( tests/jump ) &Console { pad 8 char 1 byte 1 short 2 } |0100 @RESET ( skip forward with value ) #11 =dev/console.byte #03 JMPS BRK BRK BRK ( skip foward with id ) #22 =dev/console.byte ^jump JMPS BRK BRK BRK @jump ( skip patterns ) #33 =dev/console.byte ,skip1 #12 #34 LTH JMP2? POP2 #ff =dev/console.byte @skip1 #12 #34 LTH ^skip2 #04 SUB MUL JMPS #ff =dev/console.byte @skip2 #44 =dev/console.byte ,end JMP2 ( should print aa, bb, cc, dd ) @label1 #aa =dev/console.byte ^label3 JMPS @label2 #cc =dev/console.byte ^label4 JMPS @label3 #bb =dev/console.byte ^label2 JMPS @label4 #dd =dev/console.byte BRK @end ^label1 JMPS BRK |c000 @FRAME |d000 @ERROR |FF00 ;dev/console Console |FFF0 .RESET .FRAME .ERROR ( vectors ) |FFF8 [ 13fd 1ef3 1bf2 ] ( palette )