# Uxn A [stack-based VM](https://wiki.xxiivv.com/site/uxn.html), written in ANSI C. ## Setup If you wish to build your own emulator, you can create a new instance of Uxn like: ``` #include "uxn.h" Uxn u; if(!bootuxn(&u)) return error("Boot", "Failed"); if(!loaduxn(&u, argv[1])) return error("Load", "Failed"); if(!init()) return error("Init", "Failed"); evaluxn(u, u->vreset); /* Once on start */ evaluxn(u, u->vframe); /* Each frame ``` ## Assembly Syntax ### Assign - `@label`, assign the current address to a label. - `;variable 2`, assign an address to a label automatically. - `:const 1a2b`, assign an address to a label manually. ### Read - `,literal`, push label value to stack, prefixed with `LIT LEN`. - `.pointer`, push label value to stack. ### Write - `ADD`, an opcode. - `#1a`, a literal byte. - `#12ef`, a literal short. - `+1a`, a literal signed byte. - `+12ef`, a literal signed short. - `-1a`, a literal signed byte(negative). - `-12ef`, a literal signed short(negative). ### Special - `( comment )`, toggle parsing on/off. - `|0010`, move to position in the program. - `"hello`, push literal bytes for word "hello". ### Operator modes - `#1234 #0001 ADD2`, 16-bits operators have the short flag `2`. - `#12 #11 GTH JMP?`, conditional operators have the cond flag `?`. - `+21 -03 MULS`, signed operators have the cond flag `S`. ``` :dev/w fff9 ( const write port ) ;i 1 ( var iterator ) |0100 @RESET #00 ,dev/w STR ( set dev/write to console ) @word1 "hello_world ( len: 0x0b ) @loop IOW ( write to device#0 ) ,i LDR #01 ADD ,i STR ( increment itr ) ,i LDR ( a = i ) ,word1 ,strlen JSR ( b = string length ) NEQ ,loop ROT JSR? POP^ ( a != b ? loop ) BRK @strlen #0001 ADD2 LDR RTS |c000 @FRAME BRK |d000 @ERROR BRK |FFFA .RESET .FRAME .ERROR ``` ## TODOs - Line routine - On-screen debugger. - Auto-advance ldr? - Getting rid of IOR/IOW would be nice.. - Sending from the wst to the rst, balance mode/flag? - Device that works like an extra memory bank - Draw a chr sprite. ## Refs https://code.9front.org/hg/plan9front/file/a7f9946e238f/sys/src/games/nes/cpu.c http://www.w3group.de/stable_glossar.html http://www.emulator101.com/6502-addressing-modes.html http://forth.works/8f0c04f616b6c34496eb2141785b4454 https://justinmeiners.github.io/lc3-vm/