|0100 ;Console { pad 8 char 1 byte 1 short 2 } |0110 ;Screen { width 2 height 2 pad 4 x 2 y 2 color 1 } |0120 ;Sprite { pad 8 x 2 y 2 addr 2 color 1 } |0130 ;Controller { buttons 1 } |0140 ;Keys { key 1 } |0150 ;Mouse { x 2 y 2 state 1 chord 1 } |0160 ;File { pad 8 name 2 length 2 load 2 save 2 } |01F0 .RESET .FRAME .ERROR ( vectors ) |01F8 [ f07c f0e2 f0c2 ] ( palette ) %TEST { BRK2?r LITr EOR2? DUP? } %PASS { #01 ,result JSR2 } %FAIL { #00 ,result JSR2 } %PASS? { ,result JSR2 } |0200 @tests TEST ADD FAIL [ add-needs-two ] TEST #01 ADD FAIL [ add-needs-two ] TEST #01 #02 ADD #03 EQU PASS? [ add-result ] TEST #01 #02 ADD #ff EQU PASS? [ this-test-fails ] ( infinite loop: change to HCF when implemented ) TEST #fd JMP @RESET ,tests #0001 SUB2 =current-test BRK @ERROR BRK @FRAME ~current-test $search #0001 ADD2 DUP2 LDR LIT BRK2?r NEQ ,$search ROT JMP2? DUP2 #0001 ADD2 LDR LIT LITr NEQ ,$search ROT JMP2? DUP2 #0002 ADD2 LDR LIT EOR2? NEQ ,$search ROT JMP2? DUP2 #0003 ADD2 LDR LIT DUP? NEQ ,$search ROT JMP2? #0004 ADD2 DUP2 =current-test JMP2 @result ,strings-test ^print-string JSR #00 SWP ,strings-pass ,strings-fail SUB2 MUL2 ,strings-fail ADD2 ^print-string JSR STH2r DUP2 ^print-short JSR ,strings-colon ^print-string JSR ^print-string JSR #0a =Console.char BRK @print-string ( stringâ‚‚ -- ) DUP2 LDR DUP ,$not-end ROT JMP2? $end POP POP2 JMP2r $not-end DUP LIT BRK2?r EQU ,$end ROT JMP2? =Console.char #0001 ADD2 ^print-string JMP @print-short ( shortâ‚‚ -- ) #30 =Console.char #78 =Console.char DUP2 #000c SFT2 ^$digit JSR DUP2 #0008 SFT2 ^$digit JSR DUP2 #0004 SFT2 ^$digit JSR ^$digit JSR JMP2r $digit #0f AND DUP #0a LTH #03 SWP JMP? #27 ADD #30 ADD =Console.char POP JMP2r @strings $test [ Test 20 00 ] $fail [ FAIL 20 at 20 00 ] $pass [ pass 20 at 20 00 ] $colon [ : 20 00 ] ;current-test { short 2 }