
806 lines
21 KiB

app/noodle : illustration program
right-click - erase
alt-click - drag canvas
arrows - move zoom
space - toogle zoom
backspace - blank canvas
1-8 - select brush size
- Resize buttons
- Limit size
- Pixel cleanup brush
- Drag canvas content
- Zoom drawing with other tools
%RTN { JMP2r }
%RTN? { #00 EQU #02 SWP JNZ STH2r JMP2 }
%ABS2 { DUP2 #000f SFT2 EQU #04 SWP JNZ #ffff MUL2 }
%STEP8 { #0033 SFT2 }
%MOD8 { #0007 AND2 }
%SFL { #40 SFT SFT }
%++ { #0001 ADD2 } %-- { #0001 SUB2 }
%2/ { #0001 SFT2 }
%8/ { #0003 SFT2 } %8* { #0030 SFT2 }
%8+ { #0008 ADD2 }
( variables )
;cursor { x 2 y 2 x0 2 y0 2 dx 2 dy 2 }
;brush { tool 1 size 1 patt 1 drag 1 last 1 oper 2 }
;zoom { active 1 x 2 y 2 }
;center { x 2 y 2 }
( interface )
;toolpane { x1 2 y1 2 x2 2 y2 2 }
;pattpane { x1 2 y1 2 x2 2 y2 2 }
;sizepane { x1 2 y1 2 x2 2 y2 2 }
;canvas { x1 2 y1 2 x2 2 y2 2 w 2 h 2 }
;rect { x1 2 y1 2 x2 2 y2 2 }
;line { x1 2 y1 2 x2 2 y2 2 sx 2 sy 2 dx 2 dy 2 e1 2 e2 2 }
;origin { x1 2 y1 2 x2 2 y2 2 }
;color { byte 1 }
;pt0 { x 2 y 2 }
;pt1 { x 2 y 2 }
;pt2 { x 2 y 2 } ( paint-rect )
;px { x 1 y 1 }
( devices )
|0100 ;Console { pad 8 char 1 byte 1 short 2 }
|0110 ;Screen { width 2 height 2 pad 4 x 2 y 2 color 1 }
|0120 ;Sprite { pad 8 x 2 y 2 addr 2 color 1 }
|0130 ;Controller { buttons 1 }
|0140 ;Keys { key 1 }
|0150 ;Mouse { x 2 y 2 state 1 chord 1 }
|0160 ;File { pad 8 name 2 length 2 load 2 save 2 }
|01F0 .RESET .FRAME .ERROR ( vectors )
|01F8 [ c0ef c07f c05f ] ( palette )
( program )
|0200 @RESET
( default canvas )
#0020 =canvas.w #0010 =canvas.h
( default brush )
#04 =brush.size
#00 =brush.patt
#00 =brush.tool
( load file )
,filepath ,load-file JSR2
( find screen center )
~Screen.width #0002 DIV2 =center.x
~Screen.height #0002 DIV2 =center.y
( center canvas )
~center.x ~canvas.w 8* 2/ SUB2 =canvas.x1
~center.y ~canvas.h 8* 2/ SUB2 =canvas.y1
,draw-background JSR2
,fit-canvas JSR2
( setup panes )
#0010 =toolpane.x1 #0010 =toolpane.y1
#0010 =pattpane.x1 ~Screen.height #0018 SUB2 =pattpane.y1
~Screen.width #0050 SUB2 =sizepane.x1 #0010 =sizepane.y1
~toolpane.x1 #0028 ADD2 =toolpane.x2
~toolpane.y1 #0008 ADD2 =toolpane.y2
,draw-toolpane JSR2
~pattpane.x1 #0040 ADD2 =pattpane.x2
~pattpane.y1 #0008 ADD2 =pattpane.y2
,draw-pattpane JSR2
~sizepane.x1 #0040 ADD2 =sizepane.x2
~sizepane.y1 #0008 ADD2 =sizepane.y2
,draw-sizepane JSR2
,draw-cursor JSR2
( release drag )
,$no-release ~Mouse.state #00 EQU ~brush.drag #01 EQU #0101 NEQ2 JNZ2
~origin.x1 #0002 SUB2 ~origin.y1 #0002 SUB2 ~origin.x2 #0002 ADD2 ~origin.y2 #0002 ADD2 #00 ,fill-rect JSR2
~canvas.x1 -- ~canvas.y1 -- ~canvas.x2 ~canvas.y2 #10 ,line-rect JSR2
,draw-background JSR2
,fit-canvas JSR2
,draw-toolpane JSR2
,draw-pattpane JSR2
,draw-sizepane JSR2
#00 =brush.drag
( operations on release line/rect )
,$no-touch-change ~Mouse.state ~brush.last EQU JNZ2
,$no-touch-change ~Mouse.x CLN2r ~canvas.x1 GTS2 STH2r ~canvas.x2 LTS2 #0101 NEQ2 JNZ2
,$no-touch-change ~Mouse.y CLN2r ~canvas.y1 GTS2 STH2r ~canvas.y2 LTS2 #0101 NEQ2 JNZ2
,$no-touch-ondown ~Mouse.state #00 EQU JNZ2
( on down )
~Mouse.x =cursor.dx
~Mouse.y =cursor.dy
,$no-touch-onup ~Mouse.state #00 NEQ JNZ2
( on up )
,$no-touch-line ~brush.tool #02 NEQ JNZ2
~cursor.dx ~canvas.x1 SUB2 ~cursor.dy ~canvas.y1 SUB2 ~Mouse.x ~canvas.x1 SUB2 ~Mouse.y ~canvas.y1 SUB2 ,paint-line JSR2
,$touch-end JMP2
,$no-touch-rect ~brush.tool #03 NEQ JNZ2
~cursor.dx ~canvas.x1 SUB2 ~cursor.dy ~canvas.y1 SUB2 ~Mouse.x ~canvas.x1 SUB2 ~Mouse.y ~canvas.y1 SUB2 ,paint-rect JSR2
,$touch-end JMP2
,$no-touch ~Mouse.state #00 EQU JNZ2
( drag )
,$no-drag ~Controller #02 NEQ JNZ2
,$no-drag-start ~brush.drag #00 NEQ JNZ2
~canvas.x1 =origin.x1
~canvas.y1 =origin.y1
~canvas.x2 =origin.x2
~canvas.y2 =origin.y2
~canvas.x1 -- ~canvas.y1 -- ~canvas.x2 ~canvas.y2 #10 ,line-rect JSR2
~canvas.x1 ~Mouse.x ~cursor.x0 SUB2 ADD2 =canvas.x1
~canvas.y1 ~Mouse.y ~cursor.y0 SUB2 ADD2 =canvas.y1
~canvas.w 8* ~canvas.x1 ADD2 =canvas.x2
~canvas.h 8* ~canvas.y1 ADD2 =canvas.y2
~canvas.x1 -- ~canvas.y1 -- ~canvas.x2 ~canvas.y2 #13 ,line-rect JSR2
#01 =brush.drag
,$touch-end JMP2
( in sizepane )
,$no-touch-sizepane ~Mouse.x CLN2r ~sizepane.x1 GTH2 STH2r ~sizepane.x2 LTH2 #0101 NEQ2 JNZ2
,$no-touch-sizepane ~Mouse.y CLN2r ~sizepane.y1 GTH2 STH2r ~sizepane.y2 LTH2 #0101 NEQ2 JNZ2
( release ) #00 =Mouse.state
#01 =brush.tool
~Mouse.x ~sizepane.x1 SUB2 8/ SWP POP =brush.size
( draw ) ,draw-sizepane JSR2
( draw ) ,draw-toolpane JSR2
,$touch-end JMP2
( in pattpane )
,$no-touch-pattpane ~Mouse.x CLN2r ~pattpane.x1 GTH2 STH2r ~pattpane.x2 LTH2 #0101 NEQ2 JNZ2
,$no-touch-pattpane ~Mouse.y CLN2r ~pattpane.y1 GTH2 STH2r ~pattpane.y2 LTH2 #0101 NEQ2 JNZ2
( release ) #00 =Mouse.state
~Mouse.x ~pattpane.x1 SUB2 8/ SWP POP =brush.patt
( draw ) ,draw-pattpane JSR2
,$touch-end JMP2
( in toolpane )
,$no-touch-toolpane ~Mouse.x CLN2r ~toolpane.x1 GTH2 STH2r ~toolpane.x2 LTH2 #0101 NEQ2 JNZ2
,$no-touch-toolpane ~Mouse.y CLN2r ~toolpane.y1 GTH2 STH2r ~toolpane.y2 LTH2 #0101 NEQ2 JNZ2
( release ) #00 =Mouse.state
~Mouse.x ~toolpane.x1 SUB2 8/ SWP POP =brush.tool
( draw ) ,draw-toolpane JSR2
,$touch-end JMP2
( in canvas )
,$no-touch-canvas ~Mouse.x CLN2r ~canvas.x1 GTS2 STH2r ~canvas.x2 LTS2 #0101 NEQ2 JNZ2
,$no-touch-canvas ~Mouse.y CLN2r ~canvas.y1 GTS2 STH2r ~canvas.y2 LTS2 #0101 NEQ2 JNZ2
( set cursor operation )
,add-pixel ,$no-oper ~Mouse.state #01 EQU JNZ2 POP2 ,remove-pixel $no-oper =brush.oper
,$no-touch-pen ~brush.tool #00 NEQ JNZ2
~cursor.x0 ~canvas.x1 SUB2 ~cursor.y0 ~canvas.y1 SUB2 ~Mouse.x ~canvas.x1 SUB2 ~Mouse.y ~canvas.y1 SUB2 ,paint-line JSR2
,$touch-end JMP2
,$no-touch-brush ~brush.tool #01 NEQ JNZ2
~Mouse.x ~canvas.x1 SUB2 ~Mouse.y ~canvas.y1 SUB2 ,paint-brush JSR2
,$touch-end JMP2
,$no-touch-zoom ~brush.tool #04 NEQ JNZ2
~zoom.active #00 EQU =zoom.active
( release ) #00 =Mouse.state
~Mouse.x ~canvas.x1 SUB2 ~canvas.w 2/ SUB2 =zoom.x
~Mouse.y ~canvas.y1 SUB2 ~canvas.h 2/ SUB2 =zoom.y
,redraw JSR2
,$touch-end JMP2
( background interface )
,$no-touch-background ~Mouse.y STEP8 ~Screen.height #0010 SUB2 NEQ2 JNZ2
~Mouse.x ~Screen.width #0020 SUB2 SUB2 8/
DUP2 #0001 NEQ2 ,$no-load-button ROT JNZ2
,filepath ,load-file JSR2
,draw-canvas JSR2
( release ) #00 =Mouse.state
DUP2 #0002 NEQ2 ,$no-save-button ROT JNZ2
,filepath ,save-file JSR2
( release ) #00 =Mouse.state
( jump label )
~Controller.buttons #f0 AND
DUP #04 SFT #01 AND #01 NEQ ,$no-up ROT JNZ2
( move ) ~zoom.y -- =zoom.y $no-up
DUP #05 SFT #01 AND #01 NEQ ,$no-down ROT JNZ2
( move ) ~zoom.y ++ =zoom.y $no-down
DUP #06 SFT #01 AND #01 NEQ ,$no-left ROT JNZ2
( move ) ~zoom.x -- =zoom.x $no-left
DUP #07 SFT #01 AND #01 NEQ ,$no-right ROT JNZ2
( move ) ~zoom.x ++ =zoom.x $no-right
#00 EQU #04 SWP JNZ ,draw-canvas JSR2
,$no-keys ~Keys #00 EQU JNZ2
DUP #20 NEQ ,$no-space ROT JNZ2
( toggle zoom ) ~zoom.active #00 EQU =zoom.active ,redraw JSR2 $no-space
DUP #08 NEQ ,$no-backspace ROT JNZ2
( erase ) ,clear JSR2 $no-backspace
DUP #71 NEQ ,$no-qkey ROT JNZ2
( tool0 ) #00 =brush.tool ,draw-toolpane JSR2 $no-qkey
DUP #77 NEQ ,$no-wkey ROT JNZ2
( tool0 ) #01 =brush.tool ,draw-toolpane JSR2 $no-wkey
DUP #65 NEQ ,$no-ekey ROT JNZ2
( tool0 ) #02 =brush.tool ,draw-toolpane JSR2 $no-ekey
DUP #72 NEQ ,$no-rkey ROT JNZ2
( tool0 ) #03 =brush.tool ,draw-toolpane JSR2 $no-rkey
DUP #74 NEQ ,$no-tkey ROT JNZ2
( tool0 ) #04 =brush.tool ,draw-toolpane JSR2 $no-tkey
DUP #30 GTH SWP #39 LTH #0101 NEQ2 ,$no-numkey ROT JNZ2
( size ) ~Keys #31 SUB =brush.size ,draw-sizepane JSR2 $no-numkey
( release ) #00 =Keys
~Mouse.x =cursor.x0
~Mouse.y =cursor.y0
~Mouse.state =brush.last
( from ) ,data
( to ) ~canvas.w ~canvas.h MUL2 #0008 MUL2 ,data ADD2
$loop NOP
( incr ) SWP2 #0001 ADD2 SWP2
,redraw JSR2
@load-file ( path )
=File.name ~canvas.w ~canvas.h MUL2 #0008 MUL2 =File.length ,data =File.load
=File.name ~canvas.w ~canvas.h MUL2 #0008 MUL2 =File.length ,data =File.save
~canvas.w 8* ~canvas.x1 ADD2 =canvas.x2
~canvas.h 8* ~canvas.y1 ADD2 =canvas.y2
~canvas.x1 -- ~canvas.y1 -- ~canvas.x2 ~canvas.y2 #01 ,line-rect JSR2
,draw-canvas JSR2
@paint-line ( x1 y1 x2 y2 )
( load ) =line.y1 =line.x1 =line.y2 =line.x2
( trim if zoomed )
,$no-zoom ~zoom.active #01 NEQ JNZ2
~line.x1 8/ ~zoom.x ADD2 =line.x1
~line.y1 8/ ~zoom.y ADD2 =line.y1
~line.x2 8/ ~zoom.x ADD2 =line.x2
~line.y2 8/ ~zoom.y ADD2 =line.y2
~line.x1 ~line.x2 SUB2 ABS2 =line.dx
~line.y1 ~line.y2 SUB2 ABS2 #0000 SWP2 SUB2 =line.dy
#ffff #00 ~line.x2 ~line.x1 LTS2 #0002 MUL2 ADD2 =line.sx
#ffff #00 ~line.y2 ~line.y1 LTS2 #0002 MUL2 ADD2 =line.sy
~line.dx ~line.dy ADD2 =line.e1
( paint ) ~line.x2 ~line.y2 ~brush.oper JSR2
,$end ~line.x2 ~line.x1 EQU2 ~line.y2 ~line.y1 EQU2 #0101 EQU2 JNZ2
~line.e1 #0002 MUL2 =line.e2
,$skipy ~line.e2 ~line.dy LTS2 JNZ2
~line.e1 ~line.dy ADD2 =line.e1
~line.x2 ~line.sx ADD2 =line.x2
,$skipx ~line.e2 ~line.dx GTS2 JNZ2
~line.e1 ~line.dx ADD2 =line.e1
~line.y2 ~line.sy ADD2 =line.y2
,$loop JMP2
,draw-canvas JSR2
,draw-toolpane JSR2
,draw-pattpane JSR2
,draw-sizepane JSR2
@paint-rect ( x1 y1 x2 y2 )
( load ) =rect.y2 =rect.x2 =rect.y1 =rect.x1
( trim if zoomed )
,$no-zoom ~zoom.active #01 NEQ JNZ2
~rect.x1 8/ ~zoom.x ADD2 =rect.x1
~rect.y1 8/ ~zoom.y ADD2 =rect.y1
~rect.x2 8/ ~zoom.x ADD2 #0001 ADD2 =rect.x2
~rect.y2 8/ ~zoom.y ADD2 #0001 ADD2 =rect.y2
~rect.x1 =pt2.x
~rect.y1 =pt2.y
~rect.x1 =pt2.x
~pt2.x SWP POP =px.x ~pt2.y SWP POP =px.y
,$no-pixel ,patternize JSR2 #00 EQU JNZ2
( draw ) ~pt2.x ~pt2.y ~brush.oper JSR2
( incr ) ~pt2.x ++ =pt2.x
,$hor ~pt2.x ~rect.x2 LTS2 JNZ2
~pt2.y ++ =pt2.y
,$ver ~pt2.y ~rect.y2 LTS2 JNZ2
,draw-canvas JSR2
,draw-toolpane JSR2
,draw-pattpane JSR2
,draw-sizepane JSR2
@paint-brush ( x y )
#0003 SUB2 =pt0.y #0003 SUB2 =pt0.x ( cursor offset )
( trim if zoomed )
,$no-zoom ~zoom.active #01 NEQ JNZ2
~pt0.x 8/ ~zoom.x ADD2 #0003 SUB2 =pt0.x
~pt0.y 8/ ~zoom.y ADD2 #0003 SUB2 =pt0.y
#00 =px.x #00 =px.y
#00 =px.x
( addr ) ,size_icn #00 ~brush.size 8* ADD2
( byte ) #00 ~px.y ADD2 PEK2 #07 ~px.x SUB SFT #01 AND
#00 EQU ,$no-pixel ROT JNZ2
,$no-pixel ,patternize JSR2 #00 EQU JNZ2
~pt0.x #00 ~px.x ADD2 ~pt0.y #00 ~px.y ADD2 ~brush.oper JSR2
( incr ) ~px.x #01 ADD =px.x
,$hor ~px.x #08 LTH JNZ2
( incr ) ~px.y #01 ADD =px.y
,$ver ~px.y #08 LTH JNZ2
,draw-canvas JSR2
,draw-toolpane JSR2
,draw-pattpane JSR2
,draw-sizepane JSR2
,$noplain ~brush.patt #00 NEQ JNZ2
#01 RTN
,$notone1 ~brush.patt #01 NEQ JNZ2
~pt0.x #00 ~px.x ADD2 ~pt0.y #00 ~px.y ADD2 ADD2 #0001 AND2 #0000 EQU2
~pt0.x #00 ~px.x ADD2 ~pt0.y #00 ~px.y ADD2 SUB2 #0001 AND2 #0000 EQU2
#0101 EQU2
,$notone2 ~brush.patt #02 NEQ JNZ2
~pt0.x #00 ~px.x ADD2 ~pt0.y #00 ~px.y ADD2 ADD2 #0003 AND2 #0000 EQU2
~pt0.x #00 ~px.x ADD2 ~pt0.y #00 ~px.y ADD2 SUB2 #0003 AND2 #0000 EQU2
#0101 EQU2
,$notone3 ~brush.patt #03 NEQ JNZ2
~pt0.x #00 ~px.x ADD2 ~pt0.y #00 ~px.y ADD2 ADD2 #0005 AND2 #0000 EQU2
~pt0.x #00 ~px.x ADD2 ~pt0.y #00 ~px.y ADD2 SUB2 #0005 AND2 #0000 EQU2
#0101 EQU2
,$notone4 ~brush.patt #04 NEQ JNZ2
~pt0.x #00 ~px.x ADD2 ~pt0.y #00 ~px.y ADD2 ADD2 #0003 AND2 #0000 EQU2 RTN
,$notone5 ~brush.patt #05 NEQ JNZ2
~pt0.x #00 ~px.x ADD2 ~pt0.y #00 ~px.y ADD2 SUB2 #0003 AND2 #0000 EQU2 RTN
,$notone6 ~brush.patt #06 NEQ JNZ2
~pt0.x #00 ~px.x ADD2 #0001 AND2 SWP POP RTN
,$notone7 ~brush.patt #07 NEQ JNZ2
~pt0.y #00 ~px.y ADD2 #0001 AND2 SWP POP RTN
@get-pixel ( x y -- b )
SWP POP #07 AND =px.y
SWP POP #07 AND =px.x
( get tile ) ~pt1.x 8/ ~pt1.y 8/ ~canvas.w MUL2 ADD2 8*
( add addr ) ,data ADD2
#00 ~px.y ADD2 PEK2 #07 ~px.x SUB SFT #01 AND
@add-pixel ( x y )
=pt1.y =pt1.x
( get tile addr ) ,data ~pt1.x 8/ ~pt1.y 8/ ~canvas.w MUL2 ADD2 8* ~pt1.y MOD8 ADD2 ADD2
( load ) DUP2 PEK2
( mask ) #01 #07 ~pt1.x MOD8 SWP POP SUB SFL ORA
( save ) ROT ROT POK2
@remove-pixel ( x y )
=pt1.y =pt1.x
( get tile addr ) ,data ~pt1.x 8/ ~pt1.y 8/ ~canvas.w MUL2 ADD2 8* ~pt1.y MOD8 ADD2 ADD2
( load ) DUP2 PEK2
( mask ) #01 #07 ~pt1.x MOD8 SWP POP SUB SFL #ff EOR AND
( save ) ROT ROT POK2
( Drawing )
,draw-background JSR2
,draw-canvas JSR2
,draw-toolpane JSR2
,draw-pattpane JSR2
,draw-sizepane JSR2
,draw-canvas-zoom ~zoom.active #01 EQU JNZ2
~canvas.y1 =Sprite.y
,data =Sprite.addr
~canvas.x1 =Sprite.x
( draw ) #09 =Sprite.color
( incr ) ~Sprite.x 8+ =Sprite.x
( incr ) ~Sprite.addr 8+ =Sprite.addr
,$hor ~Sprite.x ~canvas.x2 NEQ2 JNZ2
( incr ) ~Sprite.y 8+ =Sprite.y
,$ver ~Sprite.y ~canvas.y2 NEQ2 JNZ2
~zoom.y =pt1.y
~canvas.y1 =Sprite.y
,data =Sprite.addr
~canvas.x1 =Sprite.x
~zoom.x =pt1.x
( incr ) ,bigpixel_icn #0008 #00 ~pt1.x ~pt1.y ,get-pixel JSR2 MUL2 ADD2 =Sprite.addr
( draw ) #09 =Sprite.color
( incr ) ~Sprite.x 8+ =Sprite.x
( incr ) ~pt1.x ++ =pt1.x
,$hor ~Sprite.x ~canvas.x2 NEQ2 JNZ2
( incr ) ~Sprite.y 8+ =Sprite.y
( incr ) ~pt1.y ++ =pt1.y
,$ver ~Sprite.y ~canvas.y2 NEQ2 JNZ2
~cursor.x ~Mouse.x NEQU2
~cursor.y ~Mouse.y NEQU2
#0000 EQU2
#00 NEQ
#0101 EQU2 RTN? ( Return if unchanged )
,blank_icn =Sprite.addr
( clear brush size )
~cursor.x #0003 SUB2 =Sprite.x
~cursor.y #0003 SUB2 =Sprite.y
#10 =Sprite.color
( clear last cursor )
~cursor.x =Sprite.x
~cursor.y =Sprite.y
#10 =Sprite.color
( record cursor positions )
~Mouse.x =cursor.x
~Mouse.y =cursor.y
( draw size cursor )
,$outside-canvas ~brush.tool #01 NEQ JNZ2
,$outside-canvas ~Mouse.x CLN2r ~canvas.x1 GTH2 STH2r ~canvas.x2 LTH2 #0101 NEQ2 JNZ2
,$outside-canvas ~Mouse.y CLN2r ~canvas.y1 GTH2 STH2r ~canvas.y2 LTH2 #0101 NEQ2 JNZ2
( do not draw size in toolpane )
,$outside-canvas ~Mouse.x CLN2r ~toolpane.x1 GTH2 STH2r ~toolpane.x2 LTH2 #0101 EQU2 ~Mouse.y CLN2r ~toolpane.y1 GTH2 STH2r ~toolpane.y2 LTH2 #0101 EQU2 #0101 EQU2 JNZ2
,$outside-canvas ~Mouse.x CLN2r ~sizepane.x1 GTH2 STH2r ~sizepane.x2 LTH2 #0101 EQU2 ~Mouse.y CLN2r ~sizepane.y1 GTH2 STH2r ~sizepane.y2 LTH2 #0101 EQU2 #0101 EQU2 JNZ2
,$outside-canvas ~Mouse.x CLN2r ~pattpane.x1 GTH2 STH2r ~pattpane.x2 LTH2 #0101 EQU2 ~Mouse.y CLN2r ~pattpane.y1 GTH2 STH2r ~pattpane.y2 LTH2 #0101 EQU2 #0101 EQU2 JNZ2
( do not draw size when holding alt )
,$outside-canvas ~Controller #02 EQU JNZ2
~cursor.x #0003 SUB2 =Sprite.x
~cursor.y #0003 SUB2 =Sprite.y
,brush_view #00 ~brush.size 8* ADD2 =Sprite.addr
#11 ~Mouse.state #02 MUL ADD =Sprite.color
,$outside-canvas ~Mouse.state #00 EQU JNZ2
~cursor.x =Sprite.x
~cursor.y =Sprite.y
,pointers_icn #00 ~Controller #02 EQU 8* ADD2 =Sprite.addr
#1f =Sprite.color
~toolpane.x1 -- ~toolpane.y1 -- ~toolpane.x2 ~toolpane.y2 #00 ,line-rect JSR2
~toolpane.x1 #0002 SUB2 ~toolpane.y1 #0002 SUB2 ~toolpane.x2 ~toolpane.y2 #01 ,line-rect JSR2
~toolpane.x1 =Sprite.x
~toolpane.y1 =Sprite.y
,tool_icn =Sprite.addr
( draw ) #01 ~Sprite.x ~pattpane.x1 SUB2 8/ SWP POP ~brush.tool EQU #02 MUL ADD =Sprite.color
( incr ) ~Sprite.x 8+ =Sprite.x
( incr ) ~Sprite.addr 8+ =Sprite.addr
,$tools ~Sprite.x ~toolpane.x2 LTH2 JNZ2
,$no-zoom ~zoom.active #01 NEQ JNZ2
~Sprite.x #0008 SUB2 =Sprite.x
,tool_icn #0028 ADD2 =Sprite.addr
#01 #04 ~brush.tool EQU #02 MUL ADD =Sprite.color
~pattpane.x1 -- ~pattpane.y1 -- ~pattpane.x2 ~pattpane.y2 #00 ,line-rect JSR2
~pattpane.x1 #0002 SUB2 ~pattpane.y1 #0002 SUB2 ~pattpane.x2 ~pattpane.y2 #01 ,line-rect JSR2
~pattpane.x1 =Sprite.x
~pattpane.y1 =Sprite.y
,patt_icn =Sprite.addr
( draw ) #01 ~Sprite.x ~pattpane.x1 SUB2 8/ SWP POP ~brush.patt EQU #02 MUL ADD =Sprite.color
( incr ) ~Sprite.x 8+ =Sprite.x
( incr ) ~Sprite.addr 8+ =Sprite.addr
,$patterns ~Sprite.x ~pattpane.x2 LTH2 JNZ2
~sizepane.x1 -- ~sizepane.y1 -- ~sizepane.x2 ~sizepane.y2 #00 ,line-rect JSR2
~sizepane.x1 #0002 SUB2 ~sizepane.y1 #0002 SUB2 ~sizepane.x2 ~sizepane.y2 #01 ,line-rect JSR2
~sizepane.x1 =Sprite.x
~sizepane.y1 =Sprite.y
,size_icn =Sprite.addr
( draw ) #01 ~Sprite.x ~sizepane.x1 SUB2 8/ SWP POP ~brush.size EQU #02 MUL ADD =Sprite.color
( incr ) ~Sprite.x 8+ =Sprite.x
( incr ) ~Sprite.addr 8+ =Sprite.addr
,$patterns ~Sprite.x ~sizepane.x2 LTH2 JNZ2
( draw hor line )
#0000 =Screen.x ~center.y =Screen.y
#0000 ~Screen.width ( from/to )
$draw-hor NOP
( draw ) #01 =Screen.color
( incr ) SWP2 #0002 ADD2 DUP2 =Screen.x SWP2
OVR2 OVR2 LTH2 ^$draw-hor SWP JNZ
( draw ver line )
~center.x =Screen.x #0000 =Screen.y
#0000 ~Screen.height ( from/to )
$draw-ver NOP
( draw ) #01 =Screen.color
( incr ) SWP2 #0002 ADD2 DUP2 =Screen.y SWP2
OVR2 OVR2 LTH2 ^$draw-ver SWP JNZ
( draw save/load/guides icons )
~Screen.width #0018 SUB2 =Sprite.x
~Screen.height #0010 SUB2 =Sprite.y
,load_icn =Sprite.addr
#01 =Sprite.color
~Screen.width #0010 SUB2 =Sprite.x
,save_icn =Sprite.addr
#01 =Sprite.color
~Screen.width #0020 SUB2 =Sprite.x
( draw width )
~Screen.width #0040 SUB2 =Sprite.x
,font_hex ~canvas.w #f0 AND #04 SFT #08 MUL ADD2 =Sprite.addr
( draw ) #02 =Sprite.color
~Sprite.x 8+ =Sprite.x
,font_hex ~canvas.w #0f AND #08 MUL ADD2 =Sprite.addr
( draw ) #02 =Sprite.color
~Sprite.x 8+ =Sprite.x
( draw height )
,font_hex ~canvas.h #f0 AND #04 SFT #08 MUL ADD2 =Sprite.addr
( draw ) #02 =Sprite.color
~Sprite.x 8+ =Sprite.x
,font_hex ~canvas.h #0f AND #08 MUL ADD2 =Sprite.addr
( draw ) #02 =Sprite.color
( Generics )
@line-rect ( x1 y1 x2 y2 color )
( load ) =color =rect.y2 =rect.x2 DUP2 =Screen.y =rect.y1 DUP2 =Screen.x =rect.x1
( incr ) ~Screen.x ++ =Screen.x
( draw ) ~rect.y1 =Screen.y ~color =Screen.color
( draw ) ~rect.y2 =Screen.y ~color =Screen.color
,$hor ~Screen.x ~rect.x2 NEQ2 JNZ2
~rect.y1 =Screen.y
( draw ) ~rect.x1 =Screen.x ~color =Screen.color
( draw ) ~rect.x2 =Screen.x ~color =Screen.color
( incr ) ~Screen.y ++ =Screen.y
,$ver ~Screen.y ~rect.y2 ++ NEQ2 JNZ2
@fill-rect ( x1 y1 x2 y2 color )
( load ) =color =rect.y2 =rect.x2 DUP2 =Screen.y =rect.y1 DUP2 =Screen.x =rect.x1
~rect.x1 =Screen.x
( draw ) ~color =Screen.color
( incr ) ~Screen.x ++ =Screen.x
,$hor ~Screen.x ~rect.x2 NEQ2 JNZ2
( incr ) ~Screen.y ++ =Screen.y
,$ver ~Screen.y ~rect.y2 NEQ2 JNZ2
[ 0000 0010 0000 0000 ]
[ 0000 1038 1000 0000 ]
[ 0000 3838 3800 0000 ]
[ 0010 387c 3810 0000 ]
[ 0038 7c7c 7c38 0000 ]
[ 1038 7cfe 7c38 1000 ]
[ 387c fefe fe7c 3800 ]
[ 7cfe fefe fefe 7c00 ]
[ fefe fefe fefe fe00 ]
[ fed6 aad6 aad6 fe00 ]
[ fe92 82d6 8292 fe00 ]
[ fe82 92aa 9282 fe00 ]
[ fea6 ca92 a6ca fe00 ]
[ feca a692 caa6 fe00 ]
[ feaa aaaa aaaa fe00 ]
[ fe82 fe82 fe82 fe00 ]
[ c0e0 5028 140a 0400 ]
[ e0d0 a844 2212 0c00 ]
[ c0b8 4848 7804 0200 ]
[ 44ba 4444 44ba 4400 ]
[ 3048 8484 4834 0200 ] ( zoom )
[ 3245 8284 4834 0200 ] ( zoom out )
[ 0000 0010 0000 0000 ]
[ 0000 1028 1000 0000 ]
[ 0000 3828 3800 0000 ]
[ 0010 2844 2810 0000 ]
[ 0038 4444 4438 0000 ]
[ 1028 4482 4428 1000 ]
[ 3844 8282 8244 3800 ]
[ 7c82 8282 8282 7c00 ]
[ 7cfe fefe fefe 7c00 ]
[ 5580 0080 0080 0080 ]
[ 55ff 7fff 7fff 7fff ]
[ 80c0 e0f0 f8e0 1000 ]
[ 4040 4070 f8f8 f870 ]
@load_icn [ feaa d6aa d4aa f400 ]
@save_icn [ fe82 8282 848a f400 ]
@blank_icn [ 0000 0000 0000 0000 ]
@filepath [ projects/pictures/akane2010.bit 00 ]
@font_hex ( 0-F )
007c 8282 8282 827c 0030 1010 1010 1010
007c 8202 7c80 80fe 007c 8202 1c02 827c
000c 1424 4484 fe04 00fe 8080 7c02 827c
007c 8280 fc82 827c 007c 8202 1e02 0202
007c 8282 7c82 827c 007c 8282 7e02 827c
007c 8202 7e82 827e 00fc 8282 fc82 82fc
007c 8280 8080 827c 00fc 8282 8282 82fc
007c 8280 f080 827c 007c 8280 f080 8080
@data [ ]