
755 lines
26 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import datetime, grp, md5, os, pwd, re, sets, shutil, stat, string
import aes, dirutil, regex, highlight, lex
from point import Point
2008-04-06 22:31:13 -04:00
#from point import Pointfrom point import Pointfrom point import Pointfrom point import Pointfrom point import Pointfrom point import Pointfrom point import Pointfrom point import Pointfrom point import Pointfrom point import Pointfrom point import Pointfrom point import Pointfrom point import Pointfrom point import Pointfrom point import Point
# undo/redo stack constants
2008-03-13 23:51:52 -04:00
class ReadOnlyError(Exception):
# used for multiple text additions/deletions
class GroupMove(object):
def __init__(self, buffer, p, moves):
self.buffer = buffer
self.lines = lines
self.moves = moves
def restore(self, act=ACT_UNDO):
assert act == ACT_UNDO or act == ACT_REDO
for move in self.moves:
def getpos(self):
return self.moves[-1].getpos()
# used for undo/redo stacks when text will need to be added back
2008-03-14 17:17:04 -04:00
class AddMove(object):
def __init__(self, buffer, p, lines):
self.buffer = buffer
self.p = p
self.lines = lines
def restore(self, act=ACT_UNDO):
assert act == ACT_UNDO or act == ACT_REDO
self.buffer.insert_lines(self.p, self.lines, act)
def getpos(self):
return self.p
# used for undo/redo stacks when text will need to be removed
2008-03-14 17:17:04 -04:00
class DelMove(object):
def __init__(self, buffer, p1, p2):
self.buffer = buffer
self.p1 = p1
self.p2 = p2
def restore(self, act):
assert act == ACT_UNDO or act == ACT_REDO
self.buffer.delete(self.p1, self.p2, act)
def getpos(self):
return self.p1
# abstract class
class Buffer(object):
btype = 'generic'
def __init__(self, nl='\n', stack_limit=STACK_LIMIT):
assert nl in ('\n', '\r', '\r\n'), "Invalid line ending"
self.lines = [""] = []
self.undo_stack = []
self.redo_stack = []
self.stack_limit = stack_limit = nl
self.modified = False
self.highlights = {}
2008-04-02 19:06:52 -04:00
self.indentlvl = 4
# basic file operation stuff
def _open_file_r(self, path):
path = os.path.realpath(path)
if not os.path.isfile(path):
raise Exception, "Path '%s' does not exist" % (path)
if not os.access(path, os.R_OK):
raise Exception, "Path '%s' cannot be read" % (path)
f = open(path, 'r')
return f
def _open_file_w(self, path):
if os.path.isfile(path):
raise Exception, "Path '%s' already exists" % (path)
d = os.path.dirname(path)
if not os.access(d, os.R_OK):
raise Exception, "Dir '%s' cannot be read" % (path)
if not os.access(d, os.W_OK):
raise Exception, "Dir '%s' cannot be written" % (path)
f = open(path, 'w')
return f
def _temp_path(self, path):
(dirname, basename) = os.path.split(path)
return os.path.join(dirname, ".__%s__pmacs" % (basename))
# undo/redo stack
def _stack_trim(self, stack):
if self.stack_limit:
while len(stack) > self.stack_limit:
def add_to_stack(self, move, act):
if act == ACT_NORM:
self.redo_stack = []
elif act == ACT_UNDO:
elif act == ACT_REDO:
raise Exception, "Invalid act: %d" % (act)
def undo(self):
if len(self.undo_stack):
move = self.undo_stack.pop(-1)
return move.getpos()
raise Exception, "Nothing to Undo!"
def redo(self):
if len(self.redo_stack):
move = self.redo_stack.pop(-1)
return move.getpos()
raise Exception, "Nothing to Redo!"
# window-buffer communication
def add_window(self, w):
if w not in
modename =
if modename not in self.highlights and w.mode.lexer is not None:
2007-10-21 20:55:29 -04:00
self.highlights[modename] = highlight.Highlighter(w.mode.lexer)
def remove_window(self, w):
if w in
modename =
found = False
for w2 in
if == modename:
found = True
if not found:
del self.highlights[modename]
def _region_add(self, p1, p2, lines, act):
move = DelMove(self, p1, p2)
self.add_to_stack(move, act)
for w in
w.region_added(p1, lines)
for name in self.highlights:
self.highlights[name].relex_add(self.lines, p1.y, p1.x, lines)
def _region_del(self, p1, p2, lines, act):
move = AddMove(self, p1, lines)
self.add_to_stack(move, act)
for w in
w.region_removed(p1, p2)
for name in self.highlights:
self.highlights[name].relex_del(self.lines, p1.y, p1.x, p2.y, p2.x)
# internal validation
def _validate_point(self, p):
self._validate_xy(p.x, p.y)
def _validate_xy(self, x, y):
assert y >= 0 and y < len(self.lines), \
"xy1: %d >= 0 and %d < %d" % (y, y, len(self.lines))
assert x >= 0 and x <= len(self.lines[y]), \
"xy2: %d >= 0 and %d <= %d" % (x, x, len(self.lines[y]))
def _validate_y(self, y):
assert y >= 0 and y < len(self.lines), \
"y: %d >= 0 and %d < %d" % (y, y, len(self.lines))
# deal with the actual logical document string
def num_chars(self):
n = 0
for line in self.lines[:-1]:
n += len(line) + 1
n += len(self.lines[-1])
return n
def num_lines(self):
return len(self.lines)
def make_string(self, nl='\n'):
return nl.join(self.lines)
# methods to be overridden by subclasses
def name(self):
return "Generic"
def close(self):
def open(self):
def changed(self):
return self.modified
def reload(self):
raise Exception, "%s reload: Unimplemented" % (
def save_as(self, path, force=False):
# check to see if the path exists, and if we're prepared to overwrite it
# if yes to both, get its mode so we can preserve the path's permissions
mode = None
if os.path.exists(path):
if force:
mode = os.stat(self.path)[0]
raise Exception, "oh no! %r already exists" % path
# create the string that we're going to write into the file
data = self.write_filter(self.make_string(
# create a safe temporary path to write to, and write out data to it
temp_path = self._temp_path()
f2 = self._open_file_w(temp_path)
# move the temporary file to the actual path; maybe change permissions
shutil.move(temp_path, path)
if mode:
os.chmod(path, mode)
# the file has not been modified now
self.modified = False
def readonly(self):
return False
def read_filter(self, data):
return data
def write_filter(self, data):
return data
# point retrieval
def get_buffer_start(self):
return Point(0, 0)
def get_buffer_end(self):
return Point(len(self.lines[-1]), len(self.lines) - 1)
# data retrieval
def get_sublines(self, p1, p2):
assert p1 <= p2, "p1.x (%d) > p2.x (%d)" % (p1.x, p2.x)
lines = []
x = p1.x
for i in range(p1.y, p2.y):
x = 0
return lines
def get_substring(self, p1, p2):
lines = self.get_sublines(p1, p2)
return '\n'.join(lines)
# buffer set
def set_lines(self, lines, force=False):
if not force and self.readonly():
raise Exception, "set_data: buffer is readonly"
start = self.get_buffer_start()
end = self.get_buffer_end()
self.delete(start, end, force=force)
self.insert_lines(start, lines, force=force)
self.modified = True
def set_data(self, data, force=False):
lines = data.split('\n')
self.set_lines(lines, force)
# insertion into buffer
def insert_lines(self, p, lines, act=ACT_NORM, force=False):
#if lines == ['(']:
# raise Exception, "damn"
llen = len(lines)
assert llen > 0
if not force and self.readonly():
raise ReadOnlyError, "buffer is read-only"
p2 = p.vadd(len(lines[-1]), llen - 1)
if llen > 1:
self.lines.insert(p.y + 1, [])
self.lines[p.y + 1] = lines[-1] + self.lines[p.y][p.x:]
self.lines[p.y] = self.lines[p.y][:p.x] + lines[0]
for i in range(1, llen - 1):
self.lines.insert(p.y + i, lines[i])
self.lines[p.y] = self.lines[p.y][:p.x] + lines[-1] + self.lines[p.y][p.x:]
self._region_add(p, p2, lines, act)
self.modified = True
def insert_string(self, p, s, act=ACT_NORM, force=False):
lines = s.split("\n")
self.insert_lines(p, lines, act, force)
# deletion from buffer
def delete(self, p1, p2, act=ACT_NORM, force=False):
"""delete characters from p1 up to p2 from the buffer"""
if not force and self.readonly():
raise ReadOnlyError, "buffer is read-only"
if p1 == p2:
assert p1 < p2, "p1 %r > p2 %r" % (p1, p2)
lines = self.get_sublines(p1, p2)
line1 = self.lines[p1.y]
line2 = self.lines[p2.y]
self.lines[p1.y:p2.y+1] = ["%s%s" % (line1[:p1.x], line2[p2.x:])]
self._region_del(p1, p2, lines, act)
self.modified = True
def delete_char(self, p, act=ACT_NORM, force=False):
if p.x == len(self.lines[p.y]):
p2 = Point(0, p.y + 1)
p2 = Point(p.x + 1, p.y)
self.delete(p, p2, act=act, force=force)
def overwrite_char(self, p, c, act=ACT_NORM, force=False):
self.delete_char(p, act=act, force=force)
self.insert_string(p, c, act=act, force=force)
def delete_line(self, y, act=ACT_NORM, force=False):
line = self.lines[y]
p1 = Point(0, y)
if y < len(self.lines) - 1:
p2 = Point(0, y + 1)
p2 = Point(len(self.lines[-1]), y)
self.delete(p1, p2, act, force)
# random
def count_leading_whitespace(self, y):
line = self.lines[y]
m = regex.leading_whitespace.match(line)
if m:
return m.end()
# should not happen
raise Exception, "iiiijjjj"
# scratch is a singleton
scratch = None
class ScratchBuffer(Buffer):
btype = 'scratch'
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
global scratch
if scratch is None:
scratch = object.__new__(ScratchBuffer, *args, **kwargs)
return scratch
def name(self):
return "*Scratch*"
def close(self):
global scratch
scratch = None
class DataBuffer(Buffer):
btype = 'data'
def __init__(self, name, data, nl='\n'):
Buffer.__init__(self, nl)
self._name = name
self.lines = data.split("\n")
def name(self):
return self._name
def close(self):
def readonly(self):
return True
# console is another singleton
console = None
class ConsoleBuffer(Buffer):
btype = 'console'
modename = 'console'
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
global console
if console is None:
b = object.__new__(ConsoleBuffer, *args, **kwargs)
console = b
return console
def __init__(self, nl='\n'):
Buffer.__init__(self, nl)
def clear(self):
lines = ['Python Console\n',
"Evaluate python expressions in the editor's context (self)\n",
'Press Control-] to exit\n',
console.set_data(''.join(lines), force=True)
def name(self):
return '*Console*'
def changed(self):
return False
def close(self):
global console
console = None
def readonly(self):
return True
class BinaryDataException(Exception):
class FileBuffer(Buffer):
btype = 'file'
def __init__(self, path, nl='\n', name=None):
'''fb = FileBuffer(path)'''
Buffer.__init__(self, nl)
self.path = os.path.realpath(path)
self.checksum = None
if name is None:
self._name = os.path.basename(self.path)
self._name = name
if os.path.exists(self.path) and not os.access(self.path, os.W_OK):
self._readonly = True
self._readonly = False
def readonly(self):
return self._readonly
def _open_file_r(self, path=None):
if path is None:
path = self.path
path = os.path.realpath(path)
self.path = path
if not os.path.isfile(path):
raise Exception, "Path '%s' does not exist" % (path)
if not os.access(path, os.R_OK):
raise Exception, "Path '%s' cannot be read" % (path)
f = open(path, 'r')
return f
def _open_file_w(self, path=None):
if path is None:
path = self.path
if os.path.isfile(path):
raise Exception, "Path '%s' already exists" % (path)
d = os.path.dirname(path)
if not os.access(d, os.R_OK):
raise Exception, "Dir '%s' cannot be read" % (path)
if not os.access(d, os.W_OK):
raise Exception, "Dir '%s' cannot be written" % (path)
f = open(path, 'w')
return f
def _temp_path(self, path=None):
if path is None:
path = self.path
(dirname, basename) = os.path.split(path)
return os.path.join(dirname, ".__%s__pmacs" % (basename))
# methods for dealing with the underlying resource, etc.
def name(self):
#return self.path
return self._name
def path_exists(self):
return os.path.exists(self.path)
def store_checksum(self, data):
self.checksum =
def read(self):
if self.path_exists():
f = self._open_file_r()
data =
data = ''
data = self.read_filter(data)
data = data.replace("\t", " ")
for i in range(0, min(len(data), 8)):
if data[i] not in string.printable:
raise BinaryDataException, "binary files are not supported"
#FIXME: this is horrible...but maybe not as horrible as using tabs??
return data
def open(self):
data =
self.lines = data.split(
def reload(self):
data =
def changed_on_disk(self):
assert self.checksum is not None
f = open(self.path)
data =
m =
return self.checksum.digest() != m.digest()
def save(self, force=False):
if self.readonly():
raise ReadOnlyError, "can't save read-only file"
if self.checksum is not None and force is False:
# the file already existed and we took a checksum so make sure it's
# still the same right now
if not self.path_exists():
raise Exception, "oh no! %r disappeared!" % self.path
if self.changed_on_disk():
raise Exception, "oh no! %r has changed on-disk!" % self.path
temp_path = self._temp_path()
data = self.make_string(
data = data.replace(" ", "\t")
data = self.write_filter(data)
f2 = self._open_file_w(temp_path)
if self.path_exists():
mode = os.stat(self.path)[0]
os.chmod(temp_path, mode)
shutil.move(temp_path, self.path)
self.modified = False
def save_as(self, path):
self.path = path
class AesBuffer(FileBuffer):
btype = 'aesfile'
def __init__(self, path, password, nl='\n', name=None):
'''fb = FileBuffer(path)'''
FileBuffer.__init__(self, path, nl, name)
self.password = password
def read_filter(self, data):
return aes.decrypt_data(data, self.password)
def write_filter(self, data):
return aes.encrypt_data(data, self.password)
class Binary32Buffer(FileBuffer):
btype = 'bin32file'
grouppad = 2
groupsize = 8
numgroups = 2
bytepad = 1
data = None
def __init__(self, path, nl='\n', name=None):
'''fb = FileBuffer(path)'''
FileBuffer.__init__(self, path, nl, name)
2008-04-10 11:48:07 -04:00
def cursorx_to_datax(self, cy, cx):
bytespace = 2 + self.bytepad
groupspace = bytespace * self.groupsize - 1 + self.grouppad
groupmod = (cx + self.grouppad) % groupspace
if groupmod < self.grouppad:
return None
groupdiv = (cx + 2) // groupspace
if groupdiv >= self.numgroups:
return None
bytemod = (cx + self.bytepad) % bytespace
if bytemod == 0:
2008-04-10 11:48:07 -04:00
return None
bytediv = ((cx + self.bytepad) % groupspace) // bytespace
ix = self.groupsize * groupdiv + bytediv
2008-04-10 11:48:07 -04:00
if ix < len(self.rawdata[cy]):
return ix
2008-04-10 11:20:57 -04:00
return None
2008-04-10 11:20:57 -04:00
def datax_to_cursorx(self, ix):
groupsize = (((2 + self.bytepad) * self.groupsize) + self.grouppad)
maxsize = groupsize * self.numgroups - self.grouppad
if ix < maxsize:
return (ix // self.groupsize) * self.grouppad + ix * (2 + self.bytepad)
2008-04-10 11:20:57 -04:00
return None
def overwrite_char(self, p, c, act=ACT_NORM, force=False):
2008-04-10 11:48:07 -04:00
ix = self.cursorx_to_datax(p.y, p.x)
2008-04-10 11:20:57 -04:00
if ix is None:
Buffer.overwrite_char(self, p, c, act, force)
2008-04-10 11:20:57 -04:00
cx = self.datax_to_cursorx(ix)
c = chr(int(self.lines[p.y][cx:cx + 2], 16))
rawline = self.rawdata[p.y]
2008-04-10 11:20:57 -04:00
self.rawdata[p.y] = rawline[0:ix] + c + rawline[ix + 1:]
def read_filter(self, data):
bytepad = ' ' * self.bytepad
grouppad = ' ' * self.grouppad
self.rawdata = []
lines = []
i = 0
while i < len(data):
self.rawdata.append(data[i:i + self.numgroups * self.groupsize])
j = 0
groups = []
while j < self.numgroups * self.groupsize and i + j < len(data):
bytes = []
for c in data[i + j:i + j + self.groupsize]:
bytes.append(string.hexdigits[ord(c) / 16] + string.hexdigits[ord(c) % 16])
j += self.groupsize
i += self.numgroups * self.groupsize
return '\n'.join(lines)
def write_filter(self, data):
return ''.join(self.rawdata)
class DirBuffer(Buffer):
btype = 'dir'
def __init__(self, path, nl='\n', name=None):
Buffer.__init__(self, nl)
self.path = os.path.realpath(path)
def changed(self):
return False
def readonly(self):
return True
def name(self):
return self.path
def path_exists(self):
return os.path.exists(self.path)
def _get_names(self):
if not self.path_exists():
raise Exception, "directory %r does not exists" % self.path
names = os.listdir(self.path)
if self.path != '/':
names.insert(0, '..')
names.insert(0, '.')
return names
def _make_path(self, name):
return os.path.join(self.path, name)
def _get_lines(self):
names = self._get_names()
fieldlines = []
maxlens = [0] * 5
for name in names:
path = self._make_path(name)
fields = dirutil.path_fields(path, name)
for i in range(0, 5):
maxlens[i] = max(maxlens[i], len(fields[i]))
raise Exception, '%d %r' % (i, fields[i])
fmt = '%%%ds %%-%ds %%-%ds %%%ds %%%ds %%s' % tuple(maxlens)
lines = []
for fields in fieldlines:
s = fmt % fields
return lines
def open(self):
self.lines = self._get_lines()
def reload(self):
lines = self._get_lines()
self.set_lines(lines, force=True)
def save(self, force=False):
raise Exception, "can't save a directory buffer"
def save_as(self, path):
raise Exception, "can't save a directory buffer"
class PathListBuffer(DirBuffer):
btype = 'pathlist'
def __init__(self, name, paths, nl='\n'):
Buffer.__init__(self, nl)
2008-04-01 19:14:58 -04:00
self.paths = list(paths)
self.path = os.getcwd()
self._name = name
def path_exists(self):
raise Exception
def _get_names(self):
cwd = os.getcwd()
return [x.replace(cwd, '.', 1) for x in self.paths]
def _make_path(self, name):
if name.startswith('.'):
return name.replace('.', os.getcwd(), 1)
return name
def name(self):
return self._name
# NOTE: this highlighter will not reprocess the data given. it is intended to
# be used with read-only buffers like DataBuffer and ColorBuffer
class ColorHighlighter(highlight.Highlighter):
color_re = re.compile(r'\[([a-zA-Z0-9\*:]+)\]')
color_map = {
'B': 'black',
'r': 'red',
'g': 'green',
'y': 'yellow',
'b': 'blue',
'm': 'magenta',
'c': 'cyan',
'w': 'white',
'd': 'default',
'*': 'bold',
def __init__(self):
self.tokens = []
def append_token(self, y, x, s, color):
s2 = s.replace('\\[', '[')
s2 = s2.replace('\\]', ']')
s2 = s2.replace('\\\\', '\\')
t = lex.Token('color_data', None, y, x, s2, color)
return len(s) - len(s2)
def highlight(self, lines):
if self.tokens:
self.tokens = [None] * len(lines)
for y in range(0, len(lines)):
self.tokens[y] = []
line = lines[y]
c = ['default', 'default']
i = 0
offset = 0
while i < len(line):
m =, i)
if m:
(j, k) = (m.start(), m.end())
if j > i:
offset += self.append_token(y, i - offset, line[i:j], c)
fields =':')
c = [self.color_map.get(x, x) for x in fields]
offset += k - j
i = k
offset += self.append_token(y, i - offset, line[i:], c)
class ColorDataBuffer(DataBuffer):
btype = 'colordata'
modename = 'colortext'
color_re = re.compile(r'\[([a-z:]+)\]')
def __init__(self, name, data, nl='\n'):
data2 = ColorHighlighter.color_re.sub('', data)
data2 = data2.replace('\\[', '[')
data2 = data2.replace('\\]', ']')
data2 = data2.replace('\\\\', '\\')
DataBuffer.__init__(self, name, data2, nl)
lines = data.split(
self.highlights = {
'Colortext': ColorHighlighter(),
[y:d:*]************ ********** ****** ****** **** ******** *********
[y:d:*]************** ****************** ************* ********** ***********
[y:d:*]******* ***** ****** ***** **** **** ****** **** **** ***** ***
[y:d:*] *** *** *** *** *** **** **** **** *******
[y:d:*] *** *** *** *** *** **** **** **** ******
[y:d:*] ***** ***** ***** ***** **** **** ****** **** **** **** ****
[y:d:*] ************ ***** ***** **** ************* ********** **********
[y:d:*] ********** ***** ***** **** ****** **** ******** ********
[y:d:*] ***
[y:d:*] *** [c:d:*]pmacs[d:d:*] is a python-based text editor by [c:d:*]Erik Osheim[d:d:*], [b:d:*](c) 2005-2008
2008-04-05 00:27:34 -04:00
[y:d:*] *** [c:d:*]pmacs[d:d:*] is available to you under the [c:d:*]GNU General Public License v2
[y:d:*]***** [d:d:*]to view available commands use [c:d:*]C-c M-h [b:d:*](show-bindings-buffer)
2008-04-05 00:27:34 -04:00
[y:d:*]***** [d:d:*]open files with [c:d:*]C-x C-f[d:d:*]; save with [c:d:*]C-x C-s[d:d:*]; quit with [c:d:*]C-x C-c
class AboutBuffer(ColorDataBuffer):
def __init__(self):
ColorDataBuffer.__init__(self, '*About*', ABOUT_DATA)