import os.path from mode import Fundamental import tab from lex import Grammar, PatternRule, RegionRule, PatternMatchRule, OverridePatternRule from mode.python import StringGrammar2 chr1 = '[a-zA-Z_]' chr2 = '[a-zA-Z0-9_]' word = chr1 + chr2 + '*' spaces = r'[\t ]+' type_ = '[a-zA-Z0-9_<>]+' class RustGrammar(Grammar): rules = [ PatternRule('spaces', r'[\t ]+'), PatternRule('eol', r'\n$'), PatternRule('rust.comment', '//.*$'), PatternMatchRule('x', r'(fn)( *)(' + word + r')', 'rust.keyword', 'spaces', 'rust.function', 'spaces'), PatternMatchRule('x', r'(\|)( *)(' + word + r')( *)(\|)', 'rust.delimiter', 'spaces', 'rust.param', 'spaces', 'rust.delimiter'), PatternMatchRule('x', r'(' + word + ')( *)(:)( *)(&?)(' + type_ + r')', 'rust.param', 'spaces', 'rust.delimiter', 'spaces', 'rust.delimiter', 'rust.type'), PatternMatchRule('x', r'(->)( *)(' + type_ + ')', 'rust.operator', 'spaces', 'rust.type'), RegionRule('rust.string', '"', StringGrammar2, '"'), PatternRule("rust.float", r"-?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+|-?\.[0-9]+|-?(?:[0-9]|[0-9]+\.[0-9]*|-?\.[0-9]+)[eE][\+-]?[0-9]+"), PatternRule("rust.integer", r"(?:0(?![x0-9])|-?[1-9][0-9]*|0[0-7]+|0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+)[lL]?"), #PatternRule('rust.keyword', r"(?<=[a-zA-Z0-9_])(?:while|where|use|unsafe|type|true|trait|super|struct|static|Self|self|return|ref|pub|mut|move|mod|match|loop|let|in|impl|if|for|fn|false|extern|enum|else|dyn|crate|continue|const|break|await|async|as)"), PatternRule('rust.keyword', r"(?|\.\.|%|==)"), PatternRule('rust.bareword', word), ] class RustTabber(tab.StackTabber2): open_tokens = {'rust.delimiter': {'{': '}', '(': ')', '[': ']'}} close_tokens = {'rust.delimiter': {'}': '{', ')': '(', ']': '['}} is_indent_tokens = set(['spaces']) is_ignored_tokens = set(['spaces', 'eol', 'comment']) end_at_eof = False end_at_tokens = {'rust.delimiter': {';': 1}} nocontinue_tokens = {'rust.delimiter': set([';', ',', '}'])} start_free_tokens = {'rust.string.start': 'rust.string.end'} end_free_tokens = {'rust.string.end': 'rust.string.start'} # white is for delimiters, operators, numbers default = ('default', 'default') # magenta is for keywords/builtins lo_magenta = ('magenta202', 'default') hi_magenta = ('magenta505', 'default') # red is for comments lo_red = ('red300', 'default') hi_red = ('red511', 'default') # orange is for macro definitions, headers and constants hi_orange = ('yellow531', 'default') lo_orange = ('yellow520', 'default') # yellow is for parts of macros hi_yellow = ('yellow551', 'default') lo_yellow = ('yellow330', 'default') # green is for strings and characters lo_green = ('green030', 'default') hi_green = ('green050', 'default') # cyan is for types lo_cyan = ('cyan033', 'default') hi_cyan = ('cyan155', 'default') # blue is definitions, functions and some macros lo_blue = ('blue113', 'default') hi_blue = ('blue225', 'default') class Rust(Fundamental): name = 'rust' extensions = ['.rs'] grammar = RustGrammar opentokens = ('delimiter',) opentags = {'(': ')', '[': ']', '{': '}'} closetokens = ('delimiter',) closetags = {')': '(', ']': '[', '}': '{'} commentc = '//' tabbercls = RustTabber colors = { 'rust.comment': hi_red, 'rust.comment.start': hi_red, '': hi_red, 'rust.comment.end': hi_red, 'rust.param': lo_yellow, 'rust.type': hi_green, 'rust.delimiter': lo_cyan, 'rust.operator': lo_cyan, #'c.include': hi_blue, #'c.header': lo_orange, 'rust.integer': hi_orange, #'rust.bareword': lo_cyan, } config = { #'c.syntax-cmd': "gcc -x c -fsyntax-only %(path)s", #'c.syntax-rel-dir': False, #'c.make-cmd': "make", #'c.make-rel-dir': True, } lconfig = { #'ignore_suffix': ['.o'], } _bindings = { 'close-paren': (')',), 'close-brace': ('}',), 'close-bracket': (']',), #'c-check-syntax': ('C-c s',), #'c-make': ('C-c C-c',), } #def get_functions(self): return {} #def get_function_names(self): return [] #def get_line_function(self, y): return None #def get_status_names(self): # names = Fundamental.get_status_names(self) # c = self.window.logical_cursor() # names['func'] = self.get_line_function(c.y) # return names install = Rust.install