( usage: uxncli console.rom arg1 arg2 arg3 Prints Hello Uxn!, and listens for incoming stdin events on enter. ) |10 @Console &vector $2 &read $1 &pad $4 &type $1 &write $1 &error $1 |00 @buf |0100 ( -> ) ( set vector ) ;on-argument .Console/vector DEO2 ( print hello ) ;hello-txt pstr ( when arguments are queued ) .Console/type DEI #01 EQU ?&no-queue ;queue-txt pstr &no-queue BRK @on-argument ( -> ) .Console/type DEI ?&no-argend ;on-stdin .Console/vector DEO2 BRK &no-argend .Console/read DEI .buf skey ?&eval BRK &eval ( -> ) print-type ;yousent-txt pstr LIT "" #18 DEO ;buf pstr LIT "" #18 DEO #0a18 DEO ;buf sclr .Console/type DEI #04 NEQ ?&no-close ;argend-txt pstr ;on-stdin .Console/vector DEO2 &no-close BRK @on-stdin ( -> ) .Console/read DEI .buf skey ?&eval BRK &eval ( -> ) print-type ;buf ;quit-txt scmp ?&quit ;yousaid-txt pstr LIT "" #18 DEO ;buf pstr LIT "" #18 DEO #0a18 DEO ;buf sclr BRK &quit ( buf* -> ) #010f DEO BRK @print-type ( -- ) [ LIT2 00 -Console/type ] DEI #01 GTH DUP ADD ;types ADD2 LDA2 !pstr ( @|stdlib ) @pstr ( str* -- ) &while LDAk #18 DEO INC2 LDAk ?&while POP2 JMP2r @skey ( key buf -- proc ) OVR #20 LTH ?&eval #00 SWP sput #00 JMP2r &eval POP2 #01 JMP2r @sclr ( str* -- ) LDAk ?&w POP2 JMP2r &w STH2k #00 STH2r STA INC2 LDAk ?&w POP2 JMP2r @scap ( str* -- end* ) LDAk ?&w JMP2r &w INC2 LDAk ?&w JMP2r @sput ( chr str* -- ) scap INC2k #00 ROT ROT STA STA JMP2r @scmp ( a* b* -- f ) STH2 &l LDAk LDAkr STHr ANDk #00 EQU ?&e NEQk ?&e POP2 INC2 INC2r !&l &e NIP2 POP2r EQU JMP2r @phex ( short* -- ) SWP phex/b &b ( byte -- ) DUP #04 SFT phex/c &c ( char -- ) #0f AND DUP #09 GTH #27 MUL ADD #30 ADD #18 DEO JMP2r ( @|assets ) @types =std-txt =arg-txt @hello-txt "Welcome 20 "to 20 "Uxn! 0a $1 @yousaid-txt "You 20 "said: 20 $1 @yousent-txt "You 20 "sent: 20 $1 @std-txt "(std) $1 @arg-txt "(arg) $1 @quit-txt "quit $1 @argend-txt "(argend) 0a $1 @queue-txt "(queue) 0a $1