
266 lines
7.1 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2022-03-26 20:23:52 -04:00
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define WIDTH 64 * 8
#define HEIGHT 40 * 8
#define FIXED_SIZE 0
#include "uxn.h"
#include "devices/ppu.h"
static Ppu ppu;
static Device *devsystem, *devconsole, *devscreen;
static Uint32 *ppu_screen;
static int
error(char *msg, const char *err)
fprintf(stderr, "Error %s: %s\n", msg, err);
return 0;
static int
set_size(Uint16 width, Uint16 height, int is_resize)
ppu_resize(&ppu, width, height);
if(!(ppu_screen =
realloc(ppu_screen, ppu.width * ppu.height * sizeof(Uint32))))
return error("ppu_screen", "Memory failure");
memset(ppu_screen, 0, ppu.width * ppu.height * sizeof(Uint32));
printf("%d x %d(%d)\n", width, height, is_resize);
return 1;
static Uint8
system_dei(Device *d, Uint8 port)
switch(port) {
case 0x2:
return d->u->wst.ptr;
case 0x3:
return d->u->rst.ptr;
return d->dat[port];
static void
system_deo(Device *d, Uint8 port)
switch(port) {
case 0x2:
d->u->wst.ptr = d->dat[port];
case 0x3:
d->u->rst.ptr = d->dat[port];
if(port > 0x7 && port < 0xe)
ppu_palette(&ppu, &d->dat[0x8]);
static void
console_deo(Device *d, Uint8 port)
if(port == 0x1)
d->vector = peek16(d->dat, 0x0);
if(port > 0x7)
write(port - 0x7, (char *)&d->dat[port], 1);
static Uint8
screen_dei(Device *d, Uint8 port)
switch(port) {
case 0x2:
return ppu.width >> 8;
case 0x3:
return ppu.width;
case 0x4:
return ppu.height >> 8;
case 0x5:
return ppu.height;
return d->dat[port];
static void
screen_deo(Device *d, Uint8 port)
switch(port) {
case 0x1:
d->vector = peek16(d->dat, 0x0);
case 0x5:
set_size(peek16(d->dat, 0x2), peek16(d->dat, 0x4), 1);
case 0xe: {
Uint16 x = peek16(d->dat, 0x8);
Uint16 y = peek16(d->dat, 0xa);
Uint8 layer = d->dat[0xe] & 0x40;
ppu_write(&ppu, layer ? &ppu.fg : &ppu.bg, x, y, d->dat[0xe] & 0x3);
if(d->dat[0x6] & 0x01)
poke16(d->dat, 0x8, x + 1); /* auto x+1 */
if(d->dat[0x6] & 0x02)
poke16(d->dat, 0xa, y + 1); /* auto y+1 */
case 0xf: {
Uint16 x = peek16(d->dat, 0x8);
Uint16 y = peek16(d->dat, 0xa);
Layer *layer = (d->dat[0xf] & 0x40) ? &ppu.fg : &ppu.bg;
Uint8 *addr = &d->mem[peek16(d->dat, 0xc)];
Uint8 twobpp = !!(d->dat[0xf] & 0x80);
ppu_blit(&ppu, layer, x, y, addr, d->dat[0xf] & 0xf, d->dat[0xf] & 0x10, d->dat[0xf] & 0x20, twobpp);
if(d->dat[0x6] & 0x04)
poke16(d->dat, 0xc, peek16(d->dat, 0xc) + 8 + twobpp * 8); /* auto addr+8 / auto addr+16 */
if(d->dat[0x6] & 0x01)
poke16(d->dat, 0x8, x + 8); /* auto x+8 */
if(d->dat[0x6] & 0x02)
poke16(d->dat, 0xa, y + 8); /* auto y+8 */
static Uint8
nil_dei(Device *d, Uint8 port)
return d->dat[port];
static void
nil_deo(Device *d, Uint8 port)
if(port == 0x1)
d->vector = peek16(d->dat, 0x0);
static const char *errors[] = {"underflow", "overflow", "division by zero"};
uxn_halt(Uxn *u, Uint8 error, char *name, int id)
fprintf(stderr, "Halted: %s %s#%04x, at 0x%04x\n", name, errors[error - 1], id, u->ram.ptr);
return 0;
static int
load(Uxn *u, char *filepath)
FILE *f;
int r;
if(!(f = fopen(filepath, "rb")))
return 0;
r = fread(u->ram.dat + PAGE_PROGRAM, 1, sizeof(u->ram.dat) - PAGE_PROGRAM, f);
if(r < 1)
return 0;
fprintf(stderr, "Loaded %s\n", filepath);
return 1;
// ---------------------------
processEvent(Display *display, Window window, XImage *ximage, int width, int height)
static char *tir = "This is red";
static char *tig = "This is green";
static char *tib = "This is blue";
XEvent ev;
XNextEvent(display, &ev);
switch(ev.type) {
case Expose:
XPutImage(display, window, DefaultGC(display, 0), ximage, 0, 0, 0, 0, width, height);
XSetForeground(display, DefaultGC(display, 0), 0x00ff0000); // red
XDrawString(display, window, DefaultGC(display, 0), 32, 32, tir, strlen(tir));
XDrawString(display, window, DefaultGC(display, 0), 32 + 256, 32, tir, strlen(tir));
XDrawString(display, window, DefaultGC(display, 0), 32 + 256, 32 + 256, tir, strlen(tir));
XDrawString(display, window, DefaultGC(display, 0), 32, 32 + 256, tir, strlen(tir));
XSetForeground(display, DefaultGC(display, 0), 0x0000ff00); // green
XDrawString(display, window, DefaultGC(display, 0), 32, 52, tig, strlen(tig));
XDrawString(display, window, DefaultGC(display, 0), 32 + 256, 52, tig, strlen(tig));
XDrawString(display, window, DefaultGC(display, 0), 32 + 256, 52 + 256, tig, strlen(tig));
XDrawString(display, window, DefaultGC(display, 0), 32, 52 + 256, tig, strlen(tig));
XSetForeground(display, DefaultGC(display, 0), 0x000000ff); // blue
XDrawString(display, window, DefaultGC(display, 0), 32, 72, tib, strlen(tib));
XDrawString(display, window, DefaultGC(display, 0), 32 + 256, 72, tib, strlen(tib));
XDrawString(display, window, DefaultGC(display, 0), 32 + 256, 72 + 256, tib, strlen(tib));
XDrawString(display, window, DefaultGC(display, 0), 32, 72 + 256, tib, strlen(tib));
case ButtonPress:
main(int argc, char **argv)
Uxn u;
int i, loaded = 0;
return error("Boot", "Failed");
/* system */ devsystem = uxn_port(&u, 0x0, system_dei, system_deo);
/* console */ devconsole = uxn_port(&u, 0x1, nil_dei, console_deo);
/* screen */ devscreen = uxn_port(&u, 0x2, screen_dei, screen_deo);
/* empty */ uxn_port(&u, 0x3, nil_dei, nil_deo);
/* empty */ uxn_port(&u, 0x4, nil_dei, nil_deo);
/* empty */ uxn_port(&u, 0x5, nil_dei, nil_deo);
/* empty */ uxn_port(&u, 0x6, nil_dei, nil_deo);
/* empty */ uxn_port(&u, 0x7, nil_dei, nil_deo);
/* empty */ uxn_port(&u, 0x8, nil_dei, nil_deo);
/* empty */ uxn_port(&u, 0x9, nil_dei, nil_deo);
/* file */ uxn_port(&u, 0xa, nil_dei, nil_deo);
/* datetime */ uxn_port(&u, 0xb, nil_dei, nil_deo);
/* empty */ uxn_port(&u, 0xc, nil_dei, nil_deo);
/* empty */ uxn_port(&u, 0xd, nil_dei, nil_deo);
/* empty */ uxn_port(&u, 0xe, nil_dei, nil_deo);
/* empty */ uxn_port(&u, 0xf, nil_dei, nil_deo);
for(i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
if(!loaded++) {
if(!load(&u, argv[i]))
return error("Load", "Failed");
if(!uxn_eval(&u, PAGE_PROGRAM))
return error("Init", "Failed");
return error("Input", "Missing");
if(!set_size(WIDTH, HEIGHT, 0))
return error("Window", "Failed to set window size.");
if(!uxn_eval(&u, PAGE_PROGRAM))
return error("Boot", "Failed to start rom.");
ppu_redraw(&ppu, ppu_screen);
XImage *ximage;
Display *display = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
Visual *visual = DefaultVisual(display, 0);
Window window = XCreateSimpleWindow(display, RootWindow(display, 0), 0, 0, ppu.width, ppu.height, 1, 0, 0);
if(visual->class != TrueColor) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot handle non true color visual ...\n");
ximage = XCreateImage(display, visual, DefaultDepth(display, DefaultScreen(display)), ZPixmap, 0, (Uint8 *)ppu_screen, ppu.width, ppu.height, 32, 0);
XSelectInput(display, window, ButtonPressMask | ExposureMask);
XMapWindow(display, window);
while(1) {
processEvent(display, window, ximage, ppu.width, ppu.height);