Improving noodle

This commit is contained in:
neauoire 2021-03-24 16:30:52 -07:00
parent 217b5f88f3
commit bdaca53a7c
3 changed files with 175 additions and 97 deletions

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ else
echo "Assembling.."
./bin/assembler projects/software/left.usm bin/boot.rom
./bin/assembler projects/software/noodle.usm bin/boot.rom
echo "Running.."
if [ "${2}" = '--cli' ];

View File

@ -36,8 +36,10 @@
( variables )
;center { x 2 y 2 }
;toolbar { x1 2 y1 2 x2 2 y2 2 }
;cursor { x 2 y 2 x0 2 y0 2 size 1 patt 1 drag 1 mirror 1 oper 2 }
;toolpane { x1 2 y1 2 x2 2 y2 2 }
;pattpane { x1 2 y1 2 x2 2 y2 2 }
;sizepane { x1 2 y1 2 x2 2 y2 2 }
;cursor { x 2 y 2 x0 2 y0 2 tool 1 size 1 patt 1 drag 1 mirror 1 oper 2 }
;zoom { active 1 x 2 y 2 }
;rect { x1 2 y1 2 x2 2 y2 2 }
;line { x0 2 y0 2 x 2 y 2 sx 2 sy 2 dx 2 dy 2 e1 2 e2 2 }
@ -68,6 +70,8 @@
( default brush )
#04 =cursor.size
#00 =cursor.patt
#00 =cursor.tool
( load file )
,filepath ,load-file JSR2
@ -75,7 +79,6 @@
( find screen center )
~Screen.width #0002 DIV2 =center.x
~Screen.height #0002 DIV2 =center.y
#0010 =toolbar.x1 #0010 =toolbar.y1
( center canvas )
~center.x ~canvas.w 8* 2/ SUB2 =canvas.x1
@ -84,10 +87,22 @@
,draw-background JSR2
,fit-canvas JSR2
( fit toolbar )
~toolbar.x1 #0010 ADD2 =toolbar.x2
~toolbar.y1 #0040 ADD2 =toolbar.y2
,draw-toolbar JSR2
( setup panes )
#0010 =toolpane.x1 #0010 =toolpane.y1
#0010 =pattpane.x1 ~Screen.height #0018 SUB2 =pattpane.y1
~Screen.width #0050 SUB2 =sizepane.x1 #0010 =sizepane.y1
~toolpane.x1 #0020 ADD2 =toolpane.x2
~toolpane.y1 #0008 ADD2 =toolpane.y2
,draw-toolpane JSR2
~pattpane.x1 #0040 ADD2 =pattpane.x2
~pattpane.y1 #0008 ADD2 =pattpane.y2
,draw-pattpane JSR2
~sizepane.x1 #0040 ADD2 =sizepane.x2
~sizepane.y1 #0008 ADD2 =sizepane.y2
,draw-sizepane JSR2
@ -101,7 +116,9 @@ BRK
~canvas.x1 -- ~canvas.y1 -- ~canvas.x2 ~canvas.y2 #10 ,line-rect JSR2
,draw-background JSR2
,fit-canvas JSR2
,draw-toolbar JSR2
,draw-toolpane JSR2
,draw-pattpane JSR2
,draw-sizepane JSR2
#00 =cursor.drag
@ -125,43 +142,55 @@ BRK
,$touch-end JMP2
( in toolbar )
,$no-touch-toolbar ~Mouse.x CLN2r ~toolbar.x1 GTH2 STH2r ~toolbar.x2 LTH2 #0101 NEQ2 JMP2?
,$no-touch-toolbar ~Mouse.y CLN2r ~toolbar.y1 GTH2 STH2r ~toolbar.y2 LTH2 #0101 NEQ2 JMP2?
( in sizepane )
,$no-touch-sizepane ~Mouse.x CLN2r ~sizepane.x1 GTH2 STH2r ~sizepane.x2 LTH2 #0101 NEQ2 JMP2?
,$no-touch-sizepane ~Mouse.y CLN2r ~sizepane.y1 GTH2 STH2r ~sizepane.y2 LTH2 #0101 NEQ2 JMP2?
( release ) #00 =Mouse.state
,$no-touch-size ~Mouse.x ~toolbar.x1 SUB2 8/ #0000 NEQ2 JMP2?
~Mouse.y ~toolbar.y1 SUB2 8/ SWP POP =cursor.size
( draw ) ,draw-toolbar JSR2
,$touch-end JMP2
,$no-touch-brush ~Mouse.x ~toolbar.x1 SUB2 8/ #0001 NEQ2 JMP2?
~Mouse.y ~toolbar.y1 SUB2 8/ SWP POP =cursor.patt
( draw ) ,draw-toolbar JSR2
,$touch-end JMP2
#01 =cursor.tool
~Mouse.x ~sizepane.x1 SUB2 8/ SWP POP =cursor.size
( draw ) ,draw-sizepane JSR2
( draw ) ,draw-toolpane JSR2
,$touch-end JMP2
( in pattpane )
,$no-touch-pattpane ~Mouse.x CLN2r ~pattpane.x1 GTH2 STH2r ~pattpane.x2 LTH2 #0101 NEQ2 JMP2?
,$no-touch-pattpane ~Mouse.y CLN2r ~pattpane.y1 GTH2 STH2r ~pattpane.y2 LTH2 #0101 NEQ2 JMP2?
( release ) #00 =Mouse.state
~Mouse.x ~pattpane.x1 SUB2 8/ SWP POP =cursor.patt
( draw ) ,draw-pattpane JSR2
,$touch-end JMP2
( in toolpane )
,$no-touch-toolpane ~Mouse.x CLN2r ~toolpane.x1 GTH2 STH2r ~toolpane.x2 LTH2 #0101 NEQ2 JMP2?
,$no-touch-toolpane ~Mouse.y CLN2r ~toolpane.y1 GTH2 STH2r ~toolpane.y2 LTH2 #0101 NEQ2 JMP2?
( release ) #00 =Mouse.state
~Mouse.x ~toolpane.x1 SUB2 8/ SWP POP =cursor.tool
( draw ) ,draw-toolpane JSR2
,$touch-end JMP2
( in canvas )
,$no-touch-canvas ~Mouse.x CLN2r ~canvas.x1 GTS2 STH2r ~canvas.x2 LTS2 #0101 NEQ2 JMP2?
,$no-touch-canvas ~Mouse.y CLN2r ~canvas.y1 GTS2 STH2r ~canvas.y2 LTS2 #0101 NEQ2 JMP2?
( set cursor operation )
,add-pixel =cursor.oper
,$no-oper ~Mouse.state #01 EQU JMP2?
,remove-pixel =cursor.oper
,add-pixel ,$no-oper ~Mouse.state #01 EQU JMP2? POP2 ,remove-pixel $no-oper =cursor.oper
( paint line )
~cursor.x0 ~canvas.x1 SUB2 ~cursor.y0 ~canvas.y1 SUB2 ~Mouse.x ~canvas.x1 SUB2 ~Mouse.y ~canvas.y1 SUB2 #01 ,paint-line JSR2
,$no-touch-pen ~cursor.tool #00 NEQ JMP2?
~cursor.x0 ~canvas.x1 SUB2 ~cursor.y0 ~canvas.y1 SUB2 ~Mouse.x ~canvas.x1 SUB2 ~Mouse.y ~canvas.y1 SUB2 #01 ,paint-line JSR2
,$touch-end JMP2
( paint fill )
~Mouse.x ~canvas.x1 SUB2 ~Mouse.y ~canvas.y1 SUB2 ,paint JSR2
,$no-mirror-mode ~cursor.mirror #00 EQU JMP2?
~Mouse.x ~canvas.x1 SUB2 ~canvas.w 8* SWP2 SUB2 ~Mouse.y ~canvas.y1 SUB2 ,paint JSR2
,$touch-end JMP2
,$no-touch-brush ~cursor.tool #01 NEQ JMP2?
~Mouse.x ~canvas.x1 SUB2 ~Mouse.y ~canvas.y1 SUB2 ,paint JSR2
,$touch-end JMP2
( unknown tool )
#aa =Console.byte
( background interface )
@ -213,7 +242,7 @@ BRK
( mirror ) ~cursor.mirror #00 EQU =cursor.mirror $no-mkey
DUP #30 GTH SWP #39 LTH #0101 NEQ2 ,$no-numkey ROT JMP2?
( size ) ~Keys #31 SUB =cursor.size ,draw-toolbar JSR2 $no-numkey
( size ) ~Keys #31 SUB =cursor.size ,draw-sizepane JSR2 $no-numkey
( release ) #00 =Keys
@ -258,6 +287,37 @@ RTN
@paint-line ( x1 y1 x2 y2 color )
( load ) =color =line.y0 =line.x0 =line.y =line.x
~line.x0 ~line.x SUB2 ABS2 =line.dx
~line.y0 ~line.y SUB2 ABS2 #0000 SWP2 SUB2 =line.dy
#ffff #00 ~line.x ~line.x0 LTS2 #0002 MUL2 ADD2
#ffff #00 ~line.y ~line.y0 LTS2 #0002 MUL2 ADD2
~line.dx ~line.dy ADD2 =line.e1
( paint ) ~line.x ~line.y ~cursor.oper JSR2
,$end ~line.x ~line.x0 EQU2 ~line.y ~line.y0 EQU2 #0101 EQU2 JMP2?
~line.e1 #0002 MUL2 =line.e2
,$skipy ~line.e2 ~line.dy LTS2 JMP2?
~line.e1 ~line.dy ADD2 =line.e1
~line.x ADD2 =line.x
,$skipx ~line.e2 ~line.dx GTS2 JMP2?
~line.e1 ~line.dx ADD2 =line.e1
~line.y ADD2 =line.y
,$loop JMP2
,draw-canvas JSR2
,draw-toolpane JSR2
,draw-pattpane JSR2
,draw-sizepane JSR2
@paint ( x y )
#0003 SUB2 =pt0.y #0003 SUB2 =pt0.x ( cursor offset )
@ -290,7 +350,9 @@ RTN
,$ver ~px.y #08 LTH JMP2?
,draw-canvas JSR2
,draw-toolbar JSR2
,draw-toolpane JSR2
,draw-pattpane JSR2
,draw-sizepane JSR2
@ -379,7 +441,9 @@ RTN
,draw-background JSR2
,draw-canvas JSR2
,draw-toolbar JSR2
,draw-toolpane JSR2
,draw-pattpane JSR2
,draw-sizepane JSR2
@ -446,13 +510,14 @@ RTN
~Mouse.x =cursor.x
~Mouse.y =cursor.y
( draw new cursor )
( draw size cursor )
,$outside-canvas ~cursor.tool #01 NEQ JMP2?
,$outside-canvas ~Mouse.x CLN2r ~canvas.x1 GTH2 STH2r ~canvas.x2 LTH2 #0101 NEQ2 JMP2?
,$outside-canvas ~Mouse.y CLN2r ~canvas.y1 GTH2 STH2r ~canvas.y2 LTH2 #0101 NEQ2 JMP2?
( do not draw size in toolbar )
( do not draw size in toolpane )
~Mouse.x CLN2r ~toolbar.x1 GTH2 STH2r ~toolbar.x2 LTH2 #0101 EQU2
~Mouse.y CLN2r ~toolbar.y1 GTH2 STH2r ~toolbar.y2 LTH2 #0101 EQU2
~Mouse.x CLN2r ~toolpane.x1 GTH2 STH2r ~toolpane.x2 LTH2 #0101 EQU2
~Mouse.y CLN2r ~toolpane.y1 GTH2 STH2r ~toolpane.y2 LTH2 #0101 EQU2
#0101 EQU2 JMP2?
( do not draw size when holding alt )
,$outside-canvas ~Controller #02 EQU JMP2?
@ -471,34 +536,54 @@ RTN
~toolbar.x1 -- ~toolbar.y1 -- ~toolbar.x2 ~toolbar.y2 #00 ,line-rect JSR2
~toolbar.x1 #0002 SUB2 ~toolbar.y1 #0002 SUB2 ~toolbar.x2 ~toolbar.y2 #01 ,line-rect JSR2
~toolpane.x1 -- ~toolpane.y1 -- ~toolpane.x2 ~toolpane.y2 #00 ,line-rect JSR2
~toolpane.x1 #0002 SUB2 ~toolpane.y1 #0002 SUB2 ~toolpane.x2 ~toolpane.y2 #01 ,line-rect JSR2
~toolbar.x1 =Sprite.x
~toolbar.y1 =Sprite.y
,size_icn =Sprite.addr
~toolpane.x1 =Sprite.x
~toolpane.y1 =Sprite.y
,tool_icn =Sprite.addr
( draw brush sizes )
( draw ) #01 ~Sprite.y ~toolbar.y1 SUB2 8/ SWP POP ~cursor.size EQU #02 MUL ADD =Sprite.color
( incr ) ~Sprite.y 8+ =Sprite.y
( draw ) #01 ~Sprite.x ~pattpane.x1 SUB2 8/ SWP POP ~cursor.tool EQU #02 MUL ADD =Sprite.color
( incr ) ~Sprite.x 8+ =Sprite.x
( incr ) ~Sprite.addr 8+ =Sprite.addr
,$sizes ~Sprite.y ~toolbar.y1 #0040 ADD2 LTH2 JMP2?
,$tools ~Sprite.x ~toolpane.x2 LTH2 JMP2?
( draw brush patterns )
~toolbar.x1 8+ =Sprite.x
~toolbar.y1 =Sprite.y
,pattern_icn =Sprite.addr
~pattpane.x1 -- ~pattpane.y1 -- ~pattpane.x2 ~pattpane.y2 #00 ,line-rect JSR2
~pattpane.x1 #0002 SUB2 ~pattpane.y1 #0002 SUB2 ~pattpane.x2 ~pattpane.y2 #01 ,line-rect JSR2
~pattpane.x1 =Sprite.x
~pattpane.y1 =Sprite.y
,patt_icn =Sprite.addr
( draw ) #01 ~Sprite.y ~toolbar.y1 SUB2 8/ SWP POP ~cursor.patt EQU #02 MUL ADD =Sprite.color
( incr ) ~Sprite.y 8+ =Sprite.y
( draw ) #01 ~Sprite.x ~pattpane.x1 SUB2 8/ SWP POP ~cursor.patt EQU #02 MUL ADD =Sprite.color
( incr ) ~Sprite.x 8+ =Sprite.x
( incr ) ~Sprite.addr 8+ =Sprite.addr
,$patterns ~Sprite.y ~toolbar.y1 #0040 ADD2 LTH2 JMP2?
,$patterns ~Sprite.x ~pattpane.x2 LTH2 JMP2?
~sizepane.x1 -- ~sizepane.y1 -- ~sizepane.x2 ~sizepane.y2 #00 ,line-rect JSR2
~sizepane.x1 #0002 SUB2 ~sizepane.y1 #0002 SUB2 ~sizepane.x2 ~sizepane.y2 #01 ,line-rect JSR2
~sizepane.x1 =Sprite.x
~sizepane.y1 =Sprite.y
,size_icn =Sprite.addr
( draw ) #01 ~Sprite.x ~sizepane.x1 SUB2 8/ SWP POP ~cursor.size EQU #02 MUL ADD =Sprite.color
( incr ) ~Sprite.x 8+ =Sprite.x
( incr ) ~Sprite.addr 8+ =Sprite.addr
,$patterns ~Sprite.x ~sizepane.x2 LTH2 JMP2?
@ -553,32 +638,6 @@ RTN
( Generics )
@paint-line ( x1 y1 x2 y2 color )
( load ) =color =line.y0 =line.x0 =line.y =line.x
~line.x0 ~line.x SUB2 ABS2 =line.dx
~line.y0 ~line.y SUB2 ABS2 #0000 SWP2 SUB2 =line.dy
#ffff #00 ~line.x ~line.x0 LTS2 #0002 MUL2 ADD2
#ffff #00 ~line.y ~line.y0 LTS2 #0002 MUL2 ADD2
~line.dx ~line.dy ADD2 =line.e1
( paint ) ~line.x ~line.y ~cursor.oper JSR2
,$end ~line.x ~line.x0 EQU2 ~line.y ~line.y0 EQU2 #0101 EQU2 JMP2?
~line.e1 #0002 MUL2 =line.e2
,$skipy ~line.e2 ~line.dy LTS2 JMP2?
~line.e1 ~line.dy ADD2 =line.e1
~line.x ADD2 =line.x
,$skipx ~line.e2 ~line.dx GTS2 JMP2?
~line.e1 ~line.dx ADD2 =line.e1
~line.y ADD2 =line.y
,$loop JMP2
@line-rect ( x1 y1 x2 y2 color )
( load ) =color =rect.y2 =rect.x2 DUP2 =Screen.y =rect.y1 DUP2 =Screen.x =rect.x1
@ -620,8 +679,8 @@ RTN
[ 387c fefe fe7c 3800 ]
[ 7cfe fefe fefe 7c00 ]
[ fe82 baba ba82 fe00 ]
[ fefe fefe fefe fe00 ]
[ fed6 aad6 aad6 fe00 ]
[ fe92 82d6 8292 fe00 ]
[ fe82 92aa 9282 fe00 ]
@ -630,6 +689,17 @@ RTN
[ feaa aaaa aaaa fe00 ]
[ fe82 fe82 fe82 fe00 ]
[ c0e0 5028 140a 0400 ]
[ e0d0 a844 2212 0c00 ]
[ c0b8 4848 7804 0200 ]
[ 44ba 4444 44ba 4400 ]
[ 3844 8282 8244 3800 ]
[ fe82 8282 8282 fe00 ]
[ 80c0 e0f0 f8e0 1000 ]
[ 0202 0438 4080 8000 ]
[ 0204 0810 2040 8000 ]
[ 0000 0010 0000 0000 ]
[ 0000 1028 1000 0000 ]

View File

@ -409,6 +409,14 @@ audio_poke(Uxn *u, Uint16 ptr, Uint8 b0, Uint8 b1)
return b1;
midi_poke(Uxn *u, Uint16 ptr, Uint8 b0, Uint8 b1)
printf("%04x - %02x,%02x\n", ptr, b0, b1);
return b1;
system_poke(Uxn *u, Uint16 ptr, Uint8 b0, Uint8 b1)
@ -487,13 +495,13 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
devmouse = portuxn(&u, "mouse", ppnil);
portuxn(&u, "file", file_poke);
portuxn(&u, "audio", audio_poke);
portuxn(&u, "empty", ppnil);
portuxn(&u, "empty", ppnil);
portuxn(&u, "empty", ppnil);
portuxn(&u, "empty", ppnil);
portuxn(&u, "empty", ppnil);
portuxn(&u, "empty", ppnil);
portuxn(&u, "empty", ppnil);
portuxn(&u, "midi", ppnil);
portuxn(&u, "---", ppnil);
portuxn(&u, "---", ppnil);
portuxn(&u, "---", ppnil);
portuxn(&u, "---", ppnil);
portuxn(&u, "---", ppnil);
portuxn(&u, "---", ppnil);
portuxn(&u, "system", system_poke);
/* Write screen size to dev/screen */