540 lines
20 KiB
Executable File
540 lines
20 KiB
Executable File
import re
valid_name_re = re.compile('^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$')
reserved_names = ['start', 'middle', 'end', 'null']
class Token(object):
def __init__(self, name, rule=None, y=0, x=0, s="", parent=None, matchd={}):
self.name = name
self.rule = rule
self.y = y
self.x = x
self.string = s
self.parent = parent
self.matchd = matchd
def parents(self):
if self.parent is not None:
parents = self.parent.parents()
return parents
return []
def domain(self):
if self.parent is not None:
names = self.parent.domain()
names = []
return names
def fqlist(self):
if self.parent is not None:
names = self.parent.domain()
names = []
if self.name == 'start':
return names
def fqname(self):
names = self.fqlist()
return '.'.join(names)
def copy(self):
return Token(self.name, self.rule, self.y, self.x, self.string,
self.parent, self.matchd)
def add_to_string(self, s):
self.string += s
def end_x(self):
return self.x + len(self.string)
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self.y == other.y and self.x == other.x
and self.name == other.name and self.parent is other.parent and
self.string == other.string)
def __repr__(self):
if len(self.string) < 10:
s = self.string
s = self.string[:10] + '...'
fields = (self.fqname(), self.rule, self.y, self.x, s)
return "<Token(%r, %r, %d, %d, %r)>" % fields
class Rule:
name = 'abstract'
def match(self, lexer, parent):
raise Exception, "%s rule cannot match!" % self.name
def make_token(self, lexer, s, name, parent=None, matchd={}):
return Token(name, self, lexer.y, lexer.x, s, parent, matchd)
class ConstantRule(Rule):
def __init__(self, name, constant):
assert valid_name_re.match(name), 'invalid name %r' % name
assert name not in reserved_names, "reserved rule name: %r" % name
self.name = name
self.constant = constant
self.lenth = len(self.constant)
def match(self, lexer, parent):
if lexer.lines[lexer.y][lexer.x:].startswith(self.constant):
token = self.make_token(lexer, self.constant, self.name, parent)
lexer.x += self.length
return True
return False
class PatternRule(Rule):
def __init__(self, name, pattern):
assert valid_name_re.match(name), 'invalid name %r' % name
assert name not in reserved_names, "reserved rule name: %r" % name
self.name = name
self.pattern = pattern
self.re = re.compile(pattern)
def _match(self, lexer, parent, m):
s = m.group(0)
token = self.make_token(lexer, s, self.name, parent)
lexer.x += len(s)
def match(self, lexer, parent):
m = self.re.match(lexer.lines[lexer.y], lexer.x)
if m:
self._match(lexer, parent, m)
return True
return False
class ContextPatternRule(PatternRule):
def __init__(self, name, pattern, fallback):
assert valid_name_re.match(name), 'invalid name %r' % name
assert name not in reserved_names, "reserved rule name: %r" % name
self.name = name
self.pattern = pattern
self.fallback = fallback
self.fallback_re = re.compile(fallback)
def match(self, lexer, parent):
r = re.compile(self.pattern % parent.matchd)
except KeyError:
r = self.fallback_re
m = r.match(lexer.lines[lexer.y], lexer.x)
if m:
self._match(lexer, parent, m)
return True
return False
def xyz(x):
if hasattr(x, 'name'):
return x.name
return x
class RegionRule(Rule):
def __init__(self, name, start, grammar, end):
assert valid_name_re.match(name), 'invalid name %r' % name
assert name not in reserved_names, "reserved rule name: %r" % name
self.name = name
self.start = start
self.grammar = grammar
self.end = end
self.start_re = re.compile(start)
for rule in self.grammar.rules:
if not hasattr(rule, 'match'):
print 'DAMN %r' % name
raise Exception, repr(rule)
def resume(self, lexer, toresume):
#raise Exception, "%r %r" % (lexer, toresume) #XYZ
assert toresume, "can't resume without tokens to resume!"
self._match(lexer, None, None, toresume)
return True
def match(self, lexer, parent):
m = self.start_re.match(lexer.lines[lexer.y], lexer.x)
if m:
self._match(lexer, parent, m, [])
return True
return False
def _add_from_regex(self, name, lexer, parent, m, matchd={}):
s = m.group(0)
token = self.make_token(lexer, s, name, parent, matchd)
lexer.x += len(s)
return token
def _match(self, lexer, parent, m, toresume=[]):
# we either need a match object, or a token to resume
assert m or len(toresume) > 0
if m:
# if we had a match, then it becomes the parent, and we save its
# subgroup dict
d = m.groupdict()
parent = self._add_from_regex('start', lexer, parent, m, d)
# otherwise, we should be resuming the start token, so let's pull
# the relevant info out of the token
parent = toresume[0]
d = parent.matchd
assert parent.name == 'start'
null_t = None
# this determines whether we are still reentering. if len(toresume) == 1
# then it means that we have been reentering but will not continue, so
# reenter will be false.
reenter = len(toresume) > 1
# if we have an end regex, then build it here. notice that it can
# reference named groups from the start token. if we have no end,
# well, then, we're never getting out of here alive!
if self.end:
end_re = re.compile(self.end % d)
# ok, so as long as we aren't done (we haven't found an end token),
# keep reading input
done = False
while not done and lexer.y < len(lexer.lines):
old_y = lexer.y
# if this line is empty, then we skip it, but here we insert
# an empty null token just so we have something
if not reenter and len(lexer.lines[lexer.y]) == 0:
null_t = Token('null', None, lexer.y, lexer.x, '', parent)
null_t = None
# ok, as long as we haven't found the end token, and have more
# data on the current line to read, we will process tokens
while (not done and lexer.y == old_y and
lexer.x < len(lexer.lines[lexer.y])):
# if we are reentering mid-parse, then that takes precedence
if reenter:
reenter = False
rule2 = toresume[1].rule
rule2.resume(lexer, toresume[1:])
null_t = None
if lexer.y >= len(lexer.lines):
return True
elif lexer.x >= len(lexer.lines[lexer.y]):
lexer.y += 1
lexer.x = 0
# if we are looking for an end token, then see if we've
# found it. if so, then we are done!
if self.end:
m = end_re.match(lexer.lines[lexer.y], lexer.x)
if m:
self._add_from_regex('end', lexer, parent, m, {})
done = True
# ok, we need to check all our rules now, in order. if we
# find a token, note that we found one and exit the loop
found = False
for rule in self.grammar.rules:
if rule.match(lexer, parent):
found = True
null_t = None
# if we never found a token, then we need to add another
# character to the current null token (which we should
# create if it isn't set).
if not found:
if null_t is None:
null_t = Token('null', None, lexer.y, lexer.x, '', parent)
if len(lexer.lines[lexer.y]) > lexer.x:
lexer.x += 1
# ok, since we're soon going to be on a different line (or
# already are), we want a new null token. so forget about the
# current one (i.e. stop adding to it).
null_t = None
# if we're still on the same line at this point (and not done)
# then that means we're finished with the line and should move
# on to the next one here
if not done and old_y == lexer.y:
lexer.y += 1
lexer.x = 0
return True
class DualRegionRule(Rule):
def __init__(self, name, start, grammar1, middle, grammar2, end):
assert valid_name_re.match(name), 'invalid name %r' % name
assert name not in reserved_names, "reserved rule name: %r" % name
self.name = name
self.start = start
self.grammar1 = grammar1
self.middle = middle
self.grammar2 = grammar2
self.end = end
self.start_re = re.compile(start)
def _add_from_regex(self, name, lexer, parent, m, matchd={}):
s = m.group(0)
token = self.make_token(lexer, s, name, parent, matchd)
lexer.x += len(s)
return token
def resume(self, lexer, toresume):
assert toresume, "can't resume without tokens to resume!"
token = toresume[0]
if token.name == 'start':
t2 = self._match_first(lexer, token, toresume)
if t2 is not None:
t3 = self._match_second(lexer, t2, [])
return True
elif token.name == 'middle':
t3 = self._match_second(lexer, token, toresume)
raise Exception, "invalid flag %r" % flag
return True
def match(self, lexer, parent):
# see if we can match our start token
m = self.start_re.match(lexer.lines[lexer.y], lexer.x)
if m:
t1 = self._add_from_regex('start', lexer, parent, m, m.groupdict())
t2 = self._match_first(lexer, t1, [])
if t2 is not None:
t3 = self._match_second(lexer, t2, [])
return True
# region was not matched; we never started. so return false
return False
def _match_first(self, lexer, parent, toresume=[]):
reenter = len(toresume) > 1
if reenter:
assert parent is toresume[0]
d1 = parent.matchd
assert parent.name == 'start'
null_t = None
middle_re = re.compile(self.middle % d1)
d2 = {}
# ok, so as long as we aren't done (we haven't found an end token),
# keep reading input
t2 = None
done = False
while not done and lexer.y < len(lexer.lines):
old_y = lexer.y
# if this line is empty, then we will skip it, but here we insert
# an empty null token just so we have something
if len(lexer.lines[lexer.y]) == 0:
null_t = Token('null', None, lexer.y, lexer.x, '', parent)
null_t = None
# ok, as long as we haven't found the end token, and have more
# data on the current line to read, we will process tokens
while not done and lexer.y == old_y and lexer.x < len(lexer.lines[lexer.y]):
# if we are reentering mid-parse, then that takes precedence
if reenter:
raise Exception, "aw damn1"
#reenter = False
#xrule = rulecontext[0].rule
#xd = rulecontext[0].matchd
#assert rule2.resume(lexer, xcontext, xd, rulecontext[1:]), \
# "%r %r %r %r" % (lexer, xcontext, xd, rulecontext[1:])
#found = True
#null_t = None
# see if we have found the middle token. if so, we can then
# proceed to "stage 2"
m2 = middle_re.match(lexer.lines[lexer.y], lexer.x)
if m2:
d2 = dict(d1.items() + m2.groupdict().items())
t2 = self._add_from_regex('middle', lexer, parent, m2, d2)
done = True
# ok, we need to check all our rules now, in order. if we
# find a token, note that we found one and exit the loop
found = False
for rule in self.grammar1.rules:
if rule.match(lexer, parent):
found = True
null_t = None
# if we never found a token, then we need to add another
# character to the current null token (which we should
# create if it isn't set).
if not found:
if null_t is None:
null_t = Token('null', None, lexer.y, lexer.x, '', parent)
lexer.x += 1
# ok, since we're soon going to be on a different line (or
# already are), we want a new null token. so forget about the
# current one.
null_t = None
# if we're still on the same line at this point (and not done)
# then that means we're finished with the line and should move
# on to the next one here
if not done and old_y == lexer.y:
lexer.y += 1
lexer.x = 0
return t2
def _match_second(self, lexer, parent, toresume=[]):
reenter = len(toresume) > 1
if reenter:
assert parent is toresume[0]
assert parent.name == 'middle'
#assert parent.name == 'middle'
d3 = parent.matchd
null_t = None
end_re = re.compile(self.end % d3)
# ok, so as long as we aren't done (we haven't found an end token),
# keep reading input
t3 = None
done = False
while not done and lexer.y < len(lexer.lines):
old_y = lexer.y
# if we are reentering mid-parse, then that takes precedence
if reenter:
raise Exception, "aw damn2"
#reenter = False
#xrule = rulecontext[0].rule
#xd = rulecontext[0].matchd
#assert rule2.resume(lexer, xcontext, xd, rulecontext[1:]), \
# "%r %r %r %r" % (lexer, xcontext, xd, rulecontext[1:])
#found = True
#null_t = None
# if this line is empty, then we will skip it, but here weinsert
# an empty null token just so we have something
if len(lexer.lines[lexer.y]) == 0:
null_t = Token('null', None, lexer.y, lexer.x, '', parent)
null_t = None
# ok, as long as we haven't found the end token, and have more
# data on the current line to read, we will process tokens
while not done and lexer.y == old_y and lexer.x < len(lexer.lines[lexer.y]):
# see if we have found the middle token. if so, we can then
# proceed to "stage 2"
m3 = end_re.match(lexer.lines[lexer.y], lexer.x)
if m3:
t3 = self._add_from_regex('end', lexer, parent, m3, {})
done = True
# ok, we need to check all our rules now, in order. if we
# find a token, note that we found one and exit the loop
found = False
for rule in self.grammar2.rules:
if rule.match(lexer, parent):
found = True
null_t = None
# if we never found a token, then we need to add another
# character to the current null token (which we should
# create if it isn't set).
if not found:
if null_t is None:
null_t = Token('null', None, lexer.y, lexer.x, '', parent)
lexer.x += 1
# ok, since we're soon going to be on a different line (or
# already are), we want a new null token. so forget about the
# current one.
null_t = None
# if we're still on the same line at this point (and not done)
# then that means we're finished with the line and should move
# on to the next one here
if not done and old_y == lexer.y:
lexer.y += 1
lexer.x = 0
# alright, we're finally done processing; return true
return t3
class Grammar:
rules = []
def __init__(self):
for rule in self.rules:
if type(rule) in (type(tuple()), type(list())):
print self.rules
if hasattr(rule, 'grammar') and rule.grammar is None:
rule.grammar = self
class Lexer:
def __init__(self, name, grammar):
self.name = name
self.grammar = grammar
self.y = 0
self.x = 0
self.lines = None
self.tokens = []
def add_token(self, t):
def lex(self, lines, y=0, x=0):
self.y = y
self.x = x
self.lines = lines
self.tokens = []
def resume(self, lines, y, x, token):
#raise Exception, "%r %r" % (self, token) #XYZ
self.y = y
self.x = x
self.lines = lines
self.tokens = []
toresume = token.parents()
if toresume:
toresume[0].rule.resume(self, toresume)
# raise Exception, "dammmmit"
def __iter__(self):
if self.lines is None:
raise Exception, "no lines to lex"
return self
def next(self):
null_t = None
if self.tokens:
return self.tokens.pop(0)
while self.y < len(self.lines):
line = self.lines[self.y]
while self.x < len(line):
curr_t = None
for rule in self.grammar.rules:
if rule.match(self, None):
assert self.tokens, "match rendered no tokens?"
return self.tokens.pop(0)
if null_t is None:
null_t = Token('null', None, self.y, self.x, '')
self.x += 1
null_t = None
self.y += 1
self.x = 0
if self.tokens:
return self.tokens.pop(0)
raise StopIteration