank2 $1000 @bank3 $1000