( Prints Neralie time to console. Formatting isn't great, but it demonstrates that the conversion works correctly. It's a little jittery at the beginning because the FPS calculation isn't accurate, so in the finished program delay showing pulses for up to the first two seconds. When compiled to bin/boot.rom, the faketime package allows easy testing of midnight roll-over: faketime '23:59:42' bin/emulator bin/boot.rom ) %HCF { #0000 DIV } ;fps { current 1 next 1 second 1 } ;number { started 1 count 1 } ;lines { x1 2 x2 2 y1 2 y2 2 addr 2 } ;neralie { n6543 2 n21 1 } |0100 ;Console { pad 8 char 1 byte 1 short 2 } |0110 ;Screen { width 2 height 2 pad 4 x 2 y 2 color 1 } |0120 ;Sprite { pad 8 x 2 y 2 addr 2 color 1 } |0190 ;DateTime { year 2 month 1 day 1 hour 1 minute 1 second 1 dow 1 doy 2 isdst 1 pad 4 get 1 } |01F0 .RESET .FRAME .ERROR ( vectors ) |01F8 [ 13fd 1ef3 1bf2 ] ( palette ) |0200 @RESET #3c =fps.current #000b DUP2 =lines.x1 DUP2 =lines.y1 DUP2 ~Screen.width SWP2 SUB2 =lines.x2 ~Screen.height SWP2 SUB2 =lines.y2 ~lines.x1 ~lines.x2 OVR2 OVR2 ~lines.y1 ,h JSR2 ~lines.y2 ,h JSR2 ~lines.y1 #0001 SUB2 ~lines.y2 #0001 ADD2 OVR2 OVR2 ~lines.x1 ,v JSR2 ~lines.x2 ,v JSR2 @ERROR BRK @FRAME ,update-fps JSR2 ,neralie-calc JSR2 ,arvelie-text JSR2 ,neralie-text JSR2 BRK #02 =Sprite.color #0000 #00 ~number.count DUP2 ,h JSR2 ~number.count #01 ADD =number.count @neralie-calc ( -- ) ( add up fractions of a pulse ) #0120 #00 ~DateTime.hour MUL2 #00c0 #00 ~DateTime.minute MUL2 ADD2 #00f8 #00 ~DateTime.second MUL2 ADD2 #0271 #00 ~fps.next MUL2 #00 ~fps.current DIV2 #0008 MUL2 ADD2 #01b0 DIV2 ( add up units and tens of pulses ) #0042 #00 ~DateTime.hour MUL2 ADD2 #005e #00 ~DateTime.minute MUL2 ADD2 #000b #00 ~DateTime.second MUL2 ADD2 DUP2 #0064 DIV2 DUP2 STH2 #0064 MUL2 SUB2 =neralie.n21 POP ( add up hundreds of pulses + 10 x beats ) STH2r #01a0 #00 ~DateTime.hour MUL2 ADD2 #0006 #00 ~DateTime.minute MUL2 ADD2 =neralie.n6543 JMP2r @arvelie-text ( -- ) ~Screen.width #0002 DIV2 #0034 SUB2 =Sprite.x ~Screen.height #0008 SUB2 =Sprite.y ~DateTime.year #07d6 SUB2 #000a ,modf JSR2 ,digit JSR2 ,digit JSR2 ~DateTime.doy #000e ,modf JSR2 ^letter JSR #000a ,modf JSR2 ^digit JSR ^digit JSR JMP2r @neralie-text ( -- ) ~Screen.width #0002 DIV2 #0004 SUB2 =Sprite.x ~neralie.n6543 #03e8 ,modf JSR2 ^digit JSR #0064 ,modf JSR2 ^digit JSR #000a ,modf JSR2 ^digit JSR #000a ^digit JSR ( the colon ) ^digit JSR #00 ~neralie.n21 #000a ,modf JSR2 ^digit JSR ^digit JSR JMP2r @letter ( index* -- ) #0008 MUL2 ,font-letters ADD2 =Sprite.addr ^digit-middle JMP @digit ( index* -- ) #0008 MUL2 ,font-numbers ADD2 =Sprite.addr $middle #02 =Sprite.color ~Sprite.x #0008 ADD2 =Sprite.x JMP2r @h ( x1* x2* y* -- ) =Screen.y ,Screen.x =lines.addr ^draw-line JMP @v ( y1* y2* x* -- ) =Screen.x ,Screen.y =lines.addr @draw-line ( v1* v2* -- ) OVR2 OVR2 LTH2 #01 JNZ SWP2 STH2 $loop #0001 ADD2 DUP2 DUP2r STH2r LTH2 ^$keep-going JNZ POP2 POP2r JMP2r $keep-going DUP2 ~lines.addr STR2 #02 =Screen.color ^$loop JMP @update-fps ( -- ) #00 =DateTime.get ~fps.next #01 ADD =fps.next ~DateTime.second ~fps.second NEQ JMP JMP2r ~DateTime.second =fps.second ~fps.next =fps.current ~fps.next ^print-byte-decimal JSR ,strings-fps ^print-string JSR #00 =fps.next JMP2r @print-string ( string* -- ) DUP2 PEK2 DUP ^$not-end JNZ $end POP POP2 JMP2r $not-end =Console.char #0001 ADD2 ^print-string JMP @print-byte-decimal ( byte -- ) #00 =number.started #00 SWP ^print-short-decimal-byte-start JMP @print-short-decimal ( short* -- ) #00 =number.started #2710 ^modf JSR ^$digit JSR #03e8 ^modf JSR ^$digit JSR $byte-start #0064 ^modf JSR ^$digit JSR #000a ^modf JSR ^$digit JSR ^$digit JSR ~number.started ^$end JNZ #30 =Console.char $end JMP2r $digit SWP POP DUP ~number.started ORA #02 JNZ POP JMP2r #30 ADD =Console.char #01 =number.started JMP2r @modf ( dividend* divisor* -- remainder* quotient* ) OVR2 OVR2 DIV2 DUP2 STH2 MUL2 SUB2 STH2r JMP2r @strings $fps [ 20 fps 0a 00 ] @font-numbers [ 7cc6 ced6 e6c6 7c00 1838 1818 1818 7e00 3c66 063c 6066 7e00 3c66 061c 0666 3c00 1c3c 6ccc fe0c 1e00 7e62 607c 0666 3c00 3c66 607c 6666 3c00 7e66 060c 1818 1800 3c66 663c 6666 3c00 3c66 663e 0666 3c00 0018 1800 1818 0000 ] @font-letters [ 183c 6666 7e66 6600 fc66 667c 6666 fc00 3c66 c0c0 c066 3c00 f86c 6666 666c f800 fe62 6878 6862 fe00 fe62 6878 6860 f000 3c66 c0c0 ce66 3e00 6666 667e 6666 6600 7e18 1818 1818 7e00 1e0c 0c0c cccc 7800 e666 6c78 6c66 e600 f060 6060 6266 fe00 c6ee fefe d6c6 c600 c6e6 f6de cec6 c600 386c c6c6 c66c 3800 fc66 667c 6060 f000 386c c6c6 dacc 7600 fc66 667c 6c66 e600 3c66 603c 0666 3c00 7e5a 1818 1818 3c00 6666 6666 6666 3c00 6666 6666 663c 1800 c6c6 c6d6 feee c600 c66c 3838 6cc6 c600 6666 663c 1818 3c00 fec6 8c18 3266 fe00 0018 187e 1818 0000 ]