( Fibonacci: A series of numbers where the next number is made of the two numbers before it ) |100 #0019 #0000 &l DUP2 pdec #2018 DEO DUP2 fib pdec #0a18 DEO INC2 GTH2k ?&l POP2 POP2 #010f DEO BRK @fib ( num -- numfib* ) #0001 GTH2k ?&ok POP2 JMP2r &ok SUB2k fib STH2 INC2 SUB2 fib STH2r ADD2 JMP2r @pdec ( short* -- ) #2710 LIT2r 00fb &w DIV2k #000a DIV2k MUL2 SUB2 SWPr EQUk OVR STHkr EQU AND ?&skip DUP LIT "0 ADD #19 DEO INCr &skip POP2 #000a DIV2 SWPr INCr STHkr ?&w POP2r POP2 POP2 JMP2r