local band, bor, lshift, rshift do local _obj_0 = require('bit') band, bor, lshift, rshift = _obj_0.band, _obj_0.bor, _obj_0.lshift, _obj_0.rshift end local spairs spairs = function(t) local keys do local _accum_0 = { } local _len_0 = 1 for k in pairs(t) do _accum_0[_len_0] = k _len_0 = _len_0 + 1 end keys = _accum_0 end table.sort(keys) local i = 0 return function() i = i + 1 return keys[i], t[keys[i]] end end local trees = { ['asma-labels'] = { }, ['asma-opcodes'] = { } } local opcodes_in_order = { } do local wanted = false for l in assert(io.lines('src/assembler.c')) do if l == 'char ops[][4] = {' then wanted = true elseif wanted then if l == '};' then break end for w in l:gmatch('[^%s",][^%s",][^%s",]') do if w ~= '---' then trees['asma-opcodes'][w] = { ('"%s 00'):format(w), '' } end table.insert(opcodes_in_order, w) end end end assert(#opcodes_in_order == 32, 'didn\'t find 32 opcodes in assembler code!') end do local add_device add_device = function(addr, name, fields) addr = tonumber(addr, 16) local k if name:match('^Audio%x+$') then k = 'asma-ldev-Audio' else k = ('asma-ldev-%s'):format(name) end trees['asma-labels'][name] = { ('"%s 00'):format(name), ('00%02x :%s/_entry'):format(addr, k) } trees[k] = { } addr = 0 for fname, flen in fields:gmatch('%&(%S+) +%$(%x+)') do if fname ~= 'pad' then trees[k][fname] = { ('"%s 00'):format(fname), ('00%02x'):format(addr) } end addr = addr + tonumber(flen, 16) end end for l in assert(io.lines('projects/examples/blank.usm')) do local f = { l:match('^%|(%x%x) +%@(%S+) +%[ (.*) %]') } if f[1] then add_device(unpack(f)) end end end do local representation = setmetatable({ ['&'] = '26 00 ( & )' }, { __index = function(self, c) return ("'%s 00"):format(c) end }) local process process = function(label, t) trees[label] = { } for k, v in pairs(t) do trees[label][('%02x'):format(k:byte())] = { representation[k], (':%s'):format(v) } end end process('asma-first-char-normal', { ['%'] = 'asma-macro-define', ['|'] = 'asma-pad-absolute', ['$'] = 'asma-pad-relative', ['@'] = 'asma-label-define', ['&'] = 'asma-sublabel-define', ['#'] = 'asma-literal-hex', ['.'] = 'asma-literal-zero-addr', [','] = 'asma-literal-rel-addr', [';'] = 'asma-literal-abs-addr', [':'] = 'asma-abs-addr', ["'"] = 'asma-raw-char', ['"'] = 'asma-raw-word', ['{'] = 'asma-ignore', ['}'] = 'asma-ignore', ['['] = 'asma-ignore', [']'] = 'asma-ignore', ['('] = 'asma-comment-start', [')'] = 'asma-comment-end' }) process('asma-first-char-macro', { ['('] = 'asma-comment-start', [')'] = 'asma-comment-end', ['{'] = 'asma-ignore', ['}'] = 'asma-macro-end' }) process('asma-first-char-comment', { [')'] = 'asma-comment-end' }) end local traverse_node traverse_node = function(t, min, max, lefts, rights) local i = math.ceil((min + max) / 2) if min < i then lefts[t[i]] = (':&%s'):format(traverse_node(t, min, i - 1, lefts, rights)) end if i < max then rights[t[i]] = (':&%s'):format(traverse_node(t, i + 1, max, lefts, rights)) end return t[i] end local traverse_tree traverse_tree = function(t) local lefts, rights = { }, { } local keys do local _accum_0 = { } local _len_0 = 1 for k in pairs(t) do _accum_0[_len_0] = k _len_0 = _len_0 + 1 end keys = _accum_0 end table.sort(keys) return lefts, rights, traverse_node(keys, 1, #keys, lefts, rights) end local ptr ptr = function(s) if s then return (':&%s'):format(s) end return ' $2' end local ordered_opcodes ordered_opcodes = function(t) local i = 0 return function() i = i + 1 local v = opcodes_in_order[i] if t[v] then return v, t[v] elseif v then return false, { '"--- 00', '' } end end end local printout = true local fmt fmt = function(...) return (('\t%-11s %-10s %-12s %-14s %s '):format(...):gsub(' +$', '\n')) end do local _with_0 = assert(io.open('projects/software/asma.usm.tmp', 'w')) for l in assert(io.lines('projects/software/asma.usm')) do if l:match('--- cut here ---') then break end _with_0:write(l) _with_0:write('\n') end _with_0:write('( --- 8< ------- 8< --- cut here --- 8< ------- 8< --- )\n') _with_0:write('( automatically generated code below )\n') _with_0:write('( see etc/asma.moon for instructions )\n') _with_0:write('\n(') _with_0:write(fmt('label', 'less', 'greater', 'key', 'binary')) _with_0:write(fmt('', 'than', 'than', 'string', 'data )')) _with_0:write('\n') for name, tree in spairs(trees) do _with_0:write(('@%s\n'):format(name)) local lefts, rights, entry = traverse_tree(tree) local sort_fn if name == 'asma-opcodes' then if rights[opcodes_in_order[1]] then rights[opcodes_in_order[1]] = rights[opcodes_in_order[1]] .. ' &_disasm' else rights[opcodes_in_order[1]] = ' $2 &_disasm' end sort_fn = ordered_opcodes else sort_fn = spairs end for k, v in sort_fn(tree) do local label if k == entry then label = '&_entry' elseif k then label = ('&%s'):format(k) else label = '' end _with_0:write(fmt(label, lefts[k] or ' $2', rights[k] or ' $2', unpack(v))) end _with_0:write('\n') end _with_0:write([[( Heap, a large temporary area for keeping track of labels. More complex programs need more of this space. If there's insufficient space then the assembly process will fail, but having extra space above what the most complex program needs provides no benefit. This heap, and the buffers below, are free to be used to hold temporary data between assembly runs, and do not need to be initialized with any particular contents to use the assembler. ) @asma-heap |ff00 &end ( Buffer for use with loading source code. The minimum size is the length of the longest token plus one, which is 0x21 to keep the same capability of the C assembler. Larger sizes are more efficient, provided there is enough heap space to keep track of all the labels. ) @asma-read-buffer |ff80 &end ( Buffer for use with writing output. The minimum size is 1, and larger sizes are more efficient. ) @asma-write-buffer |ffff &end ]]) _with_0:close() end return os.execute('mv projects/software/asma.usm.tmp projects/software/asma.usm')