2007-10-21 20:55:29 -04:00
import color, mode, tab
2007-10-21 20:52:48 -04:00
from lex import Grammar, PatternRule, RegionRule
2008-10-01 16:58:43 -04:00
from mode.python import StringGrammar2
2007-08-02 17:43:04 -04:00
from mode.c import CTabber
class JavaGrammar(Grammar):
rules = [
2008-10-01 16:58:43 -04:00
PatternRule(r"spaces", r" +"),
2007-08-03 09:43:57 -04:00
PatternRule(r'import', r'(?<=import ) *[a-zA-Z0-9_.*]+'),
PatternRule(r'package', r'(?<=package ) *[a-zA-Z0-9_.*]+'),
2007-08-02 17:43:04 -04:00
2007-08-03 09:43:57 -04:00
RegionRule(r'doccomment', '/\*\*', Grammar, '\*/'),
2007-08-02 17:43:04 -04:00
RegionRule(r'comment', '/\*', Grammar, '\*/'),
PatternRule(r'comment', r'//.*$'),
2007-08-03 09:43:57 -04:00
PatternRule(r'keyword', r"(?:abstract|assert|boolean|break|byte|case|catch|char|class|continue|default|double|do|else|extends|finally|final|float|for|if|implements|import|instanceof|interface|int|long|native|new|package|private|protected|public|return|short|static|switch|super|synchronized|threadsafe|throws|throw|transient|try|void|while)(?![a-zA-Z_])"),
2008-03-16 01:23:14 -04:00
PatternRule(r'java_label', r'[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*(?=:)'),
2007-08-02 17:43:04 -04:00
2008-03-16 01:23:14 -04:00
PatternRule(r'java_builtin', r"(?:null|true|false|this)"),
2007-08-02 17:43:04 -04:00
PatternRule(r'identifier', r"[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*"),
PatternRule(r"unop", r"\+=|-=|\*=|/=|//=|%=|&=\|\^=|>>=|<<=|\*\*="),
PatternRule(r'binop', r"\+|<>|<<|<=|<|-|>>|>=|>|\*\*|&|\*|\||/|\^|==|//|~|!=|%"),
PatternRule(r"delimiter", r"->|\.|\(|\)|\[|\]|{|}|@|,|:|`|;|=|\?"),
2008-03-16 01:23:14 -04:00
PatternRule(r"java_integer", r"(?:0(?![x0-9])|[1-9][0-9]*|0[0-7]+|0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+)[lL]?"),
PatternRule(r"java_float", r"[0-9]+\.[0-9]*|\.[0-9]+|(?:[0-9]|[0-9]+\.[0-9]*|\.[0-9]+)[eE][\+-]?[0-9]+"),
2008-10-01 16:58:43 -04:00
RegionRule(r'string', '"', StringGrammar2, '"'),
2008-03-16 01:23:14 -04:00
PatternRule(r'java_char', r"'.'|'\\.'|'\\[0-7]{3}'"),
2007-08-02 17:43:04 -04:00
PatternRule(r"eol", r"\n$"),
2007-08-03 09:43:57 -04:00
class JavaTabber(CTabber):
def is_base(self, y):
if y == 0:
return True
highlighter = self.mode.window.buffer.highlights[self.mode.name()]
if not highlighter.tokens[y]:
return False
for t in highlighter.tokens[y]:
if t.name == 'null':
elif t.name == 'keyword':
if t.string in ('class', 'interface'):
return True
elif t.string in ('public', 'private', 'protected', 'static',
'final', 'native', 'synchronized', 'abstract',
'threadsafe', 'transient'):
return False
return False
return False
# detecting function declarations is annoying; this assumes that people
# won't put a variable type and name on different lines, but that they
# might do that for function return type and name.
# unfortunately, valid function return types might include any of the
# four types of tokens below
decl = False
for t in highlighter.tokens[y]:
if t.name in ('keyword', 'identifier', 'structname', 'enumname'):
decl = True
if decl and t.name == 'function':
decl = False
if decl:
return True
return False
def _handle_open_token(self, currlvl, y, i):
token = self.get_token(y, i)
if token.string == '{':
2007-10-21 20:55:29 -04:00
currlvl = tab.StackTabber._handle_open_token(self, currlvl, y, i)
2007-08-03 09:43:57 -04:00
return currlvl
def _handle_close_token(self, currlvl, y, i):
2008-04-02 19:06:52 -04:00
w = self.mode.tabwidth
2007-08-03 09:43:57 -04:00
2007-10-21 20:55:29 -04:00
currlvl = tab.StackTabber._handle_close_token(self, currlvl, y, i)
2007-08-03 09:43:57 -04:00
token = self.get_token(y, i)
if self.is_rightmost_token(y, i):
if token.string == '}':
elif self._peek_name() == 'cond':
2008-04-02 19:06:52 -04:00
self._opt_append('cont', currlvl + w)
2007-08-03 09:43:57 -04:00
return currlvl
def _handle_other_token(self, currlvl, y, i):
2008-04-02 19:06:52 -04:00
w = self.mode.tabwidth
2007-08-03 09:43:57 -04:00
token = self.get_token(y, i)
fqname = token.fqname()
if fqname == 'delimiter' and token.string == ';':
elif fqname == 'keyword':
if token.string in ('do', 'else', 'for', 'if', 'while'):
2008-04-02 19:06:52 -04:00
self._append('cond', currlvl + w)
2007-08-03 09:43:57 -04:00
elif token.string == 'break':
self._opt_pop('case', 'while', 'for')
elif token.string == 'continue':
self._opt_pop('while', 'for')
elif token.string == 'case':
currlvl = self.get_curr_level()
2008-04-02 19:06:52 -04:00
self._opt_append('case', currlvl + w)
2007-08-03 09:43:57 -04:00
elif fqname == 'string.start':
self._opt_append('string', None)
elif fqname == 'string.end':
if self.is_rightmost_token(y, i):
2008-04-02 19:06:52 -04:00
self._opt_append('cont', currlvl + w)
2007-08-03 09:43:57 -04:00
# TODO: this could be a lot better
elif fqname == 'macro':
currlvl = 0
elif fqname.startswith('macro.start'):
self._opt_append('macro', None)
currlvl = 0
elif fqname.startswith('macro.end'):
self._opt_pop('macro', None)
elif fqname.startswith('macroblock.start'):
self._opt_append('macroblock', None)
currlvl = 0
elif fqname.startswith('macroblock.end'):
self._opt_pop('macroblock', None)
if self.is_rightmost_token(y, i):
if self._has_markers() and self._peek_name() == 'cond':
elif(not fqname.startswith('string') and
not fqname.startswith('comment') and
not fqname.startswith('macro') and
not fqname == 'delimiter' and
not fqname == 'header' and
not fqname == 'null' and
not fqname == 'eol' and
token.string not in ('}', ';', '(', '{', '[', ',')):
2008-04-02 19:06:52 -04:00
self._opt_append('cont', currlvl + w)
2007-08-03 09:43:57 -04:00
return currlvl
2007-10-21 20:55:29 -04:00
class Java(mode.Fundamental):
2007-10-18 17:07:35 -04:00
modename = 'Java'
extensions = ['.java']
tabbercls = JavaTabber
grammar = JavaGrammar
2007-08-02 17:43:04 -04:00
opentokens = ('delimiter',)
2007-10-18 17:07:35 -04:00
opentags = {'(': ')', '[': ']', '{': '}'}
2007-08-02 17:43:04 -04:00
closetokens = ('delimiter',)
2007-10-18 17:07:35 -04:00
closetags = {')': '(', ']': '[', '}': '{'}
colors = {
2008-05-03 13:31:30 -04:00
'doccomment.start': ('red', 'default', 'bold'),
'doccomment.end': ('red', 'default', 'bold'),
'doccomment.null': ('red', 'default', 'bold'),
'import': ('blue', 'default', 'bold'),
'java_label': ('magenta', 'default', 'bold'),
'java_builtin': ('magenta', 'default', 'bold'),
'java_char': ('green', 'default', 'bold'),
'java_integer': ('green', 'default', 'bold'),
'java_float': ('green', 'default', 'bold'),
2007-08-02 17:43:04 -04:00
def __init__(self, w):
2007-10-21 20:55:29 -04:00
mode.Fundamental.__init__(self, w)
2007-08-02 17:43:04 -04:00
self.add_bindings('close-paren', (')',))
self.add_bindings('close-brace', ('}',))
self.add_bindings('close-bracket', (']',))
2007-10-19 02:41:33 -04:00
install = Java.install